The benefits and contraindications to the use of ginger tincture on vodka

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Ginger tincture of vodka has unique medicinal properties. The chemical composition of the root includes the optimal amount of vitamins A, B, C, microelements, essential oils and organic acids. The effective composition more fully passes with a solution of alcohol, as a solvent, much stronger than water. At the same time, the useful substances after extraction are preserved in ethanol for 3-4 years. Therefore, ginger tincture on vodka, moonshine and diluted alcohol is more effective than all other dosage forms.

Useful properties of alcohol extracts from ginger

The properties of the resulting composition depend on whether the tincture is prepared on the moonshine, alcohol or vodka. To enhance the effect of complex compositions are used with the addition of honey, lemon or spicy herbs. The peculiarity of alcoholic tinctures in the use of small doses with multiple dilutions for ingestion. Alcohol is pre-diluted to the desired concentration and only then used to obtain the drug.

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Studies of preparations based on ginger, infused with alcohol, showed effects on the body as follows:

  • strengthens the walls of blood vessels, regulates cholesterol metabolism;
  • enhances metabolism, participates in weight loss programs;
  • reduces inflammation in the body;
  • improves the performance of the digestive tract;
  • tones the body.

But there are specific problems in the body that can be solved using ginger tincture. Thus, the use of ginger tincture on vodka to increase potency is associated with improving the blood circulation process. It is useful to take 1 teaspoon of ginger before meals, or drink tea with the addition of the same amount of tincture and a slice of lemon. It is impossible to exceed the dosage, there may be problems with the mucous membrane of the stomach.

Ginger liqueur on vodka strengthens human immunity. When adding ginger tincture to a dish or drink, it is important not to exceed the dose. Two teaspoons of ginger vodka during the day and only for a month will strengthen the body.

To improve vision, besides the traditional treatment, it is useful to take ginger tincture. Take the drug once a day, but a tablespoon.

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From what else does ginger tincture on vodka help? Rinsing with a diluted tincture solution will relieve sore throat caused by inflammation. Women suffering from fibroids and during menopause, taking tincture, relieve painful phenomena, strengthens the nervous system.

However, people with allergies to components with chronic gastrointestinal diseases, especially in the acute stage of peptic ulcer disease, should refuse from such a strong drug.

Do not use tincture of nursing mothers and pregnant women. With existing tachycardia, the intake of tincture may worsen the patient's condition. It will be right to consult with your doctor before using the drug.

Types of tinctures and their differences in composition and use.

Long-time oriental medicine has used the medicinal properties of plants. The old Tibetan recipe of ginger tincture is available for home cooking, if you take:

  • half a liter of vodka;
  • lemons with 5 thin skin;
  • natural mountain honey 2 tablespoons;
  • chopped ginger root 400 grams.

Only in a glass jar with a tight lid for two weeks, the mass is infused in warmth and darkness. Daily composition should be shaken for mixing. After 2 weeks, filter the infusion. Pour the liquid fraction into a bottle with a tight stopper, store in the refrigerator for 3-4 years. Use a teaspoon 30 minutes before meals twice a day for a month.

Ginger tincture of vodka is prepared using 400 grams of root per liter of vodka. The rest of the tincture is prepared according to the Tibetan recipe for 2 weeks with a daily shaking of the vessel.

Read also: How to eat juicy ginger root in food and for treatment

The ratio of ingredients in alcohol is somewhat different.300 grams of ethyl alcohol and 600 grams of water are taken per 250 grams of root.

To get ginger tincture on moonshine, you need to take a pure product with a minimum content of fusel oils. Moonshine should be double distilled, not pervach. Dilution of this product is not necessary, but after cleaning it should not be stronger than 50 degrees. Ready brew on moonshine stored for six months.

Video about cooking ginger tincture

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