Documents And Design

What is a situational plan of a land plot for gasification and how to get it

What is a situational plan of a land plot for gasification and how to get itGasificationDocuments And Design

It takes a lot of paperwork to get warmth into your home. In particular, you should immediately prepare a situational plan of a land plot for gasification, even at the initial stage of collecting t...

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Requirements for a door to a kitchen with a gas stove: rules and regulations

Requirements for a door to a kitchen with a gas stove: rules and regulationsGasificationDocuments And Design

Is it time for renovation and the idea of ​​demolishing the wall between the kitchen and the nearest room has ripened? Or just decided to remove the kitchen door as unnecessary? Or maybe you are go...

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Overground and underground gas pipelines: device and features of laying

Overground and underground gas pipelines: device and features of layingGasificationDocuments And Design

Fuel is supplied to the consumer by arranging the gas distribution system - a complex of interconnected facilities and communications. A part of the system are overground and underground gas pipeli...

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Is it possible to close a gas pipe with siding: rules and regulations for masking a gas pipeline

Is it possible to close a gas pipe with siding: rules and regulations for masking a gas pipelineGasificationDocuments And Design

Are you going to be siding your house but find that the gas pipe is too close to the wall? Natural gas is a dangerous substance, it is not for nothing that all work associated with it is strictly r...

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Rules for checking gas cylinder reducers: methodology, frequency, terms and requirements

Rules for checking gas cylinder reducers: methodology, frequency, terms and requirementsGasificationDocuments And Design

Homeowners that are not connected to a natural gas pipeline often use gas tanks or propane-butane cylinders as a fuel source. Alignment of operating indicators is carried out using special fittings...

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Benefits for connecting gas to large families: the procedure for obtaining preferential conditions

Benefits for connecting gas to large families: the procedure for obtaining preferential conditionsGasificationDocuments And Design

For families with 3 or more children, state programs of assistance in matters of housing well-being are being actively developed. They give out plots for various needs, provide building materials a...

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Gasification of industrial facilities: how to gasify an enterprise

Gasification of industrial facilities: how to gasify an enterpriseGasificationDocuments And Design

What makes it necessary to lay a gas supply system to a plant, to a factory, to a combine or to a power plant? First of all, gasification of industrial facilities provides them with uninterrupted h...

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Requirements for laying a gas pipeline in settlements: depth of laying, rules for above-ground and underground laying of pipes

Requirements for laying a gas pipeline in settlements: depth of laying, rules for above-ground and underground laying of pipesGasificationDocuments And Design

Gas makes our life comfortable and convenient. But the wrong consumption of it is fraught with danger, isn't it? Still, you can easily avoid negative consequences. For this, it is initially necessa...

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Outdoor gas boilers: norms and rules for the installation of outdoor equipment

Outdoor gas boilers: norms and rules for the installation of outdoor equipmentGasificationDocuments And Design

One of the ways to establish heating in residential or non-residential premises is to install equipment not in a boiler room or inside a building, but on the street. Outdoor gas boilers can be resp...

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