How to prepare dishwasher detergents by yourself

More and more consumers are thinking about the composition of household chemicals and prefer to use eco-friendly powders and gels, without the presence of phosphates and chlorine. Such funds are much more expensive than conventional ones. The way out is the means for the dishwasher, cooked by own hands.

Self-preparation of mixtures for PMM is more ecological and simple

Content of the material:

  • 1Homemade remedies for dishes against purchased
    • 1.1How to make a powder
    • 1.2How to prepare tablets without leaving your home?
    • 1.3How to prepare the gel yourself
  • 2Advantages and disadvantages of independent work

Homemade remedies for dishes against purchased

Many people know that household chemicals for dishwasher includes components that can harm the body and the environment. Producers argue that their products are harmless, and in every way promote the benefits. The emphasis is on quick flushing of gels.

In fact, to wash off the funds from the surface of the dishes, you need to rinse it under running water for at least 10-15 seconds.

Among detergents a large percentage of chemically active and harmful substances

On the label, you met unfamiliar "chemical" names and, probably, do not guess what harm they cause. Most often it is:

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  • phosphates, phosphonates;
  • chlorine-containing substances;
  • Surfactants;
  • sodium;
  • formaldehyde.

And also the "fuzzy" names: bleach, perfume. In this case, the manufacturer does not decrypt the components that make up their composition.

These substances can accumulate in the human body. Most of them do not decompose in nature, which leads to a decrease in water quality.

Therefore, we propose to make eco-powder, tablets or gel at home.

The simplest option.Mix in a glass of warm water one teaspoon of soda and hydrogen peroxide for cooking liquid.

The simplest option is to create a mixture of soda with hydrogen peroxide

With complex contaminants, the aqueous solution is unlikely to cope, but washing dishes and appliances is an excellent option.

Even using folk recipes, do not forget to add a special salt to the dishwasher, which protects the parts from scale.

How to make a powder

What is needed for cooking? Everything is at hand.

First option.The universal recipe is suitable for washing dishes by hands and in PMM: prepare half a glass of borax and the same amount of mustard powder. Mustard perfectly foams, helping to wash away contamination from the plates.

Effective mixture of borax with mustard powder

Add one glass of soda ash, stir. The powder should be stored in a dry, dark place.

Some users complain that the mustard powder clogs the filter, the atomizer nozzles. The rest recommend this method to use.

Most detergent mixtures can be prepared from materials and products that are in every home

The second option.This composition is aimed at a greater effect of washing, it contains a small amount of surfactants. You will need: 25 grams of neonol and sulfonol, 950 g of soda. Surfactants serve for foaming and enhancing the cleaning properties of soda. Having studied the composition of detergent in the store, the buyers decided that it is possible to clean the devices in a less aggressive way.

One kilogram of powder will cost 50 rubles. You can buy surfactants in the store.

In addition, do not forget to add salt to the ion exchanger tank.

How to prepare tablets without leaving your home?

If the powder is handled, what should we do tablets? Today it is one of the most popular and expensive detergents: 3-in-1, 4-in-1, 5-in-1, 8-in-1 and so on. Manufacturers do not get tired of adding more and more components. We offer an affordable alternative.

Customer feedback has convinced us of the effectiveness of home tablets.

  1. 350 g of detergent (its composition is not much different from the detergent for PMM), mix with 150 g of soda (to soften and purify). Add some water for viscosity. Bring to uniformity and place in ice molds (or others). The main thing is that the water tablet is placed in the dispenser compartment.
  2. Take 80 g of baby powder (for example, "Aistenok"), 18 g of soda. Mix them and add a little dish detergent. Knead and place in molds. Use at a temperature of 40 degrees (program "Eco").

Mixtures are easy to make and dose in ice molds

  1. Mix 150 g of baking soda with 200 g of borax, kg of magnesium. Bring to the standard with lemon juice or a solution of citric acid (gives the dishes shine and radiance). This composition is more ecological than the previous versions.

What is important to consider:

  • The size. A large tablet can not fit in the compartment.
  • Protection.Wear gloves and a mask when manufacturing. Components strongly dust.
  • Concentration. A large dose of soda is poorly soluble, leaving a touch on the instruments.
  • Mood. Do not you want to knead? Fall asleep dry ingredients, but some can wake up.

How to prepare the gel yourself

A simple and versatile recipe:

Household soap and soda - a simple recipe that is easy to make by yourself

  • Boil one liter of water.
  • Add 50 g of laundry soap.
  • Stir until homogeneous.

A mixture of soap and soda should be stirred until boiling

  • Fill 45 g of soda ash (not food grade).
  • Stir until dissolved.
  • Allow the mixture to cool.
  • Add for a smell a couple drops of your favorite essential oil.

The unique product is ready for use. Pour it into a convenient bottle, use it to wash laundry or dishwashing.

As a conditioner, the usual apple cider vinegar is 9%. Add it to the rinse aid compartment at the rate: 1 tablespoon for 6 sets of dishes.

Apple cider vinegar works well as a rinse aid

More complex variant: five spoonfuls of lemon juice, two spoons of essential oil, one spoon of glass cleaner. The ratio can be increased, but consider that the homemade conditioner does not last as long as the store.

Advantages and disadvantages of independent work

The main advantages:

  • Low cost price. Home ingredients are 10 times cheaper than the "chemistry" that is added to professional tools.
  • The composition can be adjusted according to needs. You will be calm knowing what you wash the dishes.

Formulations of mixtures are easy to select and dose based on the effectiveness of washing


  • Time costs. It is necessary to spend from 20 to 30 minutes on the preparation of tablets or gel. Of course, it's easier to go to the store and buy everything you need.
  • Homemade detergent does not look so attractive and is not stored for long.
  • You will have to calculate the dosage yourself for a good result.

To determine the need to conduct experiments at home, read user feedback. For a change, you can try, and if you do not like it - go to the regular products.

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