What can and can not be cleaned in the dishwasher: rules and recommendations

Appliances for washing dirty dishes all the more common in domestic kitchens. The presence of a dishwasher machine greatly simplifies the life of the owners of the house, allowing you to escape from the routine at the kitchen sink.

However, not all in the automatic dishwasher can be placed for washing. There are lots of materials, kitchen utensils of which should be kept away from this unit. We will tell you that can not be washed in the dishwasher, and what is allowed.

The content of the article:

  • washing conditions in the dishwasher
  • What is allowed to wash in the MMP?
  • Stop-list for dishwashers
    • Aluminum and silver articles
    • Wooden and iron objects
    • Knives, strainers and chesnokodavki
    • Thermos and crystal goods
  • about misuse again
  • Conclusions and useful videos on the topic

washing conditions in the dishwasher

On the home kitchen have to constantly wash not only dishes and cutlery, but also a variety of utensils for cooking. Forks, spoons, plates, glasses, cups, knives, cutting boards, pots, pans, etc. Kitchen "equipment" in the arsenal of every housewife huge amount. And it's all dirty and requires regular cleaning.

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To understand that you should not put in the MMP, you must simply present conditions within this technique of switching on. For washing utensils used quite aggressive cleaning chemicals, coupled with the hot water in the dishwasher. Not every material is able to withstand such without serious adverse effects.

Proper use of PMM

If you put in the dishwasher for cleaning unresolved items in it, then as a consequence you can get damage and breakage of the utensils most MMP - use the dishwasher is not intended for can not be

Overall, the dishes placed into the PMM are four factors:

  1. Detergents aggressive impact.
  2. Water with a temperature of up to + 50-750FROM.
  3. Prolonged exposure to moisture (in some modes cycle "wetting-rinse-wash" can last up to 4 hours).
  4. Drying with hot air.

Washed in the dishwasher machine utensils must quietly endure the impact of all these factors. One material is not afraid of high temperature, but they are harmful household chemicals.

marking dishes

Part of the dishes are now marked with special labels "can" and "can not be" washed in the dishwasher, but do so not all manufacturers

Others from a long stay in the water just swell. It is necessary to take into account all that occurs within PMM cutlery, in the complex.

In addition to everything for every kitchen has a lot of old cutlery on which these labels do not have originally. In Soviet times, no one even thought about the need for such labeling.

PMM then used only in large canteens. And there knew what the dishes placed in the automatic dishwasher to wash the remnants of food, and what not.

What is allowed to wash in the MMP?

Cutlery that can withstand washing in the dishwasher, there are many. Most of the dishes and utensils for cooking without limitation can be washed in a dishwasher. How to load cooking utensils into the hopper cars, learn from our recommended paper.

Pots, pans and many tableware made of materials that are designed for exposure to high temperatures and humidity without adverse consequences for themselves.

Utensils made of different materials

Almost all the utensils in the home kitchen is made of ceramic, stainless steel, nickel silver, plastic, aluminum, glass and wood - the first three of the material put in the PMM can not hesitate, but the rest there are nuances

No restrictions are allowed to wash the dishes in the dishwasher from:

  • edible plastic and heat-resistant silicone;
  • of stainless steel;
  • German silver;
  • normal and high temperature glass;
  • ceramics (with the exception of items drawn on top of the fired pattern surface);
  • metal-coated enamel.

The hardest thing with plastic items. Plastic is not any one material, and a group with different characteristics and properties. Some of them can be sent to the sink in the MMP, while others absolutely not. The main point here - the melting point of the particular type of plastic.

The variety of plastics

If food dishes from polypropylene (PP) or polyethylene terephthalate (PET) can be washed in a dishwasher machine, polystyrene (PS) or PVC (PVC), you should not - the latter when heated start putrefy

Plastic utensils washed in an automatic dishwasher is permitted only if it is reusable. Disposable cups and plastic plates in the PMM can not be put in any case. These items are made from cheap plastic, which are not designed as long-term and even short-term exposure to hot water or steam.

The most hassle-free material - stainless steel. Dishes and utensils it is not afraid of prolonged exposure to moisture, temperature 60-750C, and household chemicals. The situation is similar with nickel silver. This copper alloy after washing in hot water even begins to shine.

Glassware tank dishwasher

All kinds of glassware, including the products of heat-resistant glass, perfectly washed in the machine. However, fragile items such as glasses on thin legs is necessary to fix the holders

Glassware, especially if it is designed for cooking food on the stove, and quietly tolerate washing in the dishwasher. Ordinary glass dangerous sudden changes in temperature, but in the PMM during rinsing cold water from the tap is not used.

It is still a little heated TAN. So that problems and the devastating effects of crack should arise.

Ceramic wash in the dishwasher can be, but only the one on which there is no pattern on the surface. Drawn on top of the fired ceramic image MMP necessarily cracked. By avoiding the pieces can damage the machine itself, it is clogged filters. The same applies to porcelain.

Porcelain cups and saucers to put automatic washing in MMP possible. However, we must look to drawing on them was under the glaze. If the pattern is applied on top (an extreme rarity for porcelain, but it happens sometimes), then such a dish is best washed by hand. It is important to choose operation cycle and to set the wash temperature is less - to +500FROM.

More hot water will not harm such utensils. However, they may crack during rapid temperature changes. In general, glass, ceramics and china settings PMM usually has a special mode to "sensitive" parameters of the machine.

Stop-list for dishwashers

Regardless of the manufacturing material, in a dishwasher to wash dishes is prohibited and any items with stickers. These papers necessarily "slezut" the cleaning surface and fall into the filters.

The consequences are predictable - PMM with a high degree of probability will break immediately. Well even if work protective equipment, or else will have to call a specialist to repair the equipment or give it to the service.

Aluminum and silver articles

Hot water in the PMM aluminum and silver is not terrible. However, used in the wash household chemicals they are extremely harmful. Pots of these metals after the visit in the dishwasher begins to darken and borne coating.

Spoons, knives and forks, of silver

Silver cutlery should be washed by hand and without any aggressive detergents, automatic dishwasher is not assistant

Aluminum during prolonged contact with water, releases ions. If you put in the dishwasher at the same time a lot of aluminum cookware for two or three hours, all within the "paint" the appropriate metal coating.

Moreover, aluminum is not just cover him PMM internal wall, but also can clog the nozzles on the spray. Breakage and subsequent Repairing of dishwashers in this case it is inevitable.

Roller with clear explanations as to why it is impossible to wash PMM kitchen utensils made of aluminum:

Wooden and iron objects

Wood and water - enough materials compatible. Wooden blades, cutting boards and rolling pins better wash yourself. They PMM first swell from excess moisture, and then ssohnutsya under the influence of high-temperature drying air.

The result will be cracked utensils, unsuitable for further use for its intended purpose. Now, many wooden cutting boards are not made from a single piece of wood, and from the glued parts. If this prefabricated products last long in the water, it could fall apart into separate elements.

And if it does not fall apart, the ground bonding accurately disperse. In this case, the consequences are even worse - to glue the board gets later with the food into the body.

Cast-iron pan

Iron in the dishwasher is not only loses its appearance, but also begins to rust - rust and it will continue to

Cast iron pans, pots and cauldrons eventually covered with a thin film of fat. It protects the metal from water and oxygen, which prevents the formation of rust on a utensil.

When hand washing bold raid never completely washed off, but the automatic with a large amount of detergent, it disappears. And then unprotected cast iron begins to rust.

Knives, strainers and chesnokodavki

Made of stainless steel knives after a long stay in the dishwasher a little blunt. That is, the material itself is not terrible PMM. However, after such a cleaning blade have to re-sharpen.

This also applies graters and any other utensil with a sharp edge for cutting food. They not only can be blunt, but scratch the internal walls and the mechanisms of the washing machine.

Device for crush garlic

Chesnokodavku and small grater generally put in the dishwasher machine pointless leftover food from the teeth and thin holes still at work PMM will not be removed

Strainers, graters, vegetable cutters and accessories for figural cutting products to wash your hands. They mass of small barbs and recesses, wherein the particles remain after cooking vegetables, fruits, meat, etc. Spray nozzles in the dishwasher rinse spray technique such "chips" can not. Scrub them will only manually.

Knives and other items grinder is not recommended to put in the dishwasher. On the one hand, the cutting edges become dulled, and on the other metal oxides, which are made from this machine. Then it is necessary to polish his hands blackened surface of abrasive powders.

Thermos and crystal goods

Often thermoses are arranged so that the bulb has a wrap them in insulation material. However, when wet insulation not only loses its properties, but also deteriorates. Plus another impact of chemistry on the "soap" with unclear consequences. Even after complete drying of the insulation will keep the heat is not as good as before.

Thermos should be washed only by hand. To put it in water for a long time and can not be steam. And this is not recommended, even if there is no heat insulator.

Between the external housing and the bulb there is always an empty space. If you do not disassemble, then got there the water is not completely dry. And as a result - the unpleasant musty smell.

Container with lid vacuum

Do not wash the dishes in the dishwasher, and a vacuum lid - like products by heating is often deformed, leading subsequently to a loss of tightness

Some crystal products to wash in the dishwasher can be. But not all: there are many different kinds of crystal, and most of them have a temperature above 500With contraindicated. The consequences of such heating - microcracks within the crystal glass. For crystal products in expensive PMM provides special programs.

Dishes made of crystal put in the dishwasher cheap technique is permitted only if it is allowed by the manufacturer of such cookware. On the packaging of the product must be clearly instructed "possible."

If the box from under the crystal vases at hand is not present, it is not worth the risk. Crystal of heating may crack or become dull and muddy. But more beautiful after washing in the machine with specialized tools he certainly will not.

about misuse again

The main thing is that absolutely can not be washed in the MMP - this utensils made of aluminum, copper, tin, iron, wood, and some types of plastic. The rest is permitted without restriction or with certain reservations.

In the dishwasher has several modes of operation with different temperatures of water. For example, thin glass and porcelain is best to wash at "sensitive" settings + 40-500FROM. Risk wash them at higher temperatures is not necessary. They may crack.

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Allowed - plastic children's toys

Plastic soap dish, children's toys and designer details (if they are not coming pungent smell "cheap" plastic), for animal feeding bowls - all that can be safely put in the MMP

Allowed - sports equipment items

PMM also possible to wash the cap (it will not be twisted when washed, it will not lose shape visor) and a knee or elbow of sporting

Allowed - glass ceiling lighting fixtures

Ceiling lamps (just be careful with the crystal) from months of dust layers are washed in the dishwasher is much faster than manual brushing with soap and water

Allowed - root vegetables (potato, carrot, turnip, radish)

Potatoes and other root crops is also possible to wash in an automatic dishwasher, but this should be done only in the rinse cycle without detergent

Allowed - plastic children's toys

Allowed - plastic children's toys

Allowed - sports equipment items

Allowed - sports equipment items

Allowed - glass ceiling lighting fixtures

Allowed - glass ceiling lighting fixtures

Allowed - root vegetables (potato, carrot, turnip, radish)

Allowed - root vegetables (potato, carrot, turnip, radish)

Do not wash in the PMM clay pots without glaze. They will not crack, but gradually engorged substances of detergent tablets and liquids. Moisture in the further use out of porous clay, Chemical and remain inside. The consequences of the unpleasant odor hardly anyone will like.

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Smoking - dishes with wooden or glued elements

Can not be put in the dishwasher any utensils with glued elements and wooden handles - the first will disappear, and the second will crack

Smoking - especially dirty pans

Pans with burnt food to put in the PMM without prior manual cleaning is also not highly recommended - washed clean, they are unlikely to shine, but the remaining pieces and fry the fat in a large number of filter is clogged necessarily

Smoking - dishes made of copper and tin

Cups and other products made of copper or tin - effects of the combination of high temperatures and the cleaning chemistry in this case, little predictable

Prohibited - means for cooking with a teflon coated

Utensils with Teflon coating, including container from the microwave, and it's easier to light wash in the sink under stream of warm water in a dishwasher machine are due to the erasure of the outer layer will gradually lose nonstick properties

Smoking - dishes with wooden or glued elements

Smoking - dishes with wooden or glued elements

Smoking - especially dirty pans

Smoking - especially dirty pans

Smoking - dishes made of copper and tin

Smoking - dishes made of copper and tin

Prohibited - means for cooking with a teflon coated

Prohibited - means for cooking with a teflon coated

Dishwasher is a great place to disinfect dishes sponges. Hot water not only cleans kitchen accessories, but also saves them from germs.

Details of the rules of operation will introduce dishwashers next article, Read that stands as the future, and "real" owners useful and convenient in the home appliances.

Conclusions and useful videos on the topic

The following selection of videos will help you understand all the nuances of what is allowed and not allowed to put washing in the dishwasher machine.

Once again on the prohibition of the use dishwashers:

Dishwasher - very useful in the kitchen and a simple technique to use. But it is not permitted to wash all kinds of dishes. There are a number of materials, utensils for which such washing is contraindicated. We must be careful not to spoil the cutlery and not break the dishwasher.

Tell us about that and how you load in the dishwasher. Share your secrets of operation of this type of household appliance. Leave, please comment in the box located below, ask questions and place the photo on the subject of the article.

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