The variety of tomatoes Puzata Hata according to the characteristics refers to the varieties of the early term of ripening. It differs from other varieties in its unusual appearance. In the article we will consider its description and features of cultivation.
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This is a hybrid tomato variety whose bushes grow from 1.5 to 2 meters high. It has a well-developed root system. successfully grows in both hotbeds and open beds .
The ripening period is 90–110 days from the moment of the first germination. The shape of the fruit of this variety is pear-shaped, ribbed, bright red. The flesh is sweet, juicy, fleshy with a small amount of seeds. The skin is not rough, but dense, which contributes to good transport.
Fruits are tied with brushes from 3 to 5 pieces. Fruit weight 250-350 grams .Productivity is high - 11 kg per 1 sq. Km. meter.
Fruits of large variety - about 250-350 grams each
Advantages and disadvantages of the variety
This type has several advantages:
- has an exotic appearance;
- excellent taste;
- high content of vitamins, amino acids, nutrients in fruits;
- large fruit size;
- rich yield ;
- good transportability;
- fruits are not prone to cracking;
- good presentation;
- long shelf life;
- good disease resistance .
The disadvantages of this variety gardeners include:
- the need to form a bush;
- requirements of the variety to the presence of nutrients in the soil.
Seed Preparation
Seeds Tomato Puzata Tomato Seeds
To grow tomatoes of this variety, it is important to make sure that the seeds are of good quality.To do this, you need to check seeds for germination of .This can be done as follows:
- pour water into a glass container;
- pour the seeds into the water and leave for 10-15 minutes;
- surfaced seeds discarded, and down on the bottom of the dried and treated with a growth promoter.
Before planting in the soil for the prevention of disease, seeds are treated with a solution of manganese or heated on the plate. For the best survival rate and accelerate the growth of tomatoes, seeds are recommended to germinate. This can be done as follows:
- Pour warm water into a glass container. Put a cloth on the bottom.
- Disinfected seeds lay out on a napkin.
- Cover the container with a wet cloth and leave in a room with good lighting.
After two days seeds can be planted on seedlings.
Soil Preparation and Planting of SeedsBefore sowing seed soil should be prepared. In equal parts it is necessary to mix river sand, garden soil and humus.
To normalize acidity, it is recommended that add ash to the prepared soil. Before planting the seeds, the prepared soil must be sprinkled with with a strong solution of manganese.
Seeds are sown in grooves 1-1.5 centimeters deep at a distance of 3 centimeters from each other. Between rows should be at least three centimeters. Top seeds sprinkled with a thin layer of soil.
Cover the seed container with polyethylene and store for 4-5 days in a dark and warm room. After 5 days, remove the polyethylene and move the boxes with the first shoots to a lighter room. The temperature of the room should be + 18-22 degrees .Watering should be carried out as the soil dries.
After two leaves appear on the seedlings, they should be seated in separate pots with a capacity of 1 liter.Replace very carefully with a lump of land from its former habitat so as not to damage the delicate root system.
In the process of growing seedlings in the soil it is necessary to feed at least three times .A fermented mullein is well suited for these purposes. It is diluted with water in the following proportion:
- water — 10 liters;
- mullein - 1 liter.
For seedlings Puzaty Huts well suited solution of mullein as a fertilizer
Infuse for 8 days, then water the seedlings. In the process of growing it is necessary to observe the appearance of the seedlings. In height, seedlings should grow by 18-20 centimeters, and have 5-6 bright green leaves.
If the seedlings are stretched upwards, this indicates lack of coverage in the process of growth. If the color of the leaf is very light, with brown spots, wrapped around the edges, this is a sign of lack of nutrients in the soil of the .
Hardening of seedlings
Before transplanting seedlings, it is necessary to perform a hardening procedure. This will help saplings easier to adapt to the natural conditions and increase their immunity.A week before landing in open ground, stop watering and reduce the indoor temperature. Then, for two days, take the seedlings to fresh air for two hours, then for the whole day, and for the last two days, leave them outside for the night.
Planting in open ground
Before planting seedlings on a bed, soil must be prepared. Land in the garden bed is dug up, weeds are removed, and is introduced.
The earth is well mixed and loosened to avoid lumps. Seedlings before transplanting should be watered well. can be transplanted to in April in the greenhouse seedlings, and in open ground not earlier than May 20
The seedlings are planted in the ground no earlier than May 20th.
- Add water to each well to keep the ground moist.
- Seedlings replant with a lump of earth from the pot , sprinkle a hole with earth and tamp;
- After transplanting, seedlings are again watered with warm water.
- The next day, watering is repeated and then water once every 7 days .
- once a week should remove the stepchildren;
- bush must be formed a maximum of two stems;
- on the stem leave eight brushes, then the fruits will be juicy and large;
- need to remove the bottom sheets.
Care features
An important part of care is weeding .It is important to remove weeds from the beds in a timely manner, as they take nutrients out of the ground.
It is also necessary to carry out loosening of the soil so that oxygen and moisture get to the roots of the seedlings. Loosening should be done in between waterings.

. After the seedlings are established, it is necessary to form a bush. For this:
To keep moisture in the soil better, the bushes need to spud .When the fruits begin to ripen, the bushes must be tied up.
Diseases and pests
It should be noted that this variety is extremely resistant to diseases. However, preventive measures will not be superfluous. Against fungal diseases, spraying with fungicides or a solution of manganese is recommended. From pests well helps soapy water and a celandine.
A crop is harvested 100–110 days after planting .Large fruits are used to make juice. Small voids inside the fruit make this variety convenient for stuffing. Fruits are also used raw.
Follow the recommendations and enjoy the great fruits of this wonderful variety.