How to properly start the dishwasher

The first launch of a dishwasher - a holiday for any hostess. And although after buying and installing the equipment you can not wait to load the baskets of dishes and try the car in the case, we advise you not to rush. First read the instruction manual. If the manufacturer has not indicated how to start the dishwasher for the first time, our article will help you.

Content of the material:

  • 1Test start of the dishwasher
  • 2First wash
  • 3Terms of use

Test start of the dishwasher

Before you start the Bosch, Siemens, Hansa PMM for the first time, you need to do a test wash without dishes. Some parts inside the hopper may be in the factory grease, dust and small debris can not be ruled out. Therefore, do not rush to put dishes right away.

What is useful is a test run:

  1. Eliminates the camera from debris.
  2. Allows you to check the quality of connections, the correct connection.
  3. Check heater, temperature settings.

Also you can train to choose the necessary programs, learn how much detergent, salt and rinse aid will have to be added.

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How to install a dishwasher, read here. Check that the hoses are connected to the communications, and the plug was inserted into the outlet.

Remove all packing material from the camera, stickers. Then:

  • Twist the sprayer with your hand, make sure it rotates properly.
  • Pull out the filter, check the integrity.
  • Next to the filter is a salt tank. Open the lid, fill the compartment with water and fill it.Which salt is better to choose, can be found in the article.

If your model Gorenje, Kuppersberg or other brand has a water hardness regulator, set it to the desired value. The greater the water hardness, the greater the value the controller should indicate.Learn the rigidity of wateryou can, using a test strip, according to the regional table of rigidity.

  • In the detergent compartment, put one tablet or pour the gel as indicated on the package. The dispenser is located on the inside of the door.

  • On the control panel, select the type of tool to use.
  • Set a long program at high temperature.
  • Start the wash by pressing the "Start" key.

It is advisable to monitor the operation of the dishwasher during the test wash, in order to detect the problem in time. What you need to pay special attention to:

  1. Water intake.
  2. Heat.
  3. Draining of waste water.
  4. Drying.

If everything is in order, let the machine cool down. Having figured out how to use the PMM, you can make the 1st launch.

Salt and rinse aid are loaded for several cycles. They will be reported by the indicators on the panel. But the detergent should be added before each sink.

First wash

After the machine has cooled down and dried, you can start loading the devices. To wash dishes was effective, observe the rules:

  • Thoroughly clean dishes of food debris.
  • Large appliances (pans, pans) in the bottom drawer. Make sure that the dishes do not block the sprayer. In the middle basket, put the plates. Do not dispose of them closely, otherwise they will not be washed. Put cutlery in the upper compartment.

In many models, "Siemens "Samsung "Ariston" baskets with dishes are adjustable in height, and the holders are folded. Therefore, loading large devices is much more convenient.

  • In the dispenser add detergent, rinse aid (if you did not do this on the test run). Close the compartment.
  • How do I enable the desired program? Look at the instructions. Depending on the degree of soiling, you can choose "Fast cycle "Intensive" or "Delicate mode". In modern PMM there are sensors that automatically determine the degree of loading and choose the optimal program.
  • Click on "Start" and wait for the end of the cycle.
The technical specifications indicate whether there is an audio signal after the end of the cycle. So the machine notifies the user when the job is done. Instead of a signal, there may be a ray on the floor. During the program the beam is red, and at the end is green.

Get the dishes and evaluate it according to the following criteria:

  • cleanliness, gloss, smell;
  • quality of drying, no divorce.

If there are stains on the dishes, dirt, transparent plates look dull and cloudy, do not rush to blame the machine. You need to experiment with the load and detergents. So:

  1. Incorrect arrangement of the plates leads to a residue of dirt on the surface.
  2. An unsuitable rinse aid is chosen, so glassware is cloudy.
  3. A strong chemical smell can indicate excess dosage of detergent powder.

Terms of use

In any instruction to the machines "Electrolux "Bosch "Coopersberg" precautionary measures are indicated. Observing them, you will extend the life of your equipment:

  • Do not touch the PMM body with wet hands after switching on.
  • Do not connect the equipment through an extension cord.
  • After the washing cycle, clean the drain filter.

  • Once every six months, clean the machine with special tools.

If we follow our recommendations, the first launch of the dishwasher will not bring difficulties. Video on the topic will help you do everything right:

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