How to choose a fan

You want to purchase a fan, but have difficulty in choosing. Visit Yandex-market, helping to define the parameters and specifications of the proposed purchase.

Fan Selection Options

Self-respecting major appliance stores in the price tags of the goods indicate required minimum technical parameters that facilitate device selection.

Locate the section in the top menu item Appliances. Then go to the link Climate Technology and find yourself right in front of the fans. Options to the right of the SERPs, before that you need to press the button Choose.

  • First place in the product description - manufacturer, from the most simple to the multipurpose Sinb Dyson. In this case, the top row is usually occupied by cheaper models, but not the most popular. Heading the list of allowed and expensive devices, but on special conditions of publication. To facilitate the selection of the list can be sorted - by popularity, price, reviews, etc.
  • Fan Type - Consignment, channel, floor, table, and so forth. Characteristic defines the way the instrument setup. A brief description of an operating mechanism - axial impeller, et al.
    instagram viewer
    Selecting fan

    Selecting fan

  1. Overhead fans. It is meant an axial device to be placed at the outlet of the ventilation duct. Devices of this type installed in bathrooms, toilets, kitchens, increasing traction. Connect external cables, expensive models available in the remote switch, built-hygrostat (Fan activation sensor) for humidity control.
  2. Floor Fan is equipped with bar, set on the floor. Most models are available for the scan function (domestic version - "toady"), extending the blowing sector.
  3. There is a wall-mounted fan. No comment.
  4. Desktop models feature a low form of stand.
  5. Ceiling fans, gradually losing relevance. speed is low due to the size and weight of the blades.
  6. Centrifugal fans are column inside which rotates a cylinder with a dozen or more blades. Centrifugal force creates a directed flow and pushes air out of the column.
  • Suspending means that the fan is equipped clamp or a clothespin with which the fan is placed at the right place.
    Suspending fans

    Suspending fans

  • Power consumption of the fans is not great. For domestic use 30 watts is enough. Buy a more powerful machine is not worth it, the higher the power, the higher the noise and heat of the engine, along with it - the room. Mighty fans are protected from overheating, but not ruled out unpleasant surprises in the form of burnt motor.
  • Breathability - the volume passing through the blades in an hour. Characteristic is not less important than power. It stated in cubic meters of air flow capacity for the period of time - usually an hour. Choose the parameter, based on the volume of the room and your own preferences - strong or weak airflow. In another parameter called the intensity of the air flow.
  • The diameter of the blades if necessary, helps calculate the parameters of air. Indicator measures the size of the blower sector.
    Delight in the stuffy with a fan

    Delight in the stuffy with a fan

  • Air strike called distance at which the breath is felt. Want some advice? It is better to take on the flow rate. Air strike depends on the velocity and the square lattice.
  • Tiltable blowing mechanism. It is not always possible to install the fan so that the air flow is directed to a specific point. A device with a variable angle to direct the flow in the right place.
  • The really useful information about the diameter of the blades. It helps calculate many parameters. Including performance.
  • Timer - a useful option when planning a hard time, especially combined with an alarm clock. Some manufacturers have strapped the device functionality to a typical working day. The maximum time of 9:00 - a working day, plus a lunch break. Minimum of about 15 minutes.
    Floor fan

    Floor fan

  • Electronic or mechanical control. Mechanical version - working with handles or buttons. Electronic control adjusts the parameters in an intelligent way with the remote.
  • The humidity sensor - an important option. The device supports a predetermined environment settings or only the driving steam, maintaining the humidity level. Parameter is not included in the selling features of its presence to deal with the seller.

So, after reading a brief overview, readers will be able to:

  1. Find fan.
  2. Select the fan characteristics.
  3. Critically evaluate the value and importance of parameters.

Lobed and lipless fans

Today's market is represented by two types of fans - the habitual bladed and bladeless recently appeared. Author James Dyson design, invention, which today in the homes of many, for example, a cyclone vacuum cleaner. The principle of operation is similar devices - the whirling air.

Dyson studied the eddies considered action paddle fan principle: rotating propeller pushes the air flow moving forward. This gives rise to turbulence, eddies. Air moves in jerks repel each blade. So in the industry appeared cyclone chamber to collect dust. Cyclonic because incoming flow is twisted in a downward spiral, throwing garbage on the periphery due to centrifugal forces. And Dyson came up with something new. If vacuum cleaners are designed according to the principle of industrial ventilation systems, the fan design used ideas borrowed from the airliner.

The hollow profile of equal width, with a similar wing, along its length, moving air. In front of the extended part - slit along the entire length. The closed ring is placed in the profile vertically. In the center of the bottom of holes for supplying air from the compressor. This is the principle design of the Dyson bladeless fan.

table fan

table fan

Design features:

  1. The pedestal fan is turbine discharge air.
  2. fan flow evenly distributed circumferentially, leaving through a narrow slit.
  3. The profile of the fan wing goes up dramatically, creating a rarefied air. Formed upward flow, similar to the flame of a gas burner. Air malovyazok, easily lifted from the fan center. Gradually, the process increasing. The result is a uniform airflow.
bladeless fans

bladeless fans

  • The generated air flow directed captures adjoining air layers. Dyson described the effect of AirMultiplier - air power. Inert air gradually into motion. In scan mode, the space (alternately rotate in both directions), the effect is weakened.
  • Sound damping device is provided.
  • Man - a being vertical, some models take into account this bladeless fan: designed as an elongated frame.
  • blowing speed is adjusted smoothly or gradually, depending on the model.
  • Fan is more secure than a paddle.
Floor fans

Floor fans

The disadvantages include the lack of structure of the humidifier and ionizer. Hopefully features will be added in the new models.

Bladeless fans are not cheap, the cost of 25 thousand. rub.

Fan or heater

Heater operates in two modes - a normal heater or fan.

Some models are equipped with additional functionality:

  • Remote Control. It is convenient to change the flow rate, not looking up from the couch.
  • Filters of different modifications:
  1. Mechanical treatment, coarse or fine, catching fluff, hair, wool, thread. Some models use a HEPA-filter that stops bacterial spores in a fraction of a micron in diameter.
    Fans with filtration

    Fans with filtration

  2. adsorption type filter, which absorbs odors.
  3. The photocatalytic filter. Harmful impurities such as aldehydes emitted furniture are degraded by ultraviolet light under the influence of certain substances. Because such materials are made photocatalytic filters with LED backlighting.
  • air ionizers. Friction paddles forms a static charge. Saturated positive air harmful ions.
  • Humidifier. Summer air suffers from the disadvantage humidity.

Curiously, the site of the English manufacturer of heaters from the standard price of the same.

Combined fan function

Multifunction fans come in handy in the winter and summer. This factor is taken into account when choosing a model to buy.

Fans with humidifying function are popular in the winter - including air dry at home, at work, in public places. This reduces resistance to disease.

Fan with humidification function, for example, Hotter, to resolve the issue immediately.

blade fan

blade fan

Structurally fan humidifier looks like a desktop pendulum clock with a high base. But instead of the dial - barred hole closing of the fan blades. The stand is located ultrasonic steam generator. Runs quietly, does not heat the water. The vapor of the fan pedestal is formed by the vibration of the quartz plate under the influence of electric current passing. Molecules leave the surface of water, and then the fan.

AquaAeroCooler fan operates in three modes:

  • Fan with adjustable speed.
  • Humidifier steam supply.
  • Combined both devices operation.

Table fan at any time of the year at home creates a fresh sea breeze. When purchasing such a device determines the number of rotation speeds, the presence of steam generation rate setting options. Be sure to specify the requirements for water hardness. The store is consulted as what and how often to clean the device.

Fan with humidification function

Fan with humidification function

Often multi-functional "are able" model flavored air. The aroma will easily fall asleep or, on the contrary, will set up a working mood. By the way, aromatherapy - a powerful tool to protect against disease.

Adjusting the temperature with heaters create an air flow a cooling or heating an object.

Option humidistat. Humidifier works "under control", maintaining optimal - 40-60% - humidity. The excess moisture causes mold, rapid multiplication of pathogens. Built moisture meter enables and disables the humidification mode of the sensor readings.

small fan

small fan

Floor fans with air ionizer

If the ventilation of the room in a familiar way difficult or impossible to pay attention to the company's products UFO. Most models are equipped with an ionizer. Result comparable with aeration: negative ions bind and precipitated dust, fumes, smoke odor. The air is clean and fresh due to renewal of the charge therein. But remember, constantly working ionizer oversaturated air with negative ions. Preferably, choose a model with a built-in timer or a bipolar ionizing device. The latest version of structurally defined, how many and what the charges produced.

Wrought iron floor fan

Forged floor fan

UFO fans often combined with a humidifier. However, the appearance of an additional function spoils.

Exhaust fans and retractable

Natural ventilation is provided in the apartment buildings. Installation of plastic windows and doors sealed prevents air exchange creates a reverse thrust in the apartments of the upper floors, the increasing summer. Calm, hot, intelligent neighbors have put hoods, impede the work of natural ventilation. Therefore it is useful to set the fan vent valves. During idle valve blocks the penetration of air into the apartment from the mine.

When installing take into account:

  • Fan supply voltage of 220 V outlet for the connection is established there, where not exposed to splashes of water.
  • Some fans have built-in humidistat for automatic on / off switch. The parameters are set manually. If an external humidistat, provide an optimum location.
  • Some models with remote switches and / or speed regulators need more wires.

Exhaust fan selected low-noise, silent, because It is working at night. The maximum permissible volume is not higher than 30 dB during the night. The centrifugal fan as an exhaust is not suitable: the engine is running loudly.

For bathroom fan to additional requirements: protection class IP44 is not below; parts of the device are made of materials resistant to moisture.

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