What kind of dishes can not be washed in the dishwasher?

Do you think that buying a dishwasher completely will save you from the hassle of washing dishes? First you need to know that you can not wash in the dishwasher. Not all kitchen utensils can be sent to the PMM - it threatens to damage the dishes themselves and the details of the machine. We'll figure it out - what kind of dishes you can and what you can not put in the dishwasher.

Given that today it is not made from two or three standard materials, but from a whole lot, it is not always easy to understand what is worth clearing in manual mode. On the shelves you can find glass, porcelain, faience, crystal, cast iron, ceramic, wooden, silver, plastic, silver, stainless and other products.

We advise you to carefully read the tips to know that it is not automatic. Separately,that in the dishwasher you can wash.

Content of the material:

  • 1Aluminum - off of the PMM!
    • 1.1What happens in the PMM bunker
  • 2Wooden and plastic ware
    • 2.1100% it is forbidden to wash in PMM:
  • 3What is even better to wash by hand
  • 4Answers on questions
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Aluminum - off of the PMM!

This is the first and main unwanted guest on the shelves of the dishwasher. Metal easily comes into contact with substances, even with water under certain conditions. In contact with the chemical components dissolved in hot water, baking trays, pots, mugs and other aluminum products are covered with a touch of dark gray. If you are inadvertently sent aluminum utensils to the PMM, be careful: the coating is sticky, can leave marks on your hands and other utensils.

By mistake hundreds of people have spoiled:

  • details from meat grinders, juicers;
  • garlic presses;
  • spoons and forks;
  • geyser coffee makers;
  • buckets;

  • trays;
  • pots and pans, etc.

there isseveral ways to remove plaque, appeared after washing, - read about them in a separate article.

Important! If you care about health, replace the dishes from aluminum with more harmless options.

Some aluminum utensils darken at the first wash, but this can happen in the second and third cycle. Therefore, if your friends say to you: "Yes, I already washed aluminum three times in the dishwasher, everything is fine!" - do not take a word.

What happens in the PMM bunker

Why is one dish easy to clean in automatic mode, and the second can not be sent to the typewriter? In the washing chamber, the manufacturers created special conditions affecting the materials. We denote these factors:

  • high temperature (water or air during drying);
  • potent chemicals in detergents;
  • long stay in water, etc.

Considering that even porcelain can react differently to the effect of high temperature water, it will not be easy to remember what factors react to other materials. So just put both aluminum and the materials listed below into your stop list.

Wooden and plastic ware

All that is made of wood, many invariably strive to wash it in the typewriter. Of course, then there is a panic and the questions "What to do?". It's simple: a tree with a long contact with water has a property to swell. Wood is completely impregnated with moisture, its dimensions grow, and the product changes its original appearance. After drying, it contracts, and the bond between the fibers at this point is irretrievably destroyed.

What do we get as a result? Full or partial, but significant deformation of the object, cracks and unsightly appearance. A wooden rolling-pin is enough for half an hour to lie in the water to swell - and it's in a cold, hot process is even faster. In the PMM, the washing cycle can be stretched to 4 hours, plus chemistry - the device can not stand it.

Usually mistresses put in a typewriter such utensils from a tree:

  • wooden boards;
  • pistils;
  • shoulder blades;
  • bowls or plates;
  • stand under hot and much more.

A plastic utensil is less demanding than a wooden one, but a successful washing can be done only under certain conditions. If the plastic is not heat-resistant, there will always be a "Do not wash!" Icon on the dishes, otherwise you will find a sign that allows washing in the dishwasher.

100% it is forbidden to wash in PMM:

  • disposable dishes;
  • plates without permission icons;
  • toys, from which emanates a sharp chemical smell;

  • plastic utensils with glued details or decor;
  • plastic containers, bottles without marks, allowing automatic washing.

What is even better to wash by hand

Aluminum, plastic and wood are not the only materials that do not fit on the shelves of the dishwasher. Do not wash in the dishwasher:

  1. Porcelain cups and saucers. All porcelain dishes are best washed with hands, but fine porcelain is especially sensitive to automatic washing and turbosupply.
  2. Cast-iron dishes. For one sink with cast-iron bars, bowls, kazans and other utensils nothing will happen. But with time (2-3 wash) you will notice a change for the worse. Cast iron takes corrosion - the appearance will be completely spoiled, and the unique qualities are lost.
  3. Crystal. Favorite favorite tableware from crystal rinse under the tap to avoid encountering "glass corrosion" (microcracks and scratches) and that glasses and salad bowls do not burst from temperature jumps. If you still want to take a chance, then there are a few tips,how to maximally secure the crystal in PMM.
  4. Vacuum tanks. Containers, mugs, pans and thermos pumped out the air, creating a vacuum inside. With intensive washing, a useful property can be disturbed, and a favorite mug or lunch box will not keep food temperature.

    Important! If there is a note on the thermos or thermoclean that allows washing in the PMM, wash it. If the badge is not found - better hands.

  5. Sharp knives. There is an unspoken rule: that the knife is not stupid, it is washed quickly and under slightly warm water. If you leave the knife in hot water for a few minutes, the sharpening becomes worse, and the constant washing of the knives at high temperatures will cause the knives to be sharpened several times a week.

    Important! Do not put in the PMM and other sharp objects (knives from the blender, graters, forks for barbecue) - they will quickly become "blunt."

  6. Copperware, silver and cupronickel. Like aluminum, these metals do not tolerate contact with powders and hot water. Copper darkens and loses appeal.

Also, we advise you not to send such items to the containers:

  • Silicone molds will withstand the temperature, but washing can affect their properties (according to reviews, it will be difficult to separate pastries);

  • enameled dishes (cracked enamel);

  • clay pots (cracked);

  • thin ceramic ware;
  • plates from electro-grill (Teflon);
  • shelves of the refrigerator (metal, painted - they easily come off the coating);
  • an aquarium (it can become unstuck or crack);

  • exhaust elements - filter and parts made of aluminum.

Answers on questions

Having collected all the readers' questions related to the topic, we answered in detail the most interesting and relevant.

Question: Can I wash teflon pans Tefal in a dishwasher?

Answer: The non-stick properties of teflon frying pans can be broken after 2-3 sinks in the PMM. Studying the forums of housewives, we came to the conclusion that some people quietly wash such dishes in the typewriter for years, and the second ones complain that they "killed" several pans, despite the permissive sign. The case as a pan and aggressiveness of detergents.

Question: Can an electric kettle be washed?

Answer: You can, manually. In order not to spoil the appliance, rinse the kettle with warm water under the tap.

Question: Can I wash the pitcher "Barrier" or "Aquafor" in the typewriter?

Answer: You can. Choose a temperature cycle for washing the jug to 40 degrees.

Question: I do not want to wash the steamer with my hands. Will it spoil it?

Answer: Depends on the material of the steamer. The aluminum container will deteriorate, and the plastic steamer has no contraindications.

Question: I was going to sterilize the banks in the dishwasher. Never tried. What mode should I put?

Answer: In the absence of the "can sterilization" function (in some Bosch models), choose a temperature mode of at least 60 degrees.

We hope that our advice will be useful to you. Successful washing experiments.

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