The symbol of Scotland is heather - a bush of immortality

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Many legends about the ancient elves inhabiting Scotland many thousands of years ago, about their ability to drink from heather, to learn how to make drinks from heath, they’ll make the rest of the rest of the rest of the rest of the rest of the rest of the world, how to make drinks from the heather for thousands of years ago, their ability to make from the heather of drinks, to learn how to make from heather, he didn’t know how to make drinks from the heather, to make them to produce Scotland many years ago, about how to make drinks from heather, you can’t go to the rest of the program, as well as to learn how to make them from Heath, how to make them from Heath, how to make from heath, thousands of years ago, their ability to make from heather, Hell. Heather, as a symbol of Scotland. He is so loved by the people that even the ovaries of the country were born in the Middle Ages.

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Scottish ode to heather

Heather from time immemorial settled on scanty waste land, settling them according to the well-known law: "Nature does not tolerate emptiness."In different places of wasteland, conflagration overgrown with grass and shrubs, then they are squeezed out by stronger plants. At first, the heather looks like a harmless bush, which does not have long to live. But gradually forms a curtain, which expands, and takes a new wasteland. Reproduction is carried out by layering from the creeping twigs, seeds and rhizomes.

On the ground, where heather grows, there are no other applicants. There are few willing to take a sour, dry land with burnt ground. For durability and dependability, nature has been awarded heath with the ability to get food where there is none.

Each root of the plant is entangled in a mycelium, which decomposes and makes available food from the barren land, converts substances into the desired form for the plant. The very same mycelium eats juices of heather. Symbiosis, without which both species would have died.

Heather is celebrated in Scotland not only for covering the scanty rocky ground with a color cover. Its branches served for weaving baskets, making brooms, creating a roof. Later flowering of heather thickets on the vast expanses of hilly terrain gives the last bribe of the passing summer to bees. Honey is obtained with bitterness, but healing.

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From the flowers of heather brewed intoxicating drink ale, which is a traditional product of Scotland. From the same inflorescences, a dye was obtained for artisans who wove textiles, dyed threads in traditional colors and sewed national men's Celts and plaids from tartan.

Each entrance door of the dwelling, even in winter, was decorated with a basket of non-falling heather flowers on thin rods. A lot of legends of Scotland, beliefs and rites are associated with heather - the symbol of Scotland.

Tribute to the plant for the benefits it brings to people:

  • unpretentious ground cover shrub;
  • honey plant for the last bribe;
  • material for national craft;
  • healing properties;
  • sacred value.

Currently, the only Heather Center in the world has been created in Scotland, and there is a beautiful Botanical Garden in it. The shrub of life and longevity, revered in the country of elves, thanks those who sing it. Ecological tourism is now gaining popularity. And to this country, with dimensional life and unfailing friendliness, pave the way for tourists to relax. The heath symbol of Scotland helps to support the country's economic well-being.

Psychologists say that in two weeks of detachment and contemplation of untouched nature, a person returns to a renewed one. Locals believe that their spiritual harmony is guarded by heather. Until now, there are many rituals in which exactly this plant serves as a human defender in the fight against evil.

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Heather in the Moscow Region

In Central Europe there are no such open spaces on which a wild heather array could fit. However, heather grows everywhere and is a single species. Evergreen heather looks like a branched woody trunk a little thicker than a pencil. The leaves of his small rolled into a tube. The flowers resemble a bell, strung with a brush on a branch. Bloom in the second half of summer and in September. In the densely populated suburbs with country estates cultural forms of shrubs are common.

With this plant, landscaping is created with stunning landscapes of the heather garden. Cultivars are mostly imported. Therefore, travelers are not always suitable climate near Moscow. Plants of local reproduction take root better. By the way, the plant can be propagated by cuttings, seeds, dividing the bush. The easiest is to take the stem from the vending plant in the summer, root it and grow it in a container, and in the spring plant the finished plant in a permanent place.

It is necessary to plant heather gardens in the climate of the Moscow region by spring plantings in order for the plant to develop the root system over the summer and go into the winter prepared. But in order to save the composition from heather for winter, it should be covered. Any heather garden can not grow if it does not ensure the acidity of the soil. It is demanding of moderate topsoil moisture, so plants should always sit under the mulch.

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To create a bed of heather in the suburbs you will need:

  • to choose a landing site;
  • purchase or grow their own seedlings;
  • create a suitable substrate and prepare the seats;
  • plant bushes on technology;
  • provide proper care during the summer.

In order not to be mistaken when purchasing seedlings in a store, you need to remember that seedlings remain decorative even with dead roots. Therefore, you should carefully check how alive the kidneys and the state of the root system. When planting, do not dig the neck into the ground.

Bearing in mind that the plant loves acidic soil, from time to time you need to do watering with the addition of apple cider vinegar to maintain the level of soil acidity.

In the future, the care of heather in the Moscow region consists in the surface loosening of the soil, clearing of weeds and moderate watering. The garden will thank for its long flowering, with the outfit leaving for the winter. Created compositions will require formation after three years of growth.

Heather has almost no diseases and pests. However, with excessive moisture or excessive fertilizer, gray rot can occur. There may also be a viral disease characterized by spots on the leaves and a drooping crown. Such plants should be removed immediately so as not to infect others.

How to care for heather - video

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