How to calculate the suction power for the kitchen: methods and examples

how to calculate the suction power for the kitchenKitchen - a special place in the apartment. This is not only a lot of time is spent hostess, doing cooking delicious and healthy dishes. The whole family loves to gather too often here in the warmth and comfort.
But if the room is filled with smoke and fumes, which also begins to penetrate into the other rooms, there is no place of comfort!
This helps to avoid trouble is a useful device as a hood. However, this happens only if its capacity is chosen correctly.
We look at how to calculate it yourself.
But above all, clarify the basic information about the suction devices. It will be needed to perform accurate calculations.

The originality of the range hood for the kitchen

The content of the article

  • The originality of the range hood for the kitchen
    • Features of the kitchen hood
      • Air-supply
      • recirculation
    • Requirements for the installation drawing
  • Power - an important parameter selection device
    • What is the suction power
    • What power have modern hoods
  • Data necessary to calculate the power
    • sanitary norms
    • Formula
  • instagram viewer
  • 3 counting method
    • on the table
      • Getting results
    • Given the particular conditions of use
      • Additional factors affecting the extraction power
      • examples of calculation
      • 9 sq. m
    • The third way
      • examples of calculation

Hood Function - air purification, the removal of dust, fumes, fumes.

Features of the kitchen hood

Manufacturers offer several kinds of devices, making the air fresh and clean.
The main difference between them is associated with technological features. Namely, the fact that there is a dirty air trapped in the hood housing.
The present embodiment uses two of the devices.


reference. This is a powerful device that can quickly and efficiently remove contaminants.

They perform removal of dirty air outside the kitchen. Most often it is sent to the forced ventilation, which is available in the apartment.

The movement of air occurs inside the special channel - duct. It combines housing with ventilation ducts.

Exist 2 kinds of air ducts

  • First option - Flexible, corrugated channel. It is usually used if the duct is mounted with the turns and corners.
  • Another variant - the use of rigid plastic. This duct is mounted, if ventilation and exhaustion is connected in a straight line, which has no bends.


This drawing, do not have access to ventilation.

This feature of the device is connected to the principle of their work. aggregates not remove the dirty air, and it was purified and then recycled back into the kitchen.

The lack of air duct leading to the need for adding to the design of another part - the one or more filters.

Reference. Power recirculating hoods are usually somewhat less than that of air-supply designs.

Requirements for the installation drawinglocation

For high-quality performance of its functions units must be properly installed.

Place them associated with the location of the cooking device: electric or gas stove (panel). Extractor fan is installed directly above them.

Important: Hoods width can not be less than the width of the hob.

Avoid placing the plate and drawing in different locations cuisine.

Regardless of the operating principle and power, Suction devices may be secured on the wall (flat, dome) on the ceiling (island) in the cabinet (built-in).

An important factor in choosing a site becomes the convenience of connecting to the electricity construction.

This information will help you decide which device is best suited for your kitchen.

Power - an important parameter selection device

Decide on the type, design, and features the work of fastening the unit, do not forget about his power.

What is the suction powerpower

In physics lessons at school we were taught that the notion of power refers to a conversion speed, perform the basic functions of the device.

What this means in relation to the hood? Since the purpose of the home appliances associated with air cleaning, we will be able to determine what is its power. Therefore, the unit of measurement of the indicator became m³ / h.

Power is also called the device performance.

Do not confuse this parameter with the energy data, which in some cases are called power. What is different characteristics, can be seen by comparing the unit. Electricity consumption measured in kilowatt-hours.

What power have modern hoodshow much power are drawing

Depending on specific needs, customers can choose household devices having different power.

  • thin units available capacity 25 m³ / h. This group includes appliances with characteristics 150-200 m³ / hr.
  • average power expressed in figures from 200 to 450 m³ / h. Most units have a capacity of 300 to 400 m³ / h.
  • powerful devices - a drawing, prerabatyvayuschie from 500 to 750 m³ / h.
    Performance of industrial machinery even higher. It reaches up to 900 m³ / h.

Reference. Current devices provide the ability to adjust the power and speed of air purification. They have up to 5 power levels.

Data necessary to calculate the powerkitchen area

So, we made it clear that part of the concept of power itself. And we find out that we have a great opportunity to select an appropriate performance exhaust device.

Important! A small kitchen area is not a reason for the acquisition of equipment the minimum power.

But this only adds to the problem! As a large number of devices to choose the most appropriate?

The answer is simple: for each particular food will have to calculate the optimum suction power. And then there will be only buy the device on a calculated data.

sanitary norms

The calculation may be correct only if the use of all necessary data.
These primarily include health standards. They are set by law.

Reference. In accordance with the requirements of sanitary rules and norms in the kitchens of residential houses air in 1 hour should be fully renewed 12 times.

Remember this figure. It will be needed for the calculations.

Coefficient air turnover of 12, is applied to all dwellings, whatever their size and location (Mnogokvartiry house or individual structure).


We proceed to the further calculations. They must be accurate, so no mathematics can not do.

The calculations are carried out according to the following formula: S x H x 12 = P.

The following data, we need to count:

  • Area cuisine - S.
  • Ceiling height - H.

As a result, we obtain the required performance index (P).


As you can see, nothing complicated. Multiplying the area and height of the room, we first find out the amount of food in cubic meters. And then increment the result by using the sanitation rate.

Reference: area is calculated by multiplying the length and width of the kitchen. Ready data can also be taken in the data sheet flat.

Thus it is determined the overall device power. However, this figure is not final.

3 counting method

Working in your kitchen, you can in different ways to learn how to be the design performance. 3 represent the main ways in which consumers use the recommended.

on the tablewith a margin of safety

So how do we know using this formula best performance extracts, hence the need to use them always to the maximum. How will this affect the device? It can be assumed that this operation is not the best way affect its long-term.

So, we need to buy more powerful model of the data. Therefore, in the calculation of mortgage a certain safety margin, expressed as a coefficient of 1.3.

Getting results

For simplicity You can use ready-made tablesWhich are formulated with increasing the average coefficient of 1.3.


This is the easiest way. The left vertical column, find the desired area, in the upper horizontal - height of the room. At the intersection of horizontal and vertical lines we find their data. The margin of safety is already taken into account in them.

Given the particular conditions of use

For more accurate results you need to pay attention to the specific conditions of the room in which the design will be installed.

Additional factors affecting the extraction powerAdditional data for the calculation of

And to most accurately combine the cooker hood with a specific cuisine, must be made in the calculations for more information.

coefficients for different panels:

  • Gas - 2.0;
  • Electrical - 1.5.
  • model with duct - 1.3.
  • models with a filter - 1.7.

largest coefficient is introduced in formula.

Thus, if the surface of a gas (2.0) with a filter (1.7) apply a factor of 2.0.
And if the electric panel (1.5) with a filter (1.7), our factor 1.7.

Important! If there are smokers in the family, the power must be increased by an additional factor of 1.3.

examples of calculation

Let's take an example to make a joint calculations for different areas of kitchens.

9 sq. m

Initial data

  • Ceiling - 2.5 m.
  • Panel - gas (2,0), a filter (1.7), and consequently, our factor 2.0.

9 sq. m x 2.5 m x 2.0 x 12 = 540 cu. m / hour.

10 sq. m

  • Ceiling - 2,7 m.
  • Electric panel (1.5) with a duct (1,3) - enhancing factor of 1.5.

10 sq. m x 2.7 m x 1.5 x 12 = 486 cbm / h.

12 sq. m

  • Ceiling - 3 m
  • Electric panel (1.5) with a filter (1.7) - 1.7 ratio.

12 x 3 x 1.7 = 12X 734 cbm / h.

15 sq.m.

  • ceiling-2.7
  • Electric panel (1.5) with a duct (1.3) - 1.5.

2.7 x 15 x 12 x 1.5 = 729 cbm / h.

The third waythird way

Experts suggest another easy way, which is the most common.

It is associated with an increase in the turnover rate of air.

According to this procedure, instead multiplication by a different coefficient 12 applies.

  • Electric stoves - 15.
  • Gas surface - 20.

examples of calculation

Let's see what the results are obtained in our examples.

9 sq. m

Initial data

  • Ceiling - 2.5 m.
  • Panel - gas.

9 sq. m x 2.5 m x 20 = 450 cu. m / hour.

10 sq. m

  • Ceiling - 2,7 m.
  • Electric panel.

10 sq. m x 2.7 m x 15 = 405 cbm / h.

12 sq. m

  • Ceiling - 3 m.
  • Electric panel.

12 x 3 x 15 = 540 cbm / h.

15 sq.m.

  • Ceiling-2.7 m.
  • electrical panel

15 x 2.7 x 15 = 607 cbm / h.

As you can see, this simplified calculation gives a slightly different figures.

They can be used for guidance as a minimum power rating, which should have a hood for kitchens.

Which method to use to calculate the power to purchase, you decide.

We hope that the issue of what kind of hood choose now will not be too difficult. You can buy a unit that is not only perfectly fit into the interior, but also to cope with his appointment. With the right selection of technology, you will be able to always keep in the kitchen fresh air.

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