
How to make coffee in a Turk: the subtleties of making a drinkDishesTurk

In fact, there is nothing easier than brewing delicious and aromatic coffee in a Turk. But if a person has never cooked before, then he may have a variety of questions, ranging from "the degree of ...

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Geyser coffee maker or Turk, which is better, comparing two objectsDishesTurk

Coffee fans will no doubt answer that a freshly brewed drink is the best thing to offer a person to cheer up. And its preparation should not be in a soulless machine, but in a Turk, on fire. But re...

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Which Turk is better for brewing coffee: comparison of materials, choice of volume, handlesDishesTurk

A turka, or cezva, is a small container for brewing delicious coffee, which has a non-standard shape. Choosing a product in a store, you can see many models that differ in different characteristics...

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