Review of Miele Dishwashers

We consider the main features, types and models of Miele dishwashers. The review contains detailed information on functionality, prices, sizes, pros and cons - all that may affect your choice.

The company, founded in 1899 as a company for the production of separators and churns, today strikes the buyer’s imagination with its assortment. In addition to refrigerators and other large and small household appliances, under the Mile brand, dishwashers are also produced. The assembly of the most high-quality and expensive models is carried out in Germany, but in the Czech Republic and other EU countries they collect no worse.

material Contents:

  • 1 Dimensions PMM Miele
  • 2 Features PMM Miele
    • 2.1 patented 3D-pan
    • 2.2 tray devices 3D +
    • 2.3 box design
    • 2.4 QuickPowerWash
    • 2.5 option Knock2open
    • 2.6 BrilliantLight - bunker backlight
    • 2.7 AutoOpen for flawless drying
    • 2.8 water consumption 6.5 liters stove ки _ _ 2 AS _ D D AS AS AS AS AS AS AS AS AS AS AS AS AS AS AS AS AS AS AS AS AS AS AS AS AS AS AS AS AS AS AS AS AS AS AS AS AS AS AS AS AS p AS AS аг AS AS AS AS AS AS AS AS AS AS AS st.ktsii
      instagram viewer
      • 3.1 G4203 SC
      • 3.2 G6000 SC
      • 3.3 G4203 SCI Series Active
      • 3.4 G6921 SCI series Ecoflex
    • 4 User

dimensions Miele

PMM PMM company produces in three sizes:

  • standard;
  • XXL;
  • narrow.

width standard dishwashers is 60 cm, height - 81 cm and can be installed in a standard niche kitchen furniture, with a height of countertops in 81 cm

XXL - typewriter impressive size:.. A standard width of 60 cm and a height of 85 cm in them. There is an additional 4 cm, which increases the upper box. Such fully built-in dishwashers are suitable for large families.

Narrow machines from standard machines are only distinguished by their width, which is 45 cm. These MMPs are suitable for installation in small-sized kitchens. With small volumes, they retain the full functionality of other Mile models.

Features PMM Miele

What distinguishes these German dishwashers from other brands of equipment? Consider the main advantages and unique technical aspects in their design.

Patented 3D Pallet

This compartment is used for washing cutlery. The intelligent pull-out pallet can be adjusted in any direction: width, depth and height. Difference from analogs - adaptation to any loading of the bunker. Thanks to the 3D-pallet, you can load bulk utensils - ladles, beaters and more. You can put tall wine glasses in it.

Pallet for 3D + instruments

Another patented invention from German designers: 3D pallet +.It also provides for adaptation in width, depth and height. Foldable comb allows you to place the largest items - kitchen knives and salad bowls. The side elements are adjustable and also make it possible to wash tall wine glasses.

Box Construction

I don’t always want to dig into the operating instructions to read, how to load dishes into the dishwasher. Miele boxes have a special FlexAssist marking that helps you intuitively understand which parts can be adjusted. Additionally, they are marked with special characters. One movement - and the box changes its configuration. Also in the holder for wine glasses FlexCare gaskets are provided, carefully and securely fixing fragile dishes made of glass or crystal.


The new program designed for the use of tablets UltraTabs Multi, provides high-quality washing and drying of dishes with moderate contamination. It takes only 58 minutes. Special tablets need a couple of minutes to dissolve and begin to act. As a result, the washing corresponds to the class A. declared by the manufacturer.

Important! Technique "Mile" is not cheap, so special tools for it cost money. For example, the UltraTabs Multi tablets mentioned above on the Miele official website in Russia cost 1,900 rubles. In the package of 386 g of a total of 60 tablets( 3x20).

Option Knock2open

Do not spoil the exquisite kitchen interior with simple handles. To open the dishwasher, just two light taps on the front facade. The unique mechanism provides for independent opening of the hopper door by 10 cm.

BrilliantLight - illumination of the hopper

After opening the door in the bunker of the machine, 4 LED lamps light up alternately. The inner space of the box fills a nice shining light. The illuminated work area is not just a whim; it is a useful option that facilitates the loading and unloading of dishes.

AutoOpen for perfect drying.

Top-class drying is provided with an option that automatically opens the hopper door after all processes are completed. Fresh air entering the chamber completes the drying process. You can not worry about the tabletop - it will not get steam from the machine, because this is prevented by special ventilation.

Water consumption 6.5 liters

This is one of the most economical indicators in the world. This is due to the fact that PMM uses only fresh water for washing.

Important! When hand washing dishes( three meals a family of 2-3 people) spent about 60 liters of water. With the Miele dishwasher you can save water almost 10 times.

EcoTech Heat Exchanger: A +++ -20%

Not so long ago, labeling the energy efficiency of household appliances assumed the highest class A. Later, classes A + and A ++ appeared. It would seem that the crown of progress was the highest class of energy consumption A +++.But here, too, the Germans surpassed themselves and created models that are more effective than the well-known classes. Since the class with four pluses does not yet exist, this technology was named “20% higher than A +++”.

Also, the heat exchanger provided for the design helps to save other resources by providing washing and drying classes at level A.

Choosing accessories

Cheap dishwashers sometimes find it difficult to find repair parts, and in Mila they provided their customers with all the necessary accessories. Without leaving your home, you can order accessories for embedding and connecting from the official website of the company.

accessories for dishwashers , deserve special attention as baskets for appliances, inserts in boxes for glasses and plates. If desired, you can even buy an insert for washing a cappuccinator( a device for beating milk).


self-diagnostic system As in any modern technology, all processes are controlled by very complex electronics. The manufacturer takes care of the consumer, so the reliability of the structure is at a height, and the troubleshooting system works like a clock.

If in PMM Indesit, Ariston and other budget machines you can find up to 40-50 possible failures, then Mile has only 6 error codes .At the same time, errors F01, F02 do not warn about the breakdown of parts and assemblies, but about the problem with the connection of or water to the blockage of the filter. This once again confirms the high quality and reliability of German technology.

Product Overview

Among the freestanding there are models whose price is 174,900 rubles, but our task is to show that it is really possible to buy high-quality equipment at a reasonable price. Meet the review PMM Miele from the middle price category - up to 79 900 rubles. It may not be all of the above innovations, but German quality is guaranteed.

G4203 SC

Unmovable model of the Czech assembly, designed for 14 dish sets. The functionality is provided with 5 washing modes. Features:

  • wash in fresh water;
  • possibility of delayed launch;
  • pull-out tray for cutlery and small utensils;
  • Turbothermic Drying;
  • leakage protection Waterproof.

Technical parameters:

  • noise - 46 dB;
  • dimensions - 60x60x85 cm( WxDxH);
  • water consumption - 13.5 l;
  • energy efficiency class - A + according to EU standards( according to RF standards - class A);
  • lock the door from accidental pressing provided;
  • control unit supplemented with a convenient display;
  • color steel.

Cost - 49 000 rubles.

G6000 SC

Another Czech freestanding machine. Spaciousness of 14 sets, only 6 washing modes. Features:

  • delayed start up to 24 hours;
  • 3D pallet;
  • possibility of partial load bunker;
  • optional SensorDry sensor drying;
  • automatic opening of the hopper door;
  • leakage protection.

Body dimensions 59.8x60x84.5 cm( W x D x H).Noise - 44 dB.The display, the ergonomic user block is provided. There are functions ComfortClose and Perfect GlassCare( gentle care for wine glasses).Capacity for regenerating salt is located on the door of the bunker.

Programs: “Intensive 75 ° С”, “Fast 40 ° С”, “ECO”, “Delicate” and “Auto”.

When closing the hopper there is the possibility of locking the door. Indicators of rinsing agent and salt are provided. It is also possible to connect appliances to hot water.

Cost - 79 900 rubles.

G4203 SCI Series Active

Built-in PMM, accommodating up to 14 crockery sets. Functional: 5 washing modes. Features:

  • delayed launch( 24 hours);
  • washing in fresh water;
  • drying Turbothermi;
  • leakage protection.

Noise is 46 dB, dimensions - 60x57x81 cm( WxDxD).Water consumption is 13.5 liters. Energy efficiency according to EU and RF standards: A + and A, respectively.

The design provides a display. There is a sliding box for cutlery. Door lock is available. The possibility of connecting to a hot water pipe.

Production: Czech Republic. Cost - 59 900 rubles.

We cannot disregard the Premium-class models because they brought such fame to the company and earned the trust of users from all over the world.

G6921 SCI Series Ecoflex

Built-in machine with the possibility of partial embedding ( with an open user panel) German assembly. There is a touch control.

Spaciousness with dimensions of 59.8х57х80.5 cm( ШхГхВ) is 14 sets. Water consumption 6.5 liters per wash cycle. Energy efficiency class according to European Union standards A +++( class A, according to national standards).


  • bunker lighting;
  • 13 wash programs;
  • delayed launch;
  • pallet 3D +;
  • partial load function;
  • salt compartment on the hopper door;
  • Drying SensorDry;
  • leakage protection;
  • Knock2Open( opening by tapping);
  • noise - 41 dB.

The machine can be connected to hot water. In the bottom box there is a zone of intensive washing.

The cost is 249,900 rubles.

User reviews

We give a customer review, left on YandexMarket.

Sofia, Moscow

Bought a couple of months ago G 4203 SC, I’ll say right away that this is a very spacious dishwasher. Plus in quiet work. The cost of water and electricity really became lower when completely abandoned the manual washing. There are also disadvantages:

  • pans have to be brought to shine on their own - no jet will replace the normal friction with a sponge;
  • on glassware there are smudges, although, perhaps, I sin on the design, but on the rinse aid I don’t know in general;
  • is not enough programs.

But I still love her anyway. Especially like the individual selection of settings for themselves, albeit with instructions in hand. On a turbo dryer, everything dries around 15 minutes, although sometimes it would take more time. There are five of us in the family, so doing one download per day is enough. In general, I am satisfied with the compliance of the price with the declared quality.

The Mile dishwasher is a benchmark in modern kitchen appliances. With the highest quality build a little "bite" the cost. But if the budget allows, it is better to overpay for quality than to pour this money into repairs later. And about how which dishwasher the most reliable , we wrote the wound e.

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