Connecting the dishwasher with their hands

You can not embed the dishwasher under the cooktop if they wanted to, with the drain hose length does not exceed 1.5 meters. Allowed to build up to 5 meters, but the stable operation of the equipment is not guaranteed. For example, goes down the drain pump. We talk about how to make the connection of the dishwasher with your hands, avoid common mistakes.

Connecting the dishwasher

Wiring diagram of the dishwasher:

  1. After unpacking the product is considered in terms of potential damage. It is worth a little shake the body, if other sounds are heard, it is better to abandon the purchase, require replacement of the dishwasher.
  2. Carefully vymeryat compartment made punching holes in the sections under the cabinets of communication. Held in the right place electrical outlet with ground.
  3. Water connection to dishwasher is conducted in the following order: the drain hose, inlet hose.
  4. Then he performed a series of embedding operations: Set up the doors, feet, hinged mounting decorative panels and brackets.
  5. Dishwasher attached to its rightful place by several screws.
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It is not difficult to guess that operations preceded by a process of careful fitting, selecting the right size and product specifications. Recommend that the rough calculations beforehand. Instructions to connect the dishwasher Bosch SRV 43M13 EU says that the table top at a height up to 87 cm (maximum of the possible options), not only 81 cm, corresponding to the height of the housing. The height of the legs of the dishwasher is adjustable over a wide range, which will adjust the setting for the specified parameters. These nuances will help to more accurately select the equipment and do not regret purchasing the wrong equipment.

We choose the model and try to make a connection Bosch dishwasher yourself. Germans get a share of advertising for detailed installation instructions that are distinguished by no means any company.

Narrow dishwasher Bosch SPV53M00RU

You choose your popular Bosch from the middle price segment. Product cost is 20,000 rubles. To carry out the connection Bosch dishwasher, go on site. The Tools sub looking for accessories and spare parts. In the lower right corner emblazoned point instructions, push and get to the search box, where you type. Note that the script sometimes produces errors, made as in the example.

Connection Bosch dishwasher

We introduce SPV53M00RU and get a rich instruction set. Are looking for:

  • II - installation instructions;
  • IU - instruction manual.

It is useful to get acquainted with other documentation. To understand the suitability of the product in terms of installation. The instruction manual is a section Installation and begin to study. The machine will provide full protection against leaks, on the filling hose is a special shut-off valve extends inside electric wire for detail. Do not be surprised a massive box to be connected to the water supply.

Installation instructions (installation)

First of all look at the maximum compartment size for the installation. In this case, 81.5 - 87.5 x 45 x 57.9 cm. Millimeter in both directions will not play the role, but the deviations are not allowed. Note the depth of the product's enclosure is 55 cm, 2.9 cm clearance is required at the rear. Equipment designed for standard furniture European release. According to the requirements of the EU depth cabinets kitchen sets is 60 cm. In America - 67.5 cm. The German manufacturer of solid fulfills norm even 1 mm margin left.

Connecting the dishwasher

Installation and connection of the dishwasher carried out according to the instructions:

  1. Technological stages are marked by dark circles with a light figure, part numbers - polygons.
  2. Pictures illustrate the alignment of forces is often not very clear, explain the image to the extent possible.

The first step is recommended to remove and throw out bracket located on the rear panel of the top in the center. Then joins the electrical power cord 1.75 m long. The socket set m away from the compartment. No more. We recommend to hang at a height of 50 cm from the floor, to avoid even accidental ingress of water. It should be provided that do not fall out of the sink splashes. It will have to determine the place, depending on cooking conditions.

knowledgeable people recommend to keep the connection of the dishwasher yourself to the mains through the circuit breaker by twice the capacity of the equipment. For example, at a current of 16 A. It turns on power of 3 kW. Not so radical authors of the statements, remind, in some dishwashers worth asynchronous motor inverter, which consumes power start time to 8 times more par. Will there be enough circuit breakers, do not tell. When buying look what allows overload protection equipment for some time. Most diesel engines selected and calculated on short-term overload (not all models).

Unauthorized connection of the dishwasher

We recommend to take a typical computer filter extension to the traditional orange power button. It smoothes the ripple network that would be beneficial to the operation of the equipment. Unauthorized connection of the dishwasher through the filter is not complicated. The mains lead of the ground loop, in case you find a place in your home or cottage. Put the branch on zero phase, do not attempt to ground through the water pipes devices, batteries, gas pipes. In the latter case, the risk of explosion. The first two - the death of people. A case when the fitter died, holding his hand over the battery, in the other hand held drill.

To examine the installation manual on. By the front edge of countertops nailed lath running in the kit. We believe this is a decorative element. Then it is recommended to start punching holes in the walls of the furniture to the communication of the dishwasher. Size 5x10 cm rectangular openings. We recommend the use of a drill Forstner. The fifth step of the plate fixed on top of the chassis, a pair of ears are cut for further use. Other communications are drawn at the place of the future proleganiya.

If not need side fastening holes in the upper housing portion (closer to the front panel) are covered with rubber plugs, with the apparatus.

Carried out the installation and connection of the dishwasher. Fasten the mounting brackets to the upper front corners of the body stipulated preheat the product in a niche and adjustable front legs to top panel rested on the countertop. To achieve the goal devised two ways:

  • rotate the legs about an axis (coarse mode);
  • use special screws on the sides at the base level (exactly).

Three screws, the mean is designed to work with the central rear leg. When leveling guided across the level placed on the bottom of the working chamber. Achieved at the expense of the legs fit into the height of the compartment. Now it's time to mark and drill a decorative panel. For this pattern is marked in pencil on the edge of the countertop, as shown in the installation manual. The figure shows the hole diameters and the depth. Focus on special Depth drill, if applicable. The front panel is suspended and additionally fastens the screws on the inside (using tabs cut earlier).

Installation instructions (communication connection)

Connecting the dishwasher to the sewer is done in the first place. To do this, complete the drain hose. If the shop is a standard T-piece 50 mm PVC is too wide, you will need an adapter to connect the dishwasher. This rubber product, ask the sanitary shop. If required, GROW hose, but the quality of work will suffer.

Time for a connection of the dishwasher to the water supply has come. You will need a special T-piece brass and plastic tubes - samovrezayuschiysya fitting. Is this cause for plumbing, decide for yourself. Today popular Metal-construct. The fittings are tightened using a wrench tow, silicone sealant, or tape-fum on threaded joints. There is even simpler:

  1. Cut the pipe at the desired location with a hacksaw on wood.
  2. Inserts T-fitting.
  3. Mount hose dishwasher.

On top cut in the power cord into the outlet. According to the instructions it is assumed that Reach Extension, without touching the dishwasher. In America, the installation is carried out under the sink outlet. The Russian realities appear to be dangerous.

So you connect the dishwasher Bosch yourself. Emphasis recommend doing on familiarity with the device. Thoughtful approach guarantees that the product will have a place. Let the dishwasher will serve you long and true, saving time and saving Housewives hands from contact with cold water and detergent.

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