Adapter for wells with their own hands: installation, installation, development rules

One of the prerequisites for the smooth operation of independent water supply is the protection of communications from freezing in the winter. To solve this problem the system can by retracting below it dangerous for freezing ground level, and connection extending from the downhole pump tube through the adapter.

We'll show you what this device, what advantages stands out in comparison with the construction of the caisson. You will learn how to install the adapter to the well with their hands, how to connect it to the pipeline and to what depth. Given our tips you will be able to put it without any problems.

The content of the article:

  • Construction of wells with the use of an adapter
  • The structural features of the device
    • The inner flow portion
    • Outdoor mate
  • Advantages and disadvantages of "adapter" technology
  • Briefing on equipping wells adapter
    • Step # 1 - Preparation of necessary materials
    • Step # 2 - excavation
    • Step # 3 - Set the main part
    • Step # 4 - Installation Mate
  • General recommendations for the installation of devices
  • Conclusions and useful videos on the topic
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Construction of wells with the use of an adapter

Installation of downhole adapter - the cheapest way to divert water that does not require insulation of the pipeline when laid below the frost line.

When properly conducted by mounting structures such as a pit and a caisson protect the pipe from freezing is not necessary. This provides the possibility of access for repair of the pump and the wellbore.

The structural features of the device

The downhole adapter is a special device. It provides a sealed entry feed water pipe through the casing in the regeneration of ice-water pipe. In effect, the adapter is an angular connector.

The principle of operation of the downhole adapter

The principle of operation of the adapter is that it redirects climbing up the shaft of the well water in the conduit leading to the house, which is located below ground level freezing

Borehole adapters, though are fairly simple by design, but well equipped with their use is associated with many features. This specificity is largely determines the service life of hydraulic structure.

The main elements of the adapter are the outer and inner parts.

The inner flow portion

Outwardly, this part of the device resembles a tee. One of its sides dull. It is equipped with a technical thread required for the joining of the two parts of the adapter. The other part is connected to the pipe inlet to pump depth. The central branch of the tee is equipped similarity second half compounds of general structure "dovetail".

Main elements of the device

The reverse side of the holder is equipped with an annular groove, intended for the rubber seal, as well as projections for pressing the wedge mate

Its installation is performed in the opening of the casing, fixing a cap nut, fitted with a sealing ring.

Rubber gaskets are designed to seal the well from entering groundwater. The first seal disposed on the inner surface of the support plane, the second - between the outer wall and the cap nut.

Outdoor mate

This compact screw coupling. It connects to the pipe and to the IPA pump flowline pipe, and the main part is connected by threading a special rod in the wedge slide. In addition it is equipped with a wedge ring groove and two female connector.

The main feature of the device is robust interfacing of internal and external elements, referred to as the "dovetail".

Compound elements "dovetail"

Due to this constructive solution is obtained tight connection of vertical and horizontal sections running water and then outputting them to the outside through the casing

Intermediate nipple element representing a unitary structure with the holder, for connecting water pipe to the pump.

Advantages and disadvantages of "adapter" technology

well completion technology with an adapter is a viable alternative installation of the box. And the reason for this serves a number of advantages that has a downhole adapter:

  • affordable. adapter repeatedly cheaper price of the box, so to purchase and install the unit on the site can afford a wide range of buyers.
  • Easy installation. He does not suggest the use of welding equipment and welding skills in the presence of the artist. Excavation work carried out on a minimum - only along the connected branch pipeline. With the installation of downhole adapter is able to handle even the novice master.
  • High system for leaks. Links of the adapter abut extremely close to each other. Seal ring device is capable of completely withstand system pressure of 7-8 atmospheres. Structure providing flow disassembly of the device inside the casing, even if there is leakage ensure operation of the device.
  • Large bearing capacity. Depending on the thickness of the walls of the device and material fabrication, all portions of the thread adapter able to withstand the connected communication and a submersible pump, which reaches a total weight of 200 to 800 kg.
  • aesthetic qualities. Due to the possibility of a hidden hole mounting adapter card, the area will not grow significantly. This is especially true for owners who fear theft pump.

Due to high leakage devices, it can be safely used in a system construction in areas with vadose characteristic off-season, and in close proximity to the underground lines communications.

Construction of the system using the adapter

Installing the adapter - a win-win option in the case of the irregular use of the well and the "freezing" of a hydraulic structure for a long period

But like any device, very useful device is not without drawbacks. For example, when installing a borehole adapter is not possible to provide quick access in case of need for maintenance work.

To ensure tightness joining of the parts of the downhole adapter can only be subject to the prophylactic treatment of outer and inner gaskets and their timely replacement.

For example, the outer pad in direct contact with the ground, comes into disrepair after the operation for 2-3 years. And to carry out this work is necessary to dig a pit, which is not always possible.

Features of the device mounting

Setting adapter restricts connection of additional wells intake sources, for example, for watering section

Brass and other metal alloys used in the manufacture of cheap adapters oxidize during operation. As a result, in the field often noted sostykovok seizing portions which complicates the process of extracting the pump.

For this reason, experts advise to buy adapters, made of bronze, stainless steel and special "food" alloys. These oxidation-resistant metals serve regularly from 20 to 50 years.

In Europe today, only use adapters made of alloys of food, such as DZR or Sanitary Brass. But domestic GOSTS allow the use of stainless steel, bronze and brass devices for the reason that the area of ​​contact of its components with water is negligible.

Another weak point is a connection adapter with the outlet pipe and a hose, to which the pump is mounted.

Connection adapter with the outlet pipe

A key cause of possible designs depressurization compounds is that the coupling elements are made of dissimilar materials

Connecting system elements respond differently to the effects of temperature and moisture, and also have a different period of wear and aging. Therefore, experts advise on opportunities pipe leading from the well to the house, to make stainless steel.

Briefing on equipping wells adapter

Set downhole adapter casing how can the newly erected waterworks, as well as in already established.

The adapter attachable to the wall of the casing, inside it occupies a specific location. And because the cross section of the casing must be 20-25 mm larger than the diameter of the pump used.

Step # 1 - Preparation of necessary materials

To carry out the work required set of tools:

  • bayonet spade;
  • wrench;
  • metal pegs;
  • bimetallic castellated milling.

Advance purchase is worth neutral waterproof grease, which need to be processed to the point of connection with burying in the ground.

Processing elements lubrication device

When selecting lubricant guided by its composition so that sealant components are not reacted with the rubber during operation and it is not corroded

Materials should also prepare:

  • adapter;
  • puller;
  • FUM tape;
  • silicone sealant;
  • connecting fittings.

Puller mounting is a steel tube of the desired size, equipped with a thread at the end. It will be necessary for the installation and dismantling of the adapter in the case of repairs.

Acquired adapter before starting work should result in a condition suitable for the upcoming installation. For this purpose, it should be removed lubricant production and silicone sealant to process the O-ring.

Step # 2 - excavation

Excavation work is best done in the off-season. During this period, moisture saturation and chilled ground not sprinkled. Carrying out work in the dry months, ensure the strengthening of the pit wall. For this purpose, use cuts of boards and sheets of chipboard.

Drilling pit near the casing

Drilling pit can be combined with digging trenches for laying of water pipes located in the adapter to the local water supply system, building

To gain access to the installation first of all dig the casing. The depth of the pit should be such that it exceeds the point of freezing level at 20-40 cm. For the regions located in the middle latitudes, the value is 1.5-2 meters.

sample width should be at least 160 mm. This will provide further convenience when working on the device sidebar.

To hide a hole in the ground and make it imperceptible to "uninvited guests", as well as inaccessible to the wind and snow, the casing is shortened to ground level.

Step # 3 - Set the main part

The holder and the wedge device mounted separately. Before assembling the main body of the adapter must downhole at depth stacking water pipe in a wall of the casing pre-drill a hole for it.

To make this possible by means of a crown equipped with a bimetallic crown cutter whose diameter corresponds to the size of the device:

  • for 1" - holes d 4,4 cm;
  • for 1"1 / 4 - holes d 5,4 cm;
  • for 2" - holes d 7,3 cm.

No need to fear clogged wells with metal filings. Most of them vysypletsya outside or remain in the cavity of the crown.

Sealing threaded connection

To increase the tightness of the threaded connection design should condense FUM tape or any other packaging material

Mounting structure is performed with a steel mounting tube fitted with thread. The required length calculated by lowering into the borehole gage lots. Calculating the depth of the equipment arrangement, cut the excess portion of the pipe so that it is flush with the neck clipped casing.

Lowered into the cavity of the pipe main portion of the device, give birth to her gently into the hole and securely fixed ferrule within the packaging device. Connecting elements carefully tighten the nut using a wrench.

Dipping tube mounting

Equipped with a threaded mounting pipe at the time it is inserted into the mating part of the adapter, first screwed into the hole device and after installation - is removed

After the closure assembly usually steel pipe is removed to the surface. But some masters recommend nevertheless leave the segment of the pipe in the device. The main argument - this solution will prevent damage to the threaded connections under downhole pump vibration.

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Step 1 - Mount the adapter on the mounting key

To lower the inside of the adapter into the casing, you must use a special key to the mounting threads on the end

Step 2 - lowering into the pipe assembly key

Firmly stranded adapter gently drop into the casing and tried to get a threaded portion in a prepared hole

Step 3 - Installation of the threaded portion in the hole

, Requires the assistance of another person, corrective action quickly to get the adapter screw into the hole

Step 4 - Installation of the adapter to the pipe

Setting adapter ends when the inner and outer parts connected by tightening the screws

Step 1 - Mount the adapter on the mounting key

Step 1 - Mount the adapter on the mounting key

Step 2 - lowering into the pipe assembly key

Step 2 - lowering into the pipe assembly key

Step 3 - Installation of the threaded portion in the hole

Step 3 - Installation of the threaded portion in the hole

Step 4 - Installation of the adapter to the pipe

Step 4 - Installation of the adapter to the pipe

To the outer part of the adapter, equipped with a threaded connection, fixed tap water pipe. To compound was held firmly and securely, it is compacted FUM tape or any other packaging material.

Step # 4 - Installation Mate

This part of the adapter is attached to the pump hose. Immersion downhole pump it is more convenient to perform together: the first puts the equipment, second - holds and spreads the hose. After the pump is lowered to the desired depth, can only dock and engage both sides of the adapter.

Assembling the "dovetail"

Assembling the "dovetail" should get tough, but in order to avoid damage to the assembled adapter fixing and protruding elements of the device is better not obstukivat

At the final step gently discharged outside the safety rope and fix it so as to remove the load from the pump, thereby reducing the risk of mechanical damage. To do this, the cable output to the end walls of the well and securely fastened with metal stakes.

Variant tie adapter tube enclosed in a jig:

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Step 1 - Select the adapter wells

Before installation, check the quality and integrity of metal and rubber parts of the adapter

Step 2 - a device casing

The casing is enclosed in an additional tube of larger diameter - the conductor, however it also will cut a hole

Step 3 - digging the pit to access the pipe

To get to the pipe, it is necessary to dig a trench to a depth of soil freezing - 1.5-2 m

Step 4 - Cut a hole in the jig

First, using a circular saw to cut a rectangular opening jig

Step 5 - drilling holes in the casing

Then take a drill with a metal crown diameter of the adapter and through the window of the conductor drilled hole in the casing

Step 6 - prepare the place for mounting adapter

Mounting adapter portion prepared: a square window and a jig hole for the adapter 44 mm D

Step 7 - Set the adapter in the hole

Screwing the adapter in the appropriate place and firmly tighten, thus do not forget to use the seals

Step 8 - Connect and backfilling

Using a threaded joint, attachable hose (pipe), and then perform backfill soil

Step 1 - Select the adapter wells

Step 1 - Select the adapter wells

Step 2 - a device casing

Step 2 - a device casing

Step 3 - digging the pit to access the pipe

Step 3 - digging the pit to access the pipe

Step 4 - Cut a hole in the jig

Step 4 - Cut a hole in the jig

Step 5 - drilling holes in the casing

Step 5 - drilling holes in the casing

Step 6 - prepare the place for mounting adapter

Step 6 - prepare the place for mounting adapter

Step 7 - Set the adapter in the hole

Step 7 - Set the adapter in the hole

Step 8 - Connect and backfilling

Step 8 - Connect and backfilling

It only remains to connect the pump to the power supply cable and test the functionality of the equipment. By stage of testing should be approached with great responsibility.

It will help show all the shortcomings admitted during installation. Eliminating defects at the stage of the trial run, you oberezhete himself from serious trouble in the future.

General recommendations for the installation of devices

Given the inevitable vibration, which will certainly be subject to the adapter during operation, and the considerable weight of the equipment, while equipping wells experts advise to use a casing made of steel.

Installing the adapter on the PVC pipe

With limited financial adapter can be installed on a plastic pipe; but should bear in mind that this option will be less durable

To facilitate the installation process adapter submersible pump, Safety rope, cable and hose is desirable to collect advance into a single structure.

The assembly easier to carry out on a flat surface in a separate clean room; and already bonded couplings and hoses in coils and cables to move to the site near the tip of the well. Such an approach would minimize the risk of dirt from entering into the cavity of the hydraulic device.

To remove the adapter from the pipe, you can use the self-made device, if necessary.

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Step 1 - Preparation tip

To get an adapter from the well will require an adapter with screw connection

Step 2 -preparation holder

As the holder may be used for metal cornice curtains suitable diameter

Step 3 - Tools for drilling

Need only tool - drill with drill bits for metal, except for her - a pair of screws

Step 4 - Drilling holes

First two drilled holes (facing each other) in the adapter, and then puts it on the pipe - drill pipe wall and

Step 5 - screwing screws

To the adapter does not come loose from the holder during the dismantling of the adapter, it must be secured with screws on both sides

Step 6 - ready device

Tightly coiled metal screws firmly hold the sleeve on the threaded end of the metal tube

Step 7 - connection to the adapter device

Omit the device into the well, inserted into the threaded hole in the adapter and screwed begin until a firm connection

Step 8 - Dismantling adapter

Maximum twisted tube gently but firmly pull out from the hole together with the adapter

Step 1 - Preparation tip

Step 1 - Preparation tip

Step 2 -preparation holder

Step 2 -preparation holder

Step 3 - Tools for drilling

Step 3 - Tools for drilling

Step 4 - Drilling holes

Step 4 - Drilling holes

Step 5 - screwing screws

Step 5 - screwing screws

Step 6 - ready device

Step 6 - ready device

Step 7 - connection to the adapter device

Step 7 - connection to the adapter device

Step 8 - Dismantling adapter

Step 8 - Dismantling adapter

In the future, choosing the submersible pump should focus not only on the operating parameters of the casing, but also to make allowances for the size of the adapter. Competent calculation will ensure free passage into the pump pipe without snagging and damaging the protruding portions of the device.

Conclusions and useful videos on the topic

Video # 1. What better place - the well adapter or caisson:

Video # 2. The process of installing the device represented visually as:

Installing the adapter for the well is a great alternative caisson settling in well, whose depth less than 50 m. Hydraulic structures of such a plan in the middle are designed to operate over 15-20 years.

Invest extra money in their arrangement does not make sense. A correctly set up devices made of high quality material, you can be assured that with the adapter well will work properly during the entire period of operation.

We welcome your stories about how well settled in the box without using the adapter. Perhaps you can tell visitors interesting technical details are not mentioned in the article. Please write comments in the block located below, ask questions, discuss the topic, post a photo.

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