Types de stabilisateurs pour le lave-vaisselle

If you read articles about connecting a dishwasher, then you know that it is impossible to do without a stabilizer. Many disregard the recommendations of specialists, believing that it is useless spending. But do not forget that with a sudden jump in voltage, the dishwasher can fail. Then you will have to spend much more time and money on repairs or replacements. How to choose a stabilizer for a dishwasher, read in the article.

Content of the material:

  • 1Types of stabilizers
  • 2Calculation of parameters for the dishwasher
    • 2.1What to look for when choosing
  • 3Overview of stabilizers for PMM
    • 3.1Rucelf SRW II-12000-L
    • 3.2Suntek SK2 RL11000
    • 3.3Resanta ASN 12000 N / 1-C Lux
    • 3.4Quattro Elementi Stabilia 5000 W-Slim 640-544
    • 3.5Energy of ASN-5000 E0101-0114

Types of stabilizers

Do not rush to go to the online store to find an inexpensive device. First make sure it fits your electrical network and dishwasher. Consider the types of stabilizers that are used in the home network:

  1. Electromechanical. Smooth adjustment of the output voltage thanks to the "runner" on the coil. Models are inexpensive, but slow to react to changes in the network - for 1 second.
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  2. Ferroresonance. Great power and high price. They are not recommended for connection in a dishwasher. Ferro-resonance models are too cumbersome and are more suitable for industrial equipment.

Also there is a third type of stabilizers - stepped.

It is subdivided into such subtypes:

  • With relay switch. The cheapest. On the changes in the network reacts faster than the electromechanical. However, according to experts, is the most unreliable, often breaks down.
  • Electronic, with alternating voltage. It is controlled by triacs and thyristors. High switching speed - from, seconds. The cost is higher than the previous options, but it is justified by the high reliability of the product.
  • Inverter. With the help of a rectifier converts direct current into alternating current, suitable for household appliances. During the conversion process, it corrects interference in the network. The disadvantage of a small inverter power is from 2 to 10 kVA.

You got acquainted with the types of regulators. Now you need to calculate which one is right for your technique.

Calculation of parameters for the dishwasher

Buying a stabilizer is not a cheap pleasure. Therefore, it is important to choose it right, so that it can be used for other household appliances: washing machine or refrigerator.

Most often in multi-storey buildings and private sectors a single-phase network is stretched, rarely - three-phase. Find out what you have to choose a regulator. Also, calculate the total power of the equipment, which will be connected through the device (in this case dishwashers). How to do it:

  1. In the documents, find the technical characteristics of the PMM model. Find out the power consumption.
  2. Summarize the power of the dishwasher and other connected equipment.
  3. Attach 20 percent. The minimum power of the stabilizer is obtained.

It is important to choose a stabilizing device with a voltage reserve. If you decide to replace household appliances, the regulator should not work at the limit.

About the differences in the network you can tell the system of the dishwasher. In Bosch models, the display showsError E27, which indicates an insufficient or high voltage in the network.

What to look for when choosing

First of all, look at the technical characteristics of the product.

Power. Pay special attention to this indicator. Many manufacturers, especially foreign ones, indicate power not in kW (kilowatts), but in kVA (kilovolt amperes). The seller may not know or keep silent, eventually you buy a stabilizer that is not suitable for your network. 1 kVA is equal, kW, therefore be vigilant.

Error. It indicates how much current at the output can differ from the norm of 220V. In most cases, the accuracy varies from 5 to 8%. Of course, it is desirable to choose products with a minimum error of 2%.

Type of adjustment. It can be smooth and stepped. The latter option is not desirable for your network, since the adjustment is irregular. For example, if a 10 V step is specified, then the voltage can jump abruptly to these 10 V. Smooth adjustment occurs gradually, which positively affects the household appliances.

Working temperature. If you are going to install the device on the street or in the basement, you need to organize its protection from low temperatures. Its differences cause condensation, which negatively affects the internal components. The lowest temperature that regulators are ready to withstand is -10 to -15 degrees.

Overview of stabilizers for PMM

In a wide range of regulators it is difficult to determine what is appropriate and what is not. Therefore, we have prepared a survey with brief characteristics.

Rucelf SRW II-12000-L

A relay type that can be conveniently placed on a wall. It is designed for 10-12 kW load. Installation is allowed both at home and at the enterprise. Rucelf operates with an input voltage of 140-260 volts, at the output produces 280 V with an error of ±,%.

SRW II-12000-L protects your equipment from short circuits, sudden voltage surges and overloads. Smooth adjustment is permissible. Dimensions 300х450х170 mm.

The cost of 15 000 rubles.

Suntek SK2 RL11000

The relay stabilizer is sufficient for several devices with a total power of 4 to 5 kW. Model SK2 RL11000 in just 10 ms will react to changes in the network. It is designed for a voltage of 120-285 V. The error at the output is 8%. It works perfectly at a temperature of -30 to +40 degrees. The dimensions of the model are 38x25x15 cm.

The optional Baypass function allows you to disconnect Suntek without disconnecting the circuit. This contributes to the extension of service life. The case is mounted on a stand or hung on a wall.

The price is from 7 000 rubles.

Resanta ASN 12000 N / 1-C Lux

Single-phase wall-mounted device with relay control. The input voltage ranges from 140 to 260 V, the output voltage is 220 V. The error is 8%. Operating temperature from 0 to 45 degrees. Protects household and industrial equipment from electrical surges, provides a stable current, filters interference.

Dimensions 305x190x360 mm.

The cost is from 12 000 rubles.

Quattro Elementi Stabilia 5000 W-Slim 640-544

Automatic controller of relay type. Single-phase device is designed for input voltage 140-270 V, at the output - 202-238 V. The accuracy is ± 8%. Provides protection of household appliances from short circuits, overheating. Response time is 20 ms. The dimensions are 450x250x80 mm.

The price is from 7 000 rubles.

Energy of ASN-5000 E0101-0114

The floor regulator is designed for 14-20 kW (20 kVA). The most famous and reliable device. Model ASN-5000 E0101-0114 relay type with continuous adjustment. The input voltage is 140-260 V, the output is 220V with an error of 8%.

A robust housing and forced cooling extend the life of the product. Control is by means of a microprocessor. Protects against overloads, absorbs an electric arc, works at a temperature of -20 degrees.

The cost of 6000 rubles.

It can be concluded that with an unstable network, you need to install a stabilizer. It will ensure the safe operation of your equipment, as well as protect your budget from unforeseen expenses. See the video where one of the models is described in detail:

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