Natural gas in the apartment or private home is a familiar part of communication that people use more than a dozen years. The use of such resources requires special attention in the process of exploitation. In addition to the ignition properties, which security measures are applied, it is important not to forget the combustion products formed during the gas equipment.
The correctness of removing waste substances affects the quality of the air in the living room. A, respectively - and the life expectancy of the inhabitants of the apartment.
Statistics of recent years confirms a large number of accidents related to the violation of the Rules of the use of gas appliances.
Norms and rules of combination of gas columns and cooker hoods
The content of the article
Norms and rules of combination of gas columns and cooker hoods
- Rules traction test
- Why can not include a column with the hood
Equipment intended for water heating, runs without the forced discharge of the combustion products. They are removed from the combustion zone through a natural draft, which should be checked annually employees of public utilities. This procedure is known speaker holders.

IMPORTANT! To neglect this test means putting their lives in danger.
Based on the requirements of the installation of gas water heaters, for them to equip a separate ventilation duct, which can not be combined with kitchen. This is due to the fact that combustion products can get into the living room. In the absence of such a chimney installation column indoor prohibited "Instructions for use in domestic gas."
REFERENCE! In Soviet times, the house designed with a special channel for the geysers!
That is why it is very difficult or even practically impossible to obtain official permission for the installation of such equipment in houses equipped with centralized hot water.
To avoid the combustion products entering the premises, the Rules of the setting of the cooker hood and joining it to one ventilation duct. A water heater - to another. The combination of these pipes is strictly prohibited!
Even if it is technically and consider the possibility of moving to calculate exhaust gas strictly toward the duct of the ventilation hoods, then compute the probability of further movement of air masses on the channel can not. Thus, there is likelihood of ingress of substances harmful to the neighbors.
IMPORTANT! Do not connect any column to the hood or the hood - to the column. It is necessary to understand not because the rules require, and because of the danger of such a connection for life.
Upon detection of the combined exhaust connection and speakers to report violations to the relevant municipal services!
Rules traction test
In accordance with the instructions for operation of gas heaters, check draft vent tube is necessary before each start. In fact, the speaker users forget about this requirement in the first day after the hardware is connected. And this question is very important in removing the products of combustion. Although in a few days time to check the draft.

IMPORTANT! If there is a gas heater in the apartment, does not recommend the tightly closed windows, even in winter. Open air vents provide air flow necessary for the creation of a normal air!
Why can not include a column with the hood
When the equipment for heating water combustion products are removed in the vent by natural draft.
IMPORTANT! If simultaneously with the speakers including the hood, the natural movement of the waste materials broken! They begin to move in the opposite direction, at the same time filling the living room with harmful elements.

The idea of the possible removal of all hazardous ingredients in the cooker hood is wrong! Because non-combustible particles will constantly fill the space, and then settle on the furniture surfaces. Exactly such facts simultaneous switching hoods and speakers are often a cause of accidents of carbon monoxide poisoning.
Neglect of gas appliances can not connect Regulation. This can lead to tragic consequences. Proper connection and compliance with the order of switch-on will save the health of you and your families.
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