How to choose the Integrated dishwasher

Tracking publication portal VashTehnik known: embedded dishwasher height 67 cm is not available. It is difficult to give exact reasons for the decision and avoid to look for a model "under the sink", copying washing. Height dishwashers are:

  • full-size (87 cm);
  • under the tabletop (82 cm);
  • compact (45, 60 cm).

How to choose the Integrated dishwasher to occupy cabinet perfectly. Drop the hope of finding the product holding section of the kitchen cabinets.

Selection of Integrated dishwasher

Given the above, we see: a selection of three height options:

  1. 45 cm.
  2. 60 cm
  3. 82 cm.

Really dishwasher height 87 cm specially manufactured for a specific headset model (brand, brand), set out in a series of not very different from the surrounding furniture sections. We tend to call built-in models, although correctly. Conversation today will affect the first three options listed above.

Built-in dishwasher

Selection of Integrated dishwasher starts measurement for installation dimensions. The store offers a wide narrow specimens 45-50 cm. There are items, up 87 cm with a reduced diameter. Models sinks contain 9 sets of dishes, no more than 10, bulky compact - will be 6 sets. Each set generated 11 items:

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  • dishes;
  • spoons;
  • plugs;
  • cups;
  • knives.

Secondly, when deciding what to choose a dishwasher, pay attention compartment roominess. Count facilitate simple consideration: each set according to the standards includes three plates, saucers, cups pair. Trifle rejected. Product Guide gives information, dramatically different from those described. Producing a variety of built-in dishwashers, aim sights on the instruction manual. The paper points out exactly what to fill the tray.

No need to complement the working chamber to capacity every time there is a need to clean the dishes. Some machines are supplemented by half-load mode. Expensive models are able to dispense water, the powder (other means). Complementing the work of saving.

Choosing, aim attention to protect against leaks. Option is a full or limited housing. In the latter case a special tray provided with a float valve, monitors the presence of water. Full protection provides for the elimination of leakage hose. Progress in the implementation of techniques to guess difficult. Allowed to buy special equipment separately. Shop provides protection against the leakage of two kinds:

Dishwasher built

  1. Powder of the double tube hoses. The space is mezhdustennom structure resembling alabaster. Arise small leak, the source is blocked. Disposable products, powerless against hose breakage.
  2. UDI - special valve, the sudden change in pressure foldable within fractions of a second. Cope with sharp, full of cliffs hose, small leaks can tolerate.

The two systems will work perfectly in tandem. Higher cost 2000 rubles. The existing balance of forces to pay attention to the special electronic systems against leaks, shut off valve, getting to the liquid sensor. The sensing elements are set, where it is easier to control the desired section of the floor. There is no prohibition to block the water supply of the apartment. If the first two systems are suitable for washing machines, dishwashers, the latter is considered to be a unique product, can do everything.

Now came to remember the salt rinses washing machines. Target first - softening water rinse value is somewhat thinner. Reduces the surface tension, evaporation is faster. Otherwise dishes covered with stains, condensation drying process is lengthened. Add that last rinsing is carried out an elevated temperature, it is made to simplify the processes described above.

Europeans have focused on the result. Invisible film covering the detergent container. The absence of divorce - a visual effect.

Produced built dishwashers

Briefly, let slip, recall again. Built-in dishwashers are available in three types:

  1. Full-length.
  2. Narrow.
  3. Compact.

Built-in dishwasher

Polnovstraivaemaya dishwasher oppose the standard models pendant door that hides the device. Valve equipped with special hinges that are hinged (decorative panel rascherchivaetsya following completeness pattern, followed by the installation of fittings). Control Panel dishwasher more often on the top of the door. Outside will be imperceptible, that the equipment is inside the section.

When it comes to full-size dishwashers, refers to the model under the table top height of 82 cm. Set forth above: a stately species can be attributed to the embedded conditional. Choosing note: sell model with cap and without. A typical representative of the family designed Integrated dishwasher Hans. Models advantageously provided with a cap.

Look for dishwashers built with open control panel. Unlike stand-alone full-size models of limited height. Some cap deprived. Width 82 cm built-in dishwasher is 60 cm, there are narrow models, the parameter is equal to 50 cm. Is made larger side deviation. The width of the dishwasher KUPPERSBERG GLF 689 up to 80 cm. Number of downloadable kits is 12, a little giant.

No protection against children, the noise level - 44 dB. Lowest rate.

Nothing to add about the narrow built-in dishwashers, compact with a height of 45 cm in width are often a quarter more. It differs from other door models. Many products with the open control panel, "handle" of the refrigerator. Solutions for full-size models rather an exception. Some compact built-in dishwashers are equipped with a cap.

Kitchen furniture under embedded dishwashers

Lazy manufacturers to produce individual sets for embedded dishwashers. Simply, there are standards of furniture, appliances, carried out by people. Providing a unification of products, ease of application. An exception is said to be burning. The company produces a headset with built-in appliances. Slovenian manufacturer manages the release of extracts. Cupboard under the Integrated dishwasher Gorenje ideal decided to furnish the kitchen from scratch.

Other built-in equipment may be suitable furniture. Just Gorenje products will be combined with a suite well. The rest of the cabinet is recommended to watch with the equipment, even if sold in different shops. As for the color, size.

Cabinet for dishwasher

For example, the bottom row of kitchen furniture cabinets height 82 - 87 cm. Europe considers the standard depth of 60 cm furniture, America - 67.5. Radically changes the results of the reconnaissance. To mention, the top row of lockers made in depth to make a multiple of 15, with the exception of a number of standard sizes of 75 cm.

Finally, fans of custom-made furniture is recommended to give developers the information relating to the proposed kitchen equipment, which will be embedded. Help of the standard series to select the correct value. Cap dishwasher must follow the contours of the furniture. Some models of washing machines position of the front panel element to flexibly adjust the bracket. Dishwashing Equipment avoid classing supporters of the concept. Information is able to inform the dealer. Ask a question cap before purchase.


To summarize. When deciding what to buy Integrated dishwasher, first pretends dimensions equipment, guided by measurements of kitchen furniture. Simultaneously bother the desired volume of the working chamber to estimate the amount of devices. Choosing the place of installation, do not forget: we'll spend a couple of hose to the dishwasher, one electric wire.

Color solutions chosen according to the surrounding furniture color. If possible, buy cabinets, equipment sharing. Some compact models allowed at all to clean inside the section without embedding. Devices fit under the sink, where it is difficult to find room for anything other than the bin (short liner are obtained). Radical difference from washing machines, which are slightly greater height.

Actually, today the end is near, we think the topic is exhausted, additional questions ask comments. Recommended run option: the type of detergent, for a program of careful handling of utensils. Knowledge will save time is money.

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