How to quickly and simply permanently get rid of dandelions on a garden plot

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Germinating from seeds and perennial weeds make life difficult for all summer residents. How to get rid of dandelions on the site, forever easing the work on the beds and the development of cultivated plants?

There are several ways to combat uninvited guests, among them:

  • folk remedies;
  • chemical preparations that inhibit or completely stop the growth of weed;
  • regular digging and weeding of the garden and flowerbeds;
  • Use of special root scrapers for dandelions.

Growing on the roadside roads, on urban lawns and wastelands, that is everywhere dandelion is a rhizome perennial with a powerful underground part and root rosette of green lanceolate leaves, which one of the first are shown from under the snow and disappear only with the arrival winter.

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The danger of a dandelion as a weed plant lies in its easy settlement and rapid capture of the territory.

The first flowering occurs in the middle of spring, then the plant can blossom up to 2-3 times, scattering hundreds of seeds around the neighborhood on light flying umbrellas. Dandelions are very tenacious, they excel well, take root in the most unfavorable conditions. But to remove the plant because of its branched strong rhizome is not easy.

How to deal with dandelions in the garden, on vegetable gardens and lawn? The choice of method depends on where the weeds settled, and how many there are.

Fighting dandelions in the garden

For weeds there are no differences between a wasteland and a garden planted with tomatoes, squash, or strawberry. The best time to assess the situation - early spring, when the foliage of dandelions is only gaining momentum, and the buds have not yet opened.

If there are few dandelions, a lot to do in the simplest ways. Observance of agricultural technology is one of the most reliable ways of combating dandelions:

  1. The beds, which are to be sowed or planted with cultivated plants, must be deeply digested, along the way selecting weeds, up to small fragments of rhizomes.
  2. Emerging shoots are weeded out, the soil is regularly loosened so that the seeds that fall into the ground can not penetrate and take root.
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Pure land on garden beds risks to become covered again with a carpet of dandelions, if you bypass the attention of rows between rows and garden paths. Due to the density of the soil weeds on them are difficult to weed out, but it is quite feasible to weaken them with the help of a hoe, chopper or flat-top. If you process risk areas, without waiting for flowering, dandelions do not multiply, and the available plants quickly become weaker.


In the autumn the beds are again dig through. So do with the near-barren circles under fruit trees and shrubs, perennial ornamental crops, as well as with flower beds, on which the annuals smelled in the summer.

How to deal with dandelions on the grass with folk remedies

A long turf on a lawn or in a garden can not be dug, hand weeding is also ineffective.

Attempting to manually remove the weed will inevitably lead to a break in the rhizome, which will soon begin to recover, or damage to cultivated plants in the neighborhood.

How to permanently get rid of dandelions on the site, if the shovel and chopper remained out of work? There are several simple folk ways. To remove dandelions use:

  • table salt;
  • boiling water;
  • acetic essence.

Aggressive compounds that fall on the base of the rhizome kill the point of growth, lead to oppression of the weed and its death. The salt is used in dry form or in the form of a concentrated solution. In all cases, the means of struggle:

  • act directly on the selected instance;
  • do not affect the vegetation nearby;
  • do not change the fertility of the soil.

In addition to the positive aspects, there are shortcomings in the use of folk methods of struggle. For large specimens, the root system of which can reach 20-30 cm in length, the household means does not work very much.

Combating dandelions with the help of a root eliminator

It is much more difficult, than on a kitchen garden, to cope with dandelions:

  • on lawns;
  • if the flowerbeds occupy almost the entire area of ​​overgrown perennials;
  • the land in the garden is under sinking.
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Here, a point adaptation for the removal of dandelions is useful, which does not cause serious harm to the grass cover, or herbicides or folk remedies.

On lawns and other sites with perennial turf, roots of all kinds of structures provide real help.

The sharp edge of the tool easily penetrates even through the turf layer, cuts the soil around the rhizome and easily removes the plant along with the underground part. The holes left on the lawn after the dandelion agent, small and quickly overgrown, especially if they fall asleep, and the area is abundantly watered.

Similarly come in the garden. Kornealitel rescues on flower beds with densely growing perennials.

Application of herbicides: how to deal with dandelions in the country

Before you deal with dandelions on the lawn and in the garden with the help of herbicides, you need to make sure that the chemicals will not be affected by cultivated plants and lawns.

Manual weeding or the use of mechanical devices is a laborious and time-consuming task. A different matter is the use of modern chemical compounds that oppress weed vegetation. Herbicides are indispensable if dandelions flooded the site, and it is simply impossible to cope with them manually.

An assortment of available preparations suitable for fighting dandelions in the garden includes preparations:

  • killing all kinds of green plants on which the sprayed liquid enters;
  • selective action, destroying only cereals or rhizome weeds.

Means of wide action, for example, Roundup, Tornado, Agroquiller and other drugs, will save the garden not only from dandelions, but also from wheat grass, osseous and other bothersome plants, which in other ways can be inferred is problematic. However, the action of such herbicides does not end immediately after spraying. A few more weeks the composition depresses everything that grows in the neighborhood. This applies to seedlings and planted seedlings. Therefore, large-scale chemical weeding is carried out:

  • in advance covering up cultural plantations and soil under them;
  • early spring, long before planting vegetables, flowers or other useful plants;
  • autumn, when everything useful is cleaned from the beds.

Widespread herbicides that destroy all vegetation are used in wastelands, for example, after purchasing a new site.

Specialized formulations act selectively. But getting this or that remedy, you need to remember that the wheat grass chemical does not necessarily help get rid of dandelions, but can kill lawn grass.

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Before you permanently get rid of dandelions on the site, you need to select the most useful drug, read the instructions and follow it, not exceeding the allowed dosages.

Destroy dandelions in beds with potatoes, garden strawberries or on the lawn in front of the house, using the herbicide Lontrel-300D, also suppressing the growth of sow, long-term sorrel and other weedy plants. Especially for lawns, compositions have been developed that do not affect the growth of cereals, but in a few hours suppress the development of dandelions, meadow chamomile, plantain, buttercup and sow.

When using chemicals, personal protective equipment should be used and, until the solution dries, protect the treated areas from visiting pets and family members.

Herbicides kill the aerial part of the dandelion and its rhizomes, but can not affect the seeds. Therefore, all processing is important to carry out before the weed will fade, and on the heads of ripening volatile seeds. Torn out the earth plants are composted, sprinkled with soil, as the seeds can ripen here.

How to deal with dandelions in the country, if the dandelion settlements could not be prevented? In this case, we will have to remember the regular weeding. Gumming of dandelion seeds begins as soon as the soil warms up to 10-15 degrees. While the shoots are small, and the roots are weak, it is not difficult to remove dandelions by hand. In the future, loosening beds will help.

Significantly reduce the population of weed vegetation is helped by mulching or using a film covering the entire area of ​​ridges, except for places of planting tomatoes, zucchini or other useful crops. This solution will be especially useful when growing strawberries.

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