We grow up in the open air - candy tree

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Sweets - is not just cookies, cakes, chocolate or marshmallows, but also a real candy tree. It is thanks to the cloying taste of its twigs that it received such a name. The second name of this exotic culture is govenia. At one time, the German senator Gove financed the expedition to researcher Thunberg, who observed, and later, described this perennial plant. The feeling of gratitude prompted the naturalist to imprint the name of the politician on the pages of botanical literature.

Welcome to your homeland haunted

You can meet such a luxurious tree only in a subtropical climate. It is well tolerated in both dry periods and rainy seasons. The homeland of the candy tree is:

  • China( central zone);
  • Japan;
  • India( Himalaya Mountains);
  • South Korea.
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In the future, this culture was grown on the European continent and in the coastal areas of the Black Sea( Caucasus, Crimea, Sochi region).In the botanical gardens, nature reserves of South America, as well as in the North African states, carving can be found only in the form of decorative exhibits.

In the homeland of this plant its wood is very much appreciated. It has a scarlet shade than reminds an array of mahogany. Not devoid of culture and valuable technical properties. Due to its unique strength, wood is used in the production of expensive furniture.

Some of the great maestro's musical instruments were made from the stem of this amazing plant.

“Oh, boyarina, with the beauty of a worm. ..”

This favorite of all the replica of a comedy character tourists say as soon as they see the dense spherical crown of the “sweet” tree. It consists of thousands of densely planted oval-shaped leaves( 15 cm in length each).Characteristic features for them are:

  • glossy texture;
  • dark green color;
  • alternate arrangement on the stem;
  • bright underside with fluffy veins;The
  • is a dense and slightly rough structure.
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In June or July, a candy tree throws out exquisite inflorescences. It is for this delightful charm and many loved her. Small( d = 8 mm) and with a heady aroma of flowers are collected in large inflorescences, resembling fans of feathers. All the shoots are decorated with these white blossoms. In combination with green leaves, they create a pompous look. Closer to the July heat, the flowers begin to get a cream color. At the same time, it is also worth mentioning:

  • brownish gray bark;
  • 15-meter plant height( home-grown varieties reach 150 cm);
  • is a straight, and most importantly, a perfectly level trunk, which is over 75 cm in diameter.

All this makes the subtropical "curly beauty" the most valuable asset of Asia. Now you should pay attention to the exceptional feature of the fruit of the candy tree, the photo and description of which deserve a separate item.

Amazing Paradox

From all members of the family Kruzhinovye deciduous stew is distinguished by outstanding fruits and stems. Of these, you can only eat shoots, because miniature boxes with satin brown seeds are not very tasty. All sweetness and “sugar reserves” are concentrated in fleshy stems. At the last stage of flowering, they begin to swell and harden slightly. At this time, the extreme part of the brown branches acquires a reddish tint, which is a sign of maturity.

Especially tasty they become after freezing. Some connoisseurs share that frozen sugar stems resemble sweet raisins in tandem with fragrant melon. And when chewing, you feel a slight taste of an alcoholic drink - rum.

When a plant reaches 25-35 years of age, more than 34 kg of these succulent twigs can be collected from it. If you dry them up or dry up a little bit, then you end up with a real analogue of sugar. Shoot pulp contains up to 45% of carbohydrate compounds. The remaining 55% is accounted for:

  • fructose;
  • proteins;
  • ascorbic acid, as well as malic acid;
  • vitamins;
  • glucose;
  • potassium nitrate.
Read also: A storehouse of useful elements - carob tree

Confectioneries use fresh or pressed fruit stems to produce various sweets. Alcohol companies also use these herbal products as additives to drinks( from a series of beer and rum).From the young leaves, seeds, and branches get all sorts of extracts. According to their taste and healing characteristics, they freely replace honey. At the same time, there is a lot of protein and fat in the fruits of govenia. Therefore, they serve as an excellent addition to sports nutrition.

Physician by nature

Like all other types of flora, candy tree is widely used in medical practice. Constipation and fever can be cured with a decoction of the stalks. But Asian gruel from the fruit heals burns, wounds or bruises. In addition, medications based on these elements are used to treat:

  • pneumonia;
  • nervous disorders;
  • hypertension;
  • headaches;
  • gallstone disease.

From the bark of perennial plants make a strong decoction. Doctors ascribe this drink to patients with intestinal diseases. Ground seeds are taken in all kinds of poisoning, as well as to facilitate the course of hangover. This flour is also used as a diuretic.

Japanese and Chinese traditional medicine are replete with recipes that help relieve asthma and other respiratory problems. They are based on ripe kernels and shoots stewing.

Secrets of growing for lovers of exotic

To plant a candy tree, you need to get its seeds somewhere. They must be of good quality, which means they should not be stored for more than 2 years. In addition, it is possible to propagate it with slightly stiffened cuttings or with the help of layering. The first shoots are visible at a temperature of 18 ° C.Dive young saplings should be immediately after the first 2-3 leaves appear on them. The soil for planting should be chosen:

  • wet;
  • fertile;
  • loose;
  • with sand, turf and foliage.
Read also: Home care for a unique melon tree

At the same time the site itself should be well lit, as well as protected from drafts and strong winds. Potted varieties should be constantly watered and sprayed. Water should be warm, settled and boiled. Every two years, the plant is recommended to replant in a fresh substrate. In this case, patients, as well as improperly developing shoots, must be removed.

Young trees, which are up to 4 years old, need to be thoroughly wrapped, because they are afraid of freezing. Older inhabitants of the garden calmly tolerate lowering the temperature to -10 ° C, if the cold does not last very long.

This exotic plant is used to decorate greenhouses and gardens located in a subtropical climate. It can grow for therapeutic purposes.

Growing candy tree at home - video

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