With taste and just salted salmon at home

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One of the festive delicacies is salted red fish. But how to pickle salmon - very few people know, and some even consider it a problematic matter. However, it takes a little time to prepare the dish. We offer some interesting and delicious recipes.

Secrets and rules of salting
  • Wet, putting fish in saline.
  • Mixed, first salting the dry method, and then soaking.
  • The first option is most often used.

    How to pickle salmon: rules and tipsOtherwise, the fish will acquire an "iron" taste.
  • Do not be afraid to over-salt it, since the fish will not take it anymore. However, when salting a whole piece of salt will absorb less.
  • Salted fish with skin.
  • When salting a whole piece, it is recommended to make cuts, so that the carcass evenly salted.
  • To make a finished fish cut well, you can send it to the freezer for a while.
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    How to pickle salmon at home: recipes for every taste

    The basic recipe is simple: you need to spread salmon with a mixture of salt and sugar in equal proportions. Further, there are variations in which lavrushka, spices, greens and other components are added.

    The result depends on the quality of the purchased fish. The carcass should be with a smooth, resilient and shiny scaly cover, pleasant smell and transparent eyes.

    So let's get started.

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    Dry recipe for salting salmon at home

    This recipe is the easiest and most troublesome. The salinity of salmon depends on the time of salting, and not on the amount of salt taken. To obtain lightly salted salmon, 8–10 hours of exposure is sufficient, for high-salted - 24–36.

    Getting Started:

    1. The first step is to make a mixture for pickling. To do this, mix 0.2 kg of coarse salt, 0.1 chopped dill, 1 tbsp.lsugar and spread in a container, where it will be salted.
    2. A half kilogram of fresh salmon is thoroughly washed, cleaned, taken out of the bones, if necessary, and placed on top of the salt mixture. At the same time the fish should be well sprinkled with salt from all sides.
    3. Cover the bowl with foil and leave it for the required amount of time. The finished fish is washed with salt, dried on a paper towel, cut into slices and served to the table.

    Salted salmon homemade pickled

    Dish is not only a fragrant festive snack. It can be served as a main dish with any side dish.

    Salting Process:

    1. Salmon, in the amount of 0.8 kg should be washed, dried. Next, to taste: you can cut into slices, pre-slightly frosting, and you can pickle a piece.
    2. Peel two heads of garlic from the husk and chop finely. Wash the dill and finely chop. Take it to taste.
    3. Put a fish( or part of it) into a deep enough container. Salt( in general, 1-1.5 tbsp. Of salt will be needed for all fish) and pepper, add a layer of minced garlic and dill.
    4. Next, repeat the manipulations until the end of the products and send them to the refrigerator for 2 hours.
    5. After remove the fish, pour 0.15 liters of vegetable oil on top.
    6. Again, send the fish in the refrigerator, but this time all night.
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    Norwegian salmon

    How to pickle salmon, distinguished by piquancy and interesting flavor? We offer to try the following recipe on the basis of lemon-alcohol dressing. In the cooking process, it is preferable to use aquavit - imported alcoholic drink. For his lack of it is possible to use vodka, tincture, whiskey.

    Salt the Norwegian salmon:

    1. It will take 1 kg of salmon fillet, which should be divided into two parts and carefully rubbed with a mixture of sugar and sea salt in a ratio of 50: 100 g.
    2. Dill( 0.1 kg) thoroughly wash, dry and chop very finely. Peel from one lemon and orange peel and finely chop.
    3. Combine chopped dill with peel, add 0.5 tsp.ground black pepper and mix. Now fish and dill mass are placed in deep containers in layers.
    4. Aquavit is poured at the edge of the bowl( it will take 4 tsp.) So that the liquid gets on the fish. Top lay oppression.
    5. Salt the fish in the refrigerator overnight. The next morning, the fish is cleaned of dill( if desired, can not be removed), cut into slices and served to the table.

    In order not to fool your head and not lose time, you can get zest by rubbing a whole citrus on a fine grater.

    Abdomen salmon

    The abdomen, despite being too fat, is often a delicacy of many. Independently pickle salmon trousers at home is not difficult. The main thing is not to eat ahead of time.

    Read also: How at home to pickle tasty salted

    Pickling salmon abdomens:

    1. You should take 0.5 kg of Abdomens. With them you need to carefully peel off the scales and cut off the fins.
    2. In a container( deep enough) mix salt, pepper and sugar in a ratio of 2: 1: 1 tbsp.lrespectively. There chop 2 bay leaves and mix well.
    3. Rub the slices of the abdomen thoroughly with the dry mixture and put into the container in layers.
    4. Top cover with a plate of smaller diameter and set the pressure( for example, a can of water).Send the structure in the fridge for a day.
    5. Salted abdomen shake off excess salt( if desired, you can simply rinse under water and dry on a paper towel), put in a dish, decorate with greens and lemon and serve.

    Having learned all the intricacies of how to pickle salmon at home is delicious, you will forever reject store variations. Moreover, sandwiches, salads, appetizers, sushi and other delicacies are much tastier from the fish of your own salting.

    Video Recipe for Instant Salted Salmon

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