
Can tiles be laid on the bulk floor: how to do the job correctly

Can tiles be laid on the bulk floor: how to do the job correctlyTile

The choice of flooring is based on the conditions in which it will be used. With significant loads and high humidity, the optimal material is tile. If the entire technological process is observed ...

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Do I need to prime the floor before laying the tiles: primer properties

Do I need to prime the floor before laying the tiles: primer propertiesTile

Tile is one of the most popular materials for decorating walls and floors in rooms such as a bathroom and kitchen. In order for such a coating to last as long as possible, it is worth strictly adh...

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The difference between porcelain stoneware and ceramic floor tiles: material features

The difference between porcelain stoneware and ceramic floor tiles: material featuresTile

A wide range of products for interior decoration is presented on the building materials market. Some of the most popular are ceramic tiles and porcelain tiles. Both of these products are character...

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Expensive and unusual models: ceramic tiles for one million dollars

Expensive and unusual models: ceramic tiles for one million dollarsTile

When mankind began to use burnt clay records, it is not known for certain. Pottery, known since the time of Mesopotamia (three thousand years BC. e.), is still in demand as a material for home dec...

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Design tiles on the floor of the kitchen with a photo: types of tiles for the kitchen, their pros and cons, what criteria to consider when choosing.

Design tiles on the floor of the kitchen with a photo: types of tiles for the kitchen, their pros and cons, what criteria to consider when choosing.Tile

The choice of flooring is a responsible task that confronts everyone who is in the process of repairing or moving. The best option for the kitchen is recognized as tiles. This coating has good tec...

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PVC tile for the floor: the pros and cons of the product

PVC tile for the floor: the pros and cons of the productTile

The challenge is choosing the flooring. Without fail, it should have a whole list of qualities: reliability, wear resistance durability, design, environmental friendliness availability. All thes...

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Tile: first on the floor or on the wall? subtleties repair

Tile: first on the floor or on the wall? subtleties repairTile

Tile - is the best solution for wall and floor tiles in the bathroom, toilet, kitchen and other rooms that require waterproof and durable surface. The process of laying tile is complex, but, never...

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Tile in the hallway on the floor: photo, which is better

Tile in the hallway on the floor: photo, which is betterTile

The entrance hall serves as a link between the street and the apartment. Therefore, she has to take on the impact of a number of factors: meteorological - temperature and humidity; mechanical ren...

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Tile in the corner: hide joints, laying rules, step by step instructions

Tile in the corner: hide joints, laying rules, step by step instructionsTile

During the decoration of the walls with tiles, the problem of laying tiles in the corners often appears. This is even more important for the bathroom, since it is here that these areas are an obli...

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Tiles in the hall on the floor Photo: features decision

Tiles in the hall on the floor Photo: features decisionTile

Tiles - this is a very original solution for floor decoration in the living room. This material is combined with the "warm floor" system, which allows quite successfully use it in homes. This mate...

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