Cucumbers are perfectly cultivated in almost all regions of our country. They are grown even on the windowsill. Fresh aroma and delicate flavor complements many dishes. However, not every gardener can boast of a generous harvest, there are many diseases that significantly reduce the fruiting plants. Armed with knowledge, it is quite possible to cope with any threats and diseases of cucumbers.
- most common disease of cucumber in a greenhouse and open field
- Brown olive spot( Cladosporium)
- Fusarium Wilt
- Gray mold
- White rot
- Root rot
- Field mosaic
- Anthracnose
- Bacteriosis
- protection of cucumber against diseases
- Prevention and treatment of folk remedies
- What kind of drugs to spray for the fight against diseases
The most common diseases of cucumber in the greenhouse and open ground
t about diseases of cucumbers. Owning information about the signs of a particular infection, it is possible to react faster, thereby localizing the problem at the initial stage.
The fight against diseases begins with since the fall of , when it comes time to prepare the bed for the next season. The quality of soil cleaning from plant residues forms the basis of the future harvest.
In addition to complying with the rules of agrotechnology, it is important that regularly inspect plants, recording any changes. As the leaves, inflorescences and fruits can be diagnosed and take immediate action to localize the affected area.
Brown Olive Spots( Cladosporiosis)

A fungal disease transmitted to healthy plants from plant debris or due to a sharp temperature drop. The development of the fungus is also noted from watering the beds with cold water using sprinkling.
The first signs can be found on leaves and cuttings in the form of brown oily spots .Later, spotting is covered and the fruit that penetrates the sores changes its dark to light color.
When transplanting seedlings of early varieties or growing crops from seeds, should be protected by beds with a film or other material to protect against low temperatures. If the climate features of the region are characterized by high humidity, it is recommended to choose varieties resistant to cladosporia.
For the prevention and localization of the affected area, up to 4 treatments of cucumbers should be carried out with the Bordeaux mixture( copper chlorine oxide).
Fusarium wilt

Symptomatics: wilting of the top part of the bush and individual sheets .Also, decay of the root part of the stem is observed. The pathogen can be transmitted both through seed and the soil, so disinfection in this case is an integral part of prevention.
The first aid is in the regulation of irrigation and temperature control of the fluid used. In greenhouses need to improve the ventilation system.
Gray decay
Watery spots on the stem, leaves and even inflorescences of indicate gray rot. The name of the disease was due to the characteristic color of the plaque on the formed spots. The affected flower dies, so it is important to instantly localize the hearth, otherwise the crop will be under threat.
At the first sign, it is recommended to treat the plants with soda solution( 75 grams of soda for a bucket of water).The procedure is repeated every 3 days.

White rot
is recognized by white ink on green leaves. Later the foliage begins to ache, darkens and crumbles.
In a greenhouse, this problem arises due to insufficient ventilation, in the open field - due to thickening and neighboring weeds.
To stop the development of rot it is necessary to spray the beds with a solution of copper sulfate ( take 2 g of vitriol and 10 g of urea for 10 liters of water).

Root rot
The disease can be of fungal or bacterial origin. The reason for the defeat of cucumbers lies in the absence of disinfection of seeds and soil. To provoke the development of the disease can saline soil, a sharp temperature drop. At the roots, the process of reproduction of microorganisms continues even in dry soil, the main thing is that it should be warm.
Root rot symptomatology: wilting of leaves, darkening of the root, destruction of its structure ( becomes rotten).
The drug Fitosporin-M is used both as a prophylactic treatment and to localize the affected area.

Field mosaic
Viral disease, often transmitted from weeds. Already on the seedlings can be found yellowing sheets, curled into a tube . longitudinal cracking of is observed on the stem.
It is not worth planting infected shoots, there will be little sense from them, but healthy seedlings will be endangered.
In adult culture, mosaic is recognized by the characteristic stains on the leaves and fruits of .Flowers on infected bushes are not tied or showered.
When identifying the first signs, remove the affected plant fragments and spray the bed with the following preparations: Aktara, Actellic .

On the spot of the lesion, are formed with brown spots, which increase in size and change color to darker( up to black).Over time, the spotting dries and disintegrates, causing the sheets to become full of holes( as if burned).
On Zelentsah, over time, depressed spots form, plunging into the pulp up to 5 mm. A common cause of plant infection is seeds collected from infected fruit. Therefore, before planting, it is necessary to disinfect both the seed and the soil.
After detecting the disease, it is necessary to treat the beds with Bordeaux mixture, sulfur preparations or “Quadris”.

The disease affects the cotyledons, leaves and fruits, forming on them as watery spots .Over time, they become brown, the sheets dry out and crumble, the fruits become covered with sores.
As a preventive measure, it is recommended to regularly spray young shoots with Hom ( with a bucket of water 40 g of product), growth stimulant Energen ( 5 ml per 10 l of water).

Protection of cucumbers against diseases
To reduce the risk of developing diseases on cucumbers, it is recommended to observe preventive measures. Among the main ones:
- compliance with crop rotation ;
- seed disinfection( soaking in potassium permanganate solution);
- soil disinfection ( watering with boiling water, copper sulphate solution or potassium permanganate of low concentration);
- sorting seeds before sowing in order to select the healthiest and strongest;
- in the presence of outbreaks of fungal and viral diseases, it is necessary to replace the top layer of soil( especially important for greenhouses);
- timely removal of weeds , which create a favorable environment for the development of harmful microorganisms;
- fertilization of the soil and the introduction of fertilizing on schedule will strengthen the culture immunity, make it immune to infections;
- at the end of the season all plant residues are removed from the beds, it is in them that the larvae and fungal spores overwinter.

Prevention and treatment with folk remedies
Well-known folk recipes:
- An infusion of water( 1 l) and wood ash( 100 g) settles for at least 2 days, after which it is supplemented with gratedon a small float with household soap( 4 g.).It will take 2 treatments at weekly intervals. Spray effectively at the first signs of powdery mildew or as a preventative measure.
- Dry plants( nettle, tansy, wormwood) in a total weight of 100 grams. Pour 1 liter of boiling water and let it brew for about 2 hours. Strain the liquid with a sprinkling of cucumbers with an interval of 7-10 days with suspected powdery mildew.
- In case of downy mildew, it is recommended to sprinkle with a solution that consists of water( 7 l), serum( 3 l), vitriol( 10 g.).
- Scare away pests and relieve powdery mildew; treatment of beds with tincture of garlic( 30 grams of minced garlic is filled with 1 liter of water and left to stand for a day, after which another 9 l of water is added).
- In the fight against root rot use a tool that is prepared from the following ingredients: milk( 1 l), iodine( 30 drops), water( 10 l), laundry soap( 20 g.).
- Soil dusting with wood ash or lime will help disinfect the bed from harmful microorganisms. It is recommended to carry out the procedure 1 time in 10-14 days.
What kind of drugs to spray against diseases
With intensive distribution of disease is recommended to resort to more radical measures of treatment - the use of special drugs( fungicides).Handle and sprinkle them cucumbers is only clear according to the instructions.
Among the popular:
- Fitosporin;
- Cuprosat;
- Ridomil Gold;
- Aktara;
- Quadrice et al.
There are a lot of dangers for cucumbers, but most of the problems can be prevented by preventive measures and timely care.
Experienced gardeners have developed many methods for controlling pests and infections, and willingly share the most effective recipes.