Berry Bushes

How to choose seedlings when buying, not to regret the choice

How to choose seedlings when buying, not to regret the choiceBerry Bushes

The idea to write this article has arisen as a result of own negative experience, connected with the choice of seedlings. How to choose seedlings, what to look for when choosing? These questions w...

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Honeysuckle edible - planting and care, varieties, useful properties

Honeysuckle edible - planting and care, varieties, useful propertiesBerry Bushes

Three types of honeysuckle are most common: Kamchatka, edible, Turchaninova. Now many new varieties are bred. You can call them one species - edible honeysuckle. Although honeysuckle as a food pl...

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How to care for raspberries: mulching, tillage from weeds

How to care for raspberries: mulching, tillage from weedsBerry Bushes

In the first two years after planting, until the raspberry plants are strong, they have not mastered the soil they have been given, care must be taken especially carefully and weed control should...

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Pruning raspberries, when and how to do it properly - recommendations to gardeners

Pruning raspberries, when and how to do it properly - recommendations to gardenersBerry Bushes

The statement that raspberry is unpretentious is, in principle, true, but you still cannot do without competent care measures. Pruning raspberries - when and how to do it correctly? This procedur...

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Black currant in the Kuban - growing, dressing, varieties

Black currant in the Kuban - growing, dressing, varietiesBerry Bushes

In the Kuban currant black tight falls. It is difficult to obtain such harvests as in central Russia. Black currant, cultivation, its harvest, its well-being completely depends on the knowledge a...

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Raspberry or Standard raspberry: varieties and care for seedlings

Raspberry or Standard raspberry: varieties and care for seedlingsBerry Bushes

I would like to introduce you to the experience of Mikhail Vasilyevich Gulenin in the cultivation of standard raspberry varieties. The standard raspberry( popular name - raspberry tree) is one of...

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Features of growing black currant

Features of growing black currantBerry Bushes

Cultivation of black currant is widespread in almost all regions of our country because of its delicious healthy berries. It can be grown without any difficulty in sandy soil, which retains moist...

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