Powder Finish (Finish) for dishwasher

What is the only means for the dishwasher on the shelves! Capsules from "3-in-1" to "all-in-1 liquid gels and tablets - among them it is so difficult to choose the best. We offer an overview of the classic remedy for PMM powder Finish. What are the advantages and features, its composition and price category - read below.

Content of the material:

  • 1What is "Finish"?
  • 2How to use
  • 3User Reviews

What is "Finish"?

Means for the dishwasher Finish - one of the most popular in a row with brandsSomat,Fairyor Calgon. Even some manufacturers of dishwashers advise buying exactly "Finish positioning it as an example of a quality and reliable means.

Does the powder have any special advantages and differences? Let's analyze the composition:

  • From 15 to 30% of sodium tripolyphosphate salts. This substance is struggling with greasy soiling.
  • Bleach (oxygen-containing) - up to 5%. Removes "tea "coffee" and other types of raids.
  • Surfactants are surfactants of a nonionic type. Form foam to improve the quality of washing.
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  • Enzymes are special enzymes that break down carbohydrates and proteins under low-temperature conditions.
  • Aromatic additives, including limonene.

In addition to the listed ingredients, StainSoake may occur - the manufacturer uses it as a stain remover. StainSoake has the ability to penetrate deeply into the stained stains to completely dissolve them.

It is worth noting that the composition does not include phosphates - chemicals that are recognized as unsafe. In high concentrations, they are banned in many countries of Europe.

The first batch of such a powder came to Russia from Germany. Today, you can find on the market packaging of Danish, Polish and Finnish production. Packaging can be from 1 to, kg. Let's give some examples:

  • Finish Classic weighing 1 kg and cost from 450 rubles - with the effect of "soaking". Classic remedy without extra additives at an affordable price.

  • Calgonit Finish Classic weight, kg - suitable for all types of PMM. The price of "Calgonite Finish Classic" starts from 1100 rubles.

  • Calgonit Finish Lemon (package, kg), Germany. With aromatic additive "lemon". The cost of 1000 rubles.

How to use

Any powder must be used strictly dosed, do not need to be covered by eye. To accurately measure the right dose, use a spoon or a measuring cup. For one cycle, 20 to 25 g of substance are consumed (D).

Where do I put powder for the dishwasher? Look for a special hopper on the hopper door from the inside. There is also a filling hole for the rinse aid.

Do not know where to fall asleep regenerating salt? In most cases, a special compartment inside the hopper, under the filter, is provided for it. But in the latest models from such brands asMiele, you can find the compartments on the door.

If you plan to include a pre-wash or soak regime, add 5 grams to the usual volume. Fall asleep separately into the specially provided compartment of the dispenser (C).

Important! The indicated dosage is the average value, which is suitable only for full-size PMMs. If you have a narrow or compact dishwasher installed, you need to use less. Experiment: when the dishes are well washed and there are no divorces, the proportions are correct.

The dosage is also affected by the degree of water hardness, but it all depends on what and how much you usesalt. In the dishwasher salt is not the last place, its task is to contribute to the optimal operation of the ion exchanger, which softens the hard water from the water pipe. The rinse aid is equally important - with its help, the dishes get shine, it does not leave any stains and drying is faster.

The company produces besides powder and other agents for PMM: salt,Finish rinse aid, tablets and capsules. It is desirable not to combine funds of different brands - their effect is significantly reduced. And combining washing, conditioner and salt from one brand, you strengthen their use for the dishwasher.

User Reviews

For you to have an objective opinion about the tool, we offer to review user feedback - positive and negative, and make your own conclusions.

Victoria, Kaluga

I take this powder in the store and then decided to order via the Internet. Maybe I got a fake, but on the dishes after washing there were terrible divorces - I had to rinse everything in 2 times in clean water, and manually - additional rinsing did not save. I tried to reduce the dosage, but there are still streaks. Be attentive - under a low price can be hidden falsification!

Daria, Sochi

I always used only 3-in-1 tablets, but pulled the devil to buy powder - the brand is the same, and it costs almost 2 times cheaper. On the whole crockery, as a result, white divorces. Dissatisfied, sorry for the money spent, again returned toFinish tabletsQuantum Power Ball.

Konstantin, Moscow

"Finish" in granules I use together with a rinse and salt "Finish". I calculate the dosage based on the hardness of the water (I measured the test strip, in accordance with the result, 20 grams of powder was poured onto 1 sink). There are no censures - the dishes glitter, sometimes the stains on the glass, but the additional rinse solves the problem.

Stesha, Krasnoyarsk

I use powder because tablets to me on rigidity of water do not approach. The correct dosage was calculated not immediately - only with the 3rd wash. Later I realized that salt and conditioner should be replaced and bought all the means of one brand. In general, if you figure out the right place dishes and do not sin with the dosage, the washing will be on 10 of 10 points.

Summarizing: Finish leaves a divorce, but if you calculate the correct dosage, follow the rules for loading utensils in the PMM and use the entire line of funds, the washing will be impeccable. Share your opinion about the product in the comments.

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