Cooking the perfect steak with varying degrees of meat roasting

area of ​​the area with an areaEspecially popular are steaks of varying degrees of roasting meat. They are tasty, fragrant, contain a large amount of nutrients and trace elements. Meat for steaks is always chosen carefully, only young pedigreed animals are suitable.

Types of roasting meat

The taste of steak is determined not only by the quality and variety of meat, but also by the type of roasting. Some people like a damp and juicy steak with a blood-streak, others prefer a roasted piece of meat with an appetizing crust. Each gourmet can please by preparing a steak of different roasting.

Blue Rare

Steak is almost raw in the cut, with a thin delicate crust that forms on the fire for 1.5-2 minutes. The temperature inside the steak should not exceed 50 ° C.

Prozharka almost no demand in catering establishments. Connoisseurs of raw meat prefer, the steak is simply heated on the fire.


Meat with blood is covered with a roasted brown crust, formed on the fire for 3-5 minutes. The temperature inside the steak: 52-57 ° C.In the middle, the steak is red, but not as raw as Blue Rare.

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This degree of cooking will appeal to real gourmets. Served in restaurants of traditional cuisine.

Medium Rare

Half-baked meat with minimal amount of blood. Cooked at a temperature of 57-59 ° C for 5-6 minutes, the steak becomes juicy and fragrant. An ideal option for lovers of rich and bright meat taste.

Steak of such roasting is recommended for children and people on a diet. Minimum roasting and succulent meat do not cause aggravation of the gastrointestinal tract.


Medium meat steak steak is most common in cooking. Temperature inside the steak: 60-62 ° C.When cooking for 6-8 minutes, the blood from the meat disappears, fragrant pink juice oozes from the cut.

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The steak does not have time to fry completely, but is warm enough. A familiar dish for residents of Russia and the CIS.

Medium Well

Almost fried meat, gray-brown at the cut, with a clear juice. Temperature inside the steak: 65-69 ° С.Steak roast for 9-10 minutes, from which the beef is overdried and coarse. It will appeal to people who absolutely do not consume raw meat.

Steak connoisseurs do not recommend this type of roasting due to insufficient juiciness and excessive rigidity of meat.

Well Done

The meat of the complete roast is brown at the cut and very tough. Temperature inside the steak: 70-74 ° C.It is fried on the fire for 11-12 minutes, covered with a coarse thick crust.

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In most restaurants, a steak of this degree of roasting meat is not included in the main menu, is prepared by the client.


Strongly roasted meat without blood and juice. Steak is heated to a temperature of 97-100 ° C and fried for 12-13 minutes. Dry hard meat acquires a brown-gray tint. Thick, deep-fried crust can be bitter.

Steak served with sauces and gravies. Not included in the main menu of restaurants.

Cooking Steak

For cooking steak, buy fresh meat with a fat layer. The ideal meat for homemade steak is neck tenderloin. The dish will be tender, fragrant and very juicy.

For steak cooking, you will need:

  • pork tenderloin - 550 g;
  • vegetable oil - 1 teaspoon;
  • salt and spices to taste.

Process of preparation:

  1. Rinse meat under running warm water, dry with paper towels. Cut into pieces 2-3 cm thick.
  2. Rub each piece with salt and spices. Leave to soak for 12-14 minutes.
  3. Grease a hot pan with butter, put the meat. Fry for 3-4 minutes on each side, constantly turning the piece.

While cooking do not pierce the steak, it will lose blood and juice.

This recipe turns out a steak of medium rare. To cook a steak with a minimum degree of roasting, reduce the time that the meat is in the pan.

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If you want to cook a steak, then bake the meat in the oven for another 8-10 minutes.

Features of the preparation of

steak. The juiciness and taste of the steak depend not only on the degree of roasting, but also on the type of meat. Lamb cooks the longest, the steak turns out to be very fat and juicy. Pork and beef will cook much faster, but the meat can be dried out by making it hard. Chicken and turkey will be cooked in a few minutes.

For juicy steak, you need to cut the meat along the fibers. To add a spicy flavor, rub the steak with basil or thyme.

Steaks of varying degrees of meat roasting are a popular restaurant dish. It can be prepared at home, carefully following the recommendations for roasting time.

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