Things from the "grandmother's" interior, appropriate in modern design

In the modern view, the interior of the Soviet era is too boring and monotonous. Typical sideboards, carpets on the wall and floor, the same furniture, as well as a large number of books and a necessary attribute - a service behind glass. All this together really looks like an outdated museum piece. However, do not be discouraged and dream of a major overhaul if you managed to get the "grandmother's" version of the apartment. Some elements are preserved and successfully fit into the future design.


The content of the article

  • Wood parquet
  • Natural wood furniture
  • Carpet
  • Chairs and armchair
  • Stucco
  • Service on the shelves
  • Books
  • Batteries

Wood parquet

Previously, there were no budget options for floor finishing in the form of laminate or high-quality linoleum. If you are lucky enough to buy an apartment with laid parquet flooring, do not rush to completely dismantle itchanging to an inexpensive laminate. It can last for many more years, while it will look much more attractive than its synthetic counterpart.

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Parquet can be easily restored and periodically renewed. You can change the color and gloss of the coating.

Examine the floor for defects. If necessary, dismantle damaged and install new elements. Also peel and sand the parquet to remove layers of old paint or varnish. Next, fill in large gaps with a special solution and cover the floor with a new coat of paint of the required shade. It will perfectly fit into the interior of any style, be it one of the modern trends or a classic design option.


Natural wood furniture

We are not talking about typical chipboard walls, which began to be massively sold in the 70s and 90s of the last century. We are talking about solid furniture made of natural wood. For example, a sideboard in the kitchen or a chest of drawers in the bedroom.

Refurbished and re-painted, they blend in perfectly with neoclassical or fusion interiors. This is a good opportunity to create a setting with bold accents and modern elements, artfully intertwined with antiques.



Yet again, it is better to send cheap synthetic products to the trash heap. They are not only an excellent dust collector, breeding ground for germs and an allergy provocateur, but they also pose a danger of air pollution in the house.

However, the presence of a real woolen carpet in an old apartment, which, moreover, does not differ in pronounced defects, is considered good luck. It can be used as a zoning element. For example, separate the living room and the kitchen. The carpet will become a bright accent, eye-catching.

The rug looks much more attractive in tandem with the pillows on the sofa, decorated with a similar ornament.


Chairs and armchair

Previously, furniture was made from solid materials. Therefore, high-quality restored chairs will serve for many more years, if correctly arrange them in accordance with the modern interior. Use a bright fabric to update the upholstery. The legs and bracing need to be replaced to keep the chairs lasting longer and looking like new.


In old apartments, under layers of unremarkable finishes, quite strong stucco moldings are often hidden. It is easy to use in neoclassical interiors if you invite a restorer. You can restore unique elements yourself, armed with putty and suitable paint.


Service on the shelves

In the days of our grandmothers, getting a set of dishes for your own use was a real success. There is no deficit today, but many, out of habit, continue to "decorate" the wall in the living room or kitchen with a ceremonial service.

As a rule, they still do not get it on holidays, making do with everyday dishes. It turns out that it serves as an ordinary dust collector, which the hostess has to carefully rub several times a year.

The main rule of comfortable living is that every thing should be functional. Take grandma's service out of the wall and please your loved ones with a small "holiday" every day. Let dinners and breakfasts become a beautiful ritual with a rare service.



In the age of computer technology, paper publications have ceased to be popular. But reading lovers will definitely say that reading an electronic and paper book is two completely different states.

The second option is a real ritual. We sit comfortably in an armchair or sofa, relax, plunging into the history of the heroes. If you are a fan of reading, take your time to part with the vast library you have inherited.

Review the publications carefully, select those that you like or plan to read. Next, conduct an audit of their technical condition, glue it or give it to the restorers. Set up a mini-library at home. It will be a place of rest and complete relaxation for your favorite pastime. In addition, it will suit most modern interiors.



Are there cast-iron heating radiators from the old owners in the house? This is just fine. They are reliable, durable and can become a bright accent of modern design. First of all, check their technical condition: they should not leak or leak air. Then they are painted or beautifully decorated.

Models with forged elements and ornaments look especially attractive. Designers do not miss the moment to organically fit them into the interior.


Once in an old apartment, do not rush to get rid of old things and decoration. Soberly assess your own capabilities and inspect the furnishings. Hsome of the "old stuff" is often of historical value and will become the highlight of the future design.

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