The tapping of the existing water pressure: instruction step by step

Want to organize a supply of a country house, connecting it to the existing center line? Automatic water supply will greatly simplify the lives of households, right? But for the implementation of your plan is not possible to cut off the water in the main pipe and you need to tie-in the water under pressure?

We'll show you how to perform a frame in practice, avoid tripping powered from mains consumers - in the article the process of making connections with all the requirements legislation. Material and is provided with topical photographic materials useful videorekomendatsiyami.

A careful study of the connection to the central stages of their household water supply will help to avoid penalties for violation of existing norms in the unauthorized tapping into the pipeline. If desired, you can also save money by doing part of the excavation work in the home.

The content of the article:

  • Admission to the performance of work
  • The construction of the well site for everything
  • Box according to the type of pipes
    instagram viewer
    • №1 - working with polymer fittings
    • №2 - the connection of cast iron pipes
    • №3 - especially working with steel pipes
  • The main stages of the procedure
    • Step # 1 - Define sidebar section
    • Step # 2 - choice of necessary materials
    • Step # 3 - earthmoving
    • Step # 4 - Implementation of drainage from the highway
    • Step # 5 - adjustment and testing of the system
  • Conclusions and useful videos on the topic

Admission to the performance of work

Work on the inset in water mains as by welding and without it, can not be carried out without obtaining the proper permissions.

Performing illegal tapping traditionally ends the involvement of the host material and to administrative responsibility.

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Photo of

The conduit is formed inset

Box in the pressurized water is carried out in exceptional circumstances, in the format of the repair measures

Box small diameter pipe

Mainly for the connection of additional lines to a centralized network is made after a trip supplying water, when as a result of disconnection will not be deprived of water for a long time or whole districts village

Equipment for tie

Inset into the existing water supply system is made with simultaneous installation of fittings and ceiling channel, that can not be done without for that purpose equipment

Performing tie carries the master

Separate performance of connection with the water, especially under pressure, is unacceptable because may form a removable complex emergency

Connecting to the water supply

Embedding a separate branch of the centralized water supply network is allowed only after obtaining permission from the owner of the aqueduct

the connection node to the water in the well

tie-operation should be carried out a brigade or water utility in the presence of a representative of the municipal service. Node tie desirably coincide with the manhole or the like to construct a viewing point for further servicing

Connecting to the surface water line

In the case of the earth's surface laying water mains connection is made by similar methods. tie knot is recommended to close the box

Box summer water

Tie knot to any pipeline must be equipped with shut-off valve, even if the connection villa line operated only in the summer

The conduit is formed inset

The conduit is formed inset

Box small diameter pipe

Box small diameter pipe

Equipment for tie

Equipment for tie

Performing tie carries the master

Performing tie carries the master

Connecting to the water supply

Connecting to the water supply

the connection node to the water in the well

the connection node to the water in the well

Connecting to the surface water line

Connecting to the surface water line

Box summer water

Box summer water

the site plan can be obtained from the Federal Center for registration of land holdings, and the technical conditions in the central department of water utilities.

The technical conditions for the connection will be shown:

  • place of connection;
  • diameter pipeline;
  • data required for tapping.

Apart from the local water utility structures, development of design estimates for the project by specialized organizations having a license.

You can order their design and estimate documentation for the execution tie-in pipe centralized water supply system. Perhaps their services will be cheaper, but it is possible that the problem can be formed with the approval of the project development Vodokanal.

Then the documentation in a frame, you must register at your local department of SES. Simultaneously with the filing of the collected documents to the SEC for the registration of a branch is required to leave the application for the issuance of conclusions about the need to connect to the water supply.

The legality of the tie into the main water pipe

To carry out the work should be in possession of the site plan, and get the specifications and permission to the local water utility sidebar

According to generally accepted standards of performance under pressure tapping tube and the installation of metering devices to qualified having appropriate clearance. Independently willfully perform such work is prohibited.

Save, putting their own efforts to connect, you get only in the production of earthworks during the development and backfill the trench.

The conditions under which it is impossible to carry out the sidebar:

  • When the piping network backbone has a large diameter;
  • tenure if not connected to a central sewer system;
  • if Box is supposed to bypass metering.

Even if all the sidebar of the pipe permits to qualified personnel only should carry out the existing network.

cost savings method

Save can only be on if their own to make part of the work, the implementation of which does not require a license

Among these are: earthworks (excavation and backfilling of trenches), delivery of material and other forms of part-time jobs that are not directly related to the procedure frame.

Of course, no one can deny the owner to perform their own sidebar. Therefore, this article is painted in detail the sequence of actions.

The construction of the well site for everything

To simplify the connection with the existing water supply system is convenient to use manhole. Diameter design should be about 70 cm. This space is enough to accommodate a cut-off valves (in the form of a valve or valves), as well as to perform all the necessary manipulations for tie.

Subsequently, during the operation the presence of such structures facilitate repairs to the home water supply.

Place tie knot placement

Node tie washer, used to disable input for the period of repair work will be placed immediately inside the shaft in the region of the connection point with the outer conduit of

For the construction of a new pit dug the well of the appropriate size. The bottom of the pit is filled gravel "cushion", forming a layer height of 10 cm.

To make a sturdy base for dumping aligned gravel is spread and cuts of roofing material is poured concrete floor 10 cm thick. When you create a fill using concrete brand M150 and M200.

After three or four weeks when the concrete will acquire the necessary strength, over the stove erect shaft. For this pit wall obkladyvayut brick, cement blocks or concrete rings. Neck construction should reach zero level.

If the well will be installed at the site where the groundwater level rises one meter in the flood period, it is necessary to construct a watertight construction.

It is most convenient for this purpose to buy a ready container made of plastic. Below its anchor to the concrete slab, the top cover such a structure cast slab equipped with an opening for the installation of the hatch.

Box according to the type of pipes

Since the water main was collected from the polymer, and galvanized cast iron pipesConsider all available options for tapping arrangement.

№1 - working with polymer fittings

When dealing with a polymer reinforcement, tie technology performed in this order. Having defined the place of tapping pipe preparing portion. For this flat area in the pipe body area puncture thoroughly purified using sandpaper clusters rust and paint residues.

To the prepared place by bolts fixed clamp, equipped with terminals to allow connection of the welding machine. After installing the assembly and connection of the contacts of the welding apparatus to the terminals on it a voltage is applied.

When installed on a collapsible polymeric tube clamp structure electrowelded first disengaging at a vertical pipe with a valve, through which the cavity is deepened nozzle for reaming and uniflow connections.

Scheme structural elements

On the fixed conduit equipped with a flange collar, through which the valve sleeve is attached equipped

At the other end of the lining at the site where it will move deep drill mounted with a sleeve valve. To it puts the equipment for drilling, and then by a conventional drill accurately doing a line in the hole.

The drill must be entered only through a check valve, so that after the "breakdown" of the body of the pipe to block the flow of water and remove the cutting tool is free. To ensure the tightness of the joint drilling involve a special nozzle.

Conditions for secure connections

When the tie-in plastic pipe by welding making holes and screwing the valve is carried out only after complete cooling surface

New input portion of the pipe is connected to the latch located on the flange. The clamp is mounted over the place of tapping, and then by heating spiral welding apparatus brazed with the tube body. The result is a high-strength hermetic connection.

№2 - the connection of cast iron pipes

In the presence of the iron pipe, which is much harder than the polymeric analogs procedure is performed in the following sequence:

  1. In place of the future "breakdown" purified portion from rust and remove grinder layer tempered cast iron.
  2. Set at the nurse station, do not forget to lay rubber seals.
  3. By flanged end attached shut-off valve, which is introduced into the cavity of the crown.
  4. Starting to drill pipe, do not forget to cool the place of cut and change Blunt crown on time. Drilling is needed in several stages: first, the small-diameter drill and then a little more.
  5. After extracting the bit from the latch valve overlap, cutting off the supply of water from the nozzle.
  6. Reduced anticorrosive coating and isolation.

To create openings in the cavity of cast iron pipes used crowns fitted with carbide cutting inserts or indexable pen sharpening. When working with them is important to avoid overheating of the tool, this dampening periodically cutting parts water.

To protect the tool from water at the time of extraction of the cutting part of the opening of cardboard or rubber constructing shield. It is positioned between the housing and the cartridge.

The need to design integrity

The tapping of the main pipe under pressure involves the exposure of workers to six atmospheres, so it is important to ensure that any leaks were absent in the joints

When engagement saddle clamp for tapping into a metal pipe to provide a snug fit it to the surface, apply sealing gum.

Such a device may further be mounted a special machine, which perform the main elements:

  • the locking bolt;
  • handle with ratchet;
  • flushing valve;
  • shaft with a drill.

All components enclosed in a metal housing. The presence of the guide sleeve to simplify the drilling process by which the drill is conveniently positioned in any direction.

№3 - especially working with steel pipes

Steel pipes the ring stiffness not inferior iron armature. However steel is an iron-carbon alloy more ductile. Therefore, a frame can be accomplished by implementing a technology in which engages a method similar to the one that is used for mounting plastic pipes.

The technology of cutting into the steel pipe comprises a number of main steps:

  1. A portion to be inset, excavated and cleaned of rust.
  2. On the tube portion is mounted by welding or threaded flanged pipe.
  3. Perform welding seams.
  4. Check the joints for leaks.
  5. To fix the pipe flange or threaded valve.
  6. After drilling tubes operate valve backbone.
  7. For the set branch valve mounted external plumbing.

Ideally, the pipe should be made of a "backbone" valves. But it is also allowed to use any other form of pipe rolling, which serves as a basis for structural steel.

The correct execution of actions

When drilling the pipe line first upper punch is better to pass, and the last millimeters, requiring "jewelry" skills - manual

Clearly define the sealed seams to help such a "trick": inside their coat with kerosene, and the outside - an outline of chalk. Defects tightness joint indicate oil stains, which appeared on the outside of the structure.

On the specifics of connection with a plastic pipe plumbing in the assembly described in detail in other popular article our website.

The main stages of the procedure

Selection depends on the method of manufacturing tapping pipes, the operating pressure of the material in the system and how it is operated. It can be performed at 45 and 90 degrees, placing upwards or sideways.

Step # 1 - Define sidebar section

Before you begin tapping into water, it is necessary to clearly define the place of routing. The central line shall be placed in a straight line.

Where lay the pipeline

In determining the depth of the pipeline guided by the freezing level, characteristic for this area

For the mid-latitude regions, this figure varies between 1.2-1.5 m.

At this stage it is also necessary to determine what further communication "lie" within the site, so that you do not accidentally damage them in the process of excavation and of assembly.

Step # 2 - choice of necessary materials

To connect the use of polyethylene pipes, iron or galvanized steel with a diameter of 50 mm and above. Work on highways with pipelines made of polyethylene, exclude the involvement of electric and gas welding.

When working with the cast iron is necessary to consider that it is quite brittle material. Because the pressure on the instrument during the operation should be minimized, and drilling to be performed at low speed.

When choosing pipes for tapping should be noted that the diameter of the outlet tube should not exceed that in which the hole is performed. To connect to a plastic pipe whose pressure is about 1.6 MPa employ clamps, saddles.

Devices equipped with a heating coil and the mill needed to create the hole. The presence of a bar code on the details of the body allows the welding parameters set with the required accuracy.

The design of the clamp-saddles

Saddle-clamp housing is made of durable plastic: the device requires activation of the installation of additional equipment

To perform a frame without disconnecting the water supply pipes made of asbestos on steel or iron used saddle and saddle clamp. It consists of two parts and is equipped with a bolt, by which tightly compresses the tube from two sides. The apparatus is mounted on the pipe via the bracket.

Apparatus saddle clamp

Saddle clamps made of metal, the modules are fitted with a locking plate or else a special mechanism

Recently often use clamps, modules which are equipped with the cutter and integrated valves. They are used for tapping pipelines under pressure in the range of 16 bar. Such devices are equipped with couplings and allow the sidebar by welding.

The main advantage of the same clamp is resistant to corrosion, so that they are able to serve more than half a century. Often tapping pipe pressure masters use Tapping clamps. They are sold complete with nozzles and swivel connectors.

Tapping clamp design

Tapping clamp is equipped with a swing-gate mechanism, which after installation is used as an adjusting or shut-off valves

In trade there are some species Tapping clamp which can be installed on the pipe diameter of 80 to 300 mm.

Of the tools also need to prepare:

  • bayonet and shovel;
  • hammer with a drill;
  • Device for milling;
  • crown;
  • Bulgarian;
  • the segment of sandpaper.

When choosing the diameter of the drill tool guided rule equal size and internal pipe section crashed.

Step # 3 - earthmoving

To expose the pipe, dig a trench. It can be dug by hand or with the help of an excavator. But even during excavation mechanization once laid bare metal belt, padded top line, further manipulations to be performed manually.

Exposing the portion of the pipe begin to dig the trench in the direction of the house. It lay below the level of soil freezing.

angle maintaining

On the track portion in the direction of the slope should provide a 2 degree by tie-in line before entering the draft tube under the foundation of the house

Any manipulation of the pipe, under pressure, require strict compliance with safety regulations and strict implementation of all stages of operation.

Step # 4 - Implementation of drainage from the highway

Applying one of the above-described methods operate in a frame existing water pressure. At the final stage the outer pipe branch running water are placed in a trench and by crimping its sleeve is connected with a stop valve.

When extracted from the beginning of the line of the main line new water pipe It will be located on the valve yoke and the end - of the water metering device. The counter, whose main purpose - to register the amount of incoming water, disposed in such a manner that it is between the cut-off valves.

Accommodation option accounting device

metering device can be placed directly into the cavity of the well, or else bring in house premises

To protect the device by accounting reverse fluid flow, it is necessary to install a check valve.

If tie-in water involves passing the input through the wall, then the installation should provide a gap in the structure - in the space size of 0.2 meters. After installation, this space is compacted waterproof glands or resin strands. To mask formed seal cover their finished cement.

Step # 5 - adjustment and testing of the system

Is correct interfacing and connecting all the elements of the system is checked by the test. For this purpose, a new pipe is fed pressure line, and through the valve disposed at the other end of the tube, is vented into the air accumulated system.

Making sure that water supply tightness, can only dig a trench sandwiched by tapping the place to home.

Conclusions and useful videos on the topic

Clip # 1. Master Tips for the production of pressure tapping:

Clip # 2. The principle of operation of the device for tapping:

Clip # 3. The consequences of incorrect installation:

under pressure from the manipulation of the sidebar should be performed taking into account all of the above recommendations and regulations. Failure to comply with the conditions of the probability of violation of the integrity of the system, which will bring all efforts to "no" and will lead to disastrous consequences.

Want to share useful information about the tie-in to the existing water supply system? Any questions about the article topic, found in the material points of contention? Leave, please comment in the box located below.

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