Overview of Finish Tablets for a Dishwasher

Tablets "Finish" (Powerball) for the dishwasher are actively advertised and sold in every online store of household chemicals or a supermarket. Marketers say that with these tablets you can wash any dishes to shine and a characteristic squeak. We propose to find out whether the promises are true, whether funds from the Finish brand are effective. You will get an overview of the most popular means of "Finish".

Content of the material:

  • 1Finish Quantum: a short description
  • 2Finish All in 1
  • 3Finish All in Turbo 1: overview
  • 4Finish Classic - the simplest cleaner
  • 5User Reviews

Finish Quantum: a short description

Finish Kvantum is a relative novelty in the market, but its action has already been verified by many users. Form - compressed capsule "3-in-1" in a soluble packaging.

What's in the composition:

  • powder with enzymes (active substances), designed for dishes with strong and persistent impurities;
  • softener and water purifier;
  • gel of high concentration (bright red color) for effective splitting of fat and giving shine to dishes.
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When in contact with water, the wrapper dissolves in less than half a minute and allows its composition to be activated step by step at different stages of the washing cycle. The first to dissolve the powder with enzymes, after it slowly act softening-cleansing components and Only at the very end of the sink at the rinse stage is activated the gel located in the center pills.

Instructions for using Powerball is on the box.

Finish Quantum is sold in packages of 20 to 80 pieces. The price is from 700 to 1800 rubles per package, depending on the volume.

On a note! It is more profitable to buy the most voluminous packaging, then the cost of each tablet will be an order of magnitude lower. On the test it is better to buy a pack of smaller volume, suddenly the tool will not suit you or not like it.

"Quantum" is imported mainly from Poland, although production is also on the territory of our country.

It is noteworthy that user reviews are contradictory. Those who are against buying, argue that the tool is expensive, while the action is an order of magnitude worse than the more affordable counterparts. Those who defend, says that the pills are effective and the overestimated cost is not important. Confirm or refute the angry comments of those who did not fit universal capsules, it is difficult, because the tests have been proven to be effective. It's easier to check them on your own and decide how well the product is performing well.

Finish All in 1

"Finish" All in 1 for the dishwasher is suitable for removing persistent dirt from various dishes. The manufacturer claims that the substance can be used to treat even glass or silver dishes.

The composition includes sodium percarbonate, citric acid, amylase, zinc oxide and other "chemistry".

How to use the product is detailed on the packaging. But usually it's enough just to load the capsule into its compartment or put it directly into the hopper.

Important! The composition of Finish All in 1 is much "lighter" than that of Quantum, and the action is more rude, but it does not affect the efficiency.

The dimensions of each tablet are initially such that it is placed in a special cell of the loading hopper PMM. If it was not possible, you need to divide it into 2 parts. How to cut a tablet for dishes? Best of all with a stationery knife. It is advisable not to use food knives - because of the aggressive detergent composition, the components of which can remain on the surface of the knife.

You can find a variety of packages for 14, 28, 56, as well as 70 and 100 capsules. How much does the product cost? Depending on the volume of the package, the price ranges from 400 to 1100 rubles.

Important! We found a packing for 100 capsules for 300 rubles, and are already happily preparing to buy? Ask for quality certificates for products, as this can be a blatant forgery. Also, cheap equipment could have expired.

Production is established both in Germany and Poland, but in the Russian Federation, as a rule, Polish products are imported. If you can find a German-made product, be prepared for the cost by 30% more.

About the tablets All in 1 in the network write mostly positive reviews.

Finish All in Turbo 1: overview

What is different from the previous ones? It's simple: these capsules are created specifically for such modes as "Fast "Express "Party" (the name differs depending on the model, the duration is 29-40 minutes).

Initially, this is reminiscent of the advertising move, because it is difficult to believe that complex pollution can be washed in a short period of time in almost cold water. But with a preliminary washing or "Soaking" regime, this is quite realistic.

The sale receives packages ranging in size from 14 to 100 pieces, cost from 400 to 2000 rubles.

Important! If you are a fan of traditional modes, do not spend money on this tool, otherwise active substances will dissolve in the first 20-30 minutes and will be washed into the sewer, and the washing efficiency is substantially will decrease.

Finish Classic - the simplest cleaner

Uncomplicated tablets, which include only powder. Powerball Classic is more convenient to use than regular powder, but it will cost more. Separatelyon the properties, composition and characteristics of the powder "Finish"you can learn from the previous articles.

The main component is the patented Soaker substance, which cleaves the contaminated soils. Unfortunately, user feedback indicates that this component does not work as efficiently as the manufacturer promises. At the same time, the expectations of those who tried using the means to wash off tea and coffee stains are justified - with this "Classic" copes with "hurray gently cleans cups of glass and ceramics.

On sale there are packs from 14 to 90 pieces. One tablet on average costs from 15 to 25 rubles.

User Reviews


I always buy FINISH Quantum. For my dishwasher Bosch is the best of what is on sale today. I choose the full load, ECO mode or 65 degrees. After washing I get clean dishes, without divorce and smells. Salt and scouring also take this brand. For those who write that it is very expensive, "I will open America take kits 2 for the price of one, and you will be happy.


I consider the kitchen a female kingdom, but since I bought the dishwasher, I also care for its serviceability, too. I take from the very beginning of operation FINISH Classic - did not choose especially, just along with the machine there was a gift probe, that's why I took them by inertia. Then his wife ventured to buy something cheaper, then spit for a long time and said to take only the "Classic Finish". Sometimes I experiment and take with the smell of lemon. Wash, of course, well.

Now you have to decide whether it is worth using the Finish products for your PMM. You learned the basic information about the most common universal capsules and tablets and got the opportunity to determine which ones are better. Good choice!

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