Why do I need salt for a dishwasher?

When buying a dishwasher, you need to think about what tools to take to make it work properly. In this article we will tell you why you need salt for a dishwasher. We offer to solve independently, to use it or not, and if to apply, how and in what quantities.

Content of the material:

  • 1Salt composition for PMM
  • 2Operating principle
  • 3Which salt to use: food or special
  • 4What is the salt for dishwashers?
    • 4.1Finish
    • 4.2Magic Power
    • 4.3Sodasan
    • 4.4Yplon
  • 5How much to strew
  • 6Where to pour salt

Salt composition for PMM

To understand why and how salt is used in the dishwasher's work, it is necessary to find out the peculiarities of its composition. Consider what this means consists of.

Looking at the pack of the famous brand - Finish or Somat, we will see in the components of sodium chloride - NaCl, sodium salt of hydrochloric acid. The "popular" name is a cookery, this substance and is part of the product in the amount of 98%. In spite of the fact that it consists of ordinary edible salt, it can not be replaced with special equipment. The substance processed by special technology is larger in structure and more homogeneous.

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Operating principle

What for it is necessary to fall asleep in PMM the processed NaCl? This is due to a factor such as water hardness. Of water pipes, not the most mild and optimum in composition water flows - you can see this by looking at a layer of scale in an ordinary teapot. Calcium and magnesium are converted to scale when water is heated. And if the teapot does not do much harm (and it is easy to clean), then expensive equipment such "deposits" are undesirable: the heater will prematurely fail. To soften the water in the design of the machine there is a container filled with ionized resin.

How does it work? Passing through the resin, the water softens due to the action of negatively charged sodium ions - they neutralize the negative effect of positively charged magnesium and calcium ions. After passing through the ion exchanger, water enters the tank with other stiffness indicators.

In the process of using the dishwasher, the resin exhausts the useful life. To restore the efficiency of this dishwasher unit, sodium ions are added to the resin - these particles are in the preparation discussed here. If you ignore the recommendation and refuse to buy salt, the ion exchanger will exhaust the resource, and the water will be tight. And this means: "Farewell, TEN!".

Conclusion - why add salt:

  • to soften water;
  • to prevent the formation of limescale (scale) on the heating element and the tank;
  • for the best indicators when washing dishes - some active components of detergents work only in soft water.

Users often ask:

  1. Do I need salt?
  2. Is it possible to use the PMM without it?
  3. Will the dishwasher work without salt, and for how long?

There is only one answer to these and other questions: yes, salt is absolutely necessary. You do not need to spend half of your salary on expensive products - you can vary the amount and type of the drug, based on the situation. If the water is relatively soft (you can check with special test strips - they are given free of charge producers such as Calgon), then the salt can be included in small amounts in the composition of the agent for washing. If the water is too hard, the salt should be used separately.

Detailed instructions:How to find out if your water is tight or not.

Important! If, with high water hardness, do not cover the product directly in the ion exchanger, it will eventually clog, which will cause serious damage.

In the design of individual dishwashers, there is a function that allows you to redirect the water around the ion exchanger when using detergent capsules with salt content. This way of supplying water will not affect the serviceability of the unit.

How do you know when it's time to add a tool? In modern models, when the stock of the drug is depleted, a special lamp lights up. The amount of salt is determined based on the degree of water hardness: the harder it is, the more granules need to fall asleep. When using tablets or capsules, do not worry about the amount of salt required - in each tablet there is already enough NaCl for one wash cycle.

Which salt to use: food or special

An even more topical question of users is whether it is possible to buy ordinary table salt and not to spend money on an expensive imported analogue. While the composition is almost the same, there is a difference:

  1. Granules differ in appearance and size.
  2. Table salt passes less degrees of purification than a special one. In the salt for everyday life there may be grains of sand and components that settle on parts and surfaces, which will affect the functionality and serviceability of the device not on the best side.
  3. The usual dissolves at a lower speed, unlike the special one.

If you decide to replace the purchased product with the usual analog, give preference to the brand "Extra" - it is processed more carefully. When filling, see if there are any excess impurities, lumps and pebbles.

Attention! Falling asleep ordinary salt in the machine, make sure that its level does not reach the top - there is a risk that the dissolution will be difficult and the substance will cling to the lump.

Find out,than you can replace the salt.

What is the salt for dishwashers?

In the departments of household chemicals, a large number of different salts are sold from low, medium and high price categories. How are they different and which one to choose? We offer a brief overview of the leading brands.


Owners of a washing or dishwasher are familiar not by hearsay with this manufacturer. The brand produces various rinses, powders and tablets of the type "3 in 1". Its advantage in excellent performance at an affordable price. The pack in, kg costs 200-300 rubles - this will be enough for long-term use (up to 3 months). Basic properties:

  • makes the water softer, does not allow the formation of scale on the heater;
  • improves the quality of washing;
  • prevents the appearance of unpresentable stains.

Judging by the feedback from customers, Finish is one of the most effective tools on the market. Read the detailed review of the salts "Finish".

Magic Power

Medium from a low price category with excellent performance indicators. For, kg you will give about 150 rubles. Due to the large size of the crystals, the consumption of the preparation is economical.

Pay attention: how much this volume will suffice, depends on the degree of hardness of the water - the higher it is, the greater the expenditure.

The substance softens the water, improves the quality of the washing process, does not allow the TEN to build up on the plaque. This brand also produces detergent tablets that are used for the same purposes. The main thing is that in your model PMM it was possible to use the funds "3 in 1".


The regenerating substance with purified and evaporated table salt in the composition, without unnecessary components. This ecological cleanliness can result in the fact that the quality of washing significantly decreases. Packing in packs weighing 2 kg, costing about 500 rubles. Economical consumption will allow you to use this pack a year, given the water hardness level in your water supply.

Important! Often the products marked "ECO" and "BIO" are too overpriced, because in composition it is still the usual NaCl.


A rare, but worthwhile brand. Economical packs of 4 kg are not more than 500 rubles. The composition allows the agent to reliably combat the zheta water and prevents spills.

How much to strew

New users are wondering - how much salt to pour into the dishwasher? It's simple: NaCl needs exactly as much as it can fit into the capacity allocated for it. The exact weight and volume is not indicated, because in each particular model the volume and capacity of the tank are different.

PMM takes as many pellets as it needs for each cycle. This volume calculates an automatic water hardness test program (or user-defined values).

Important! Do not mix the granules with detergent.

More about that,how to calculate the volume, read in a separate article.

Where to pour salt

Did not find the special capacity? There is nothing complicated in this: the compartment is usually located from the bottom of the PMM. Open the hatch, remove the boxes for dishes, find the tank and fill in the salt powder, using a funnel (not to spill). To find out whether the substance dissolves or not, after a few washing cycles, look into the container and check if the level has decreased.

If you want to read the detailed instructions, take a look at the article in which it is analyzed,where and how to fill in salt.

Now you know everything about salt - operate your car at full capacity. The main thing is to follow the rules of operation, listen to our advice and follow the manufacturer's instructions.

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