How to build the dishwasher in the kitchen ready: Options + the order of execution of works

Integrated installation of a new kitchen unit with a set of equipment - ideal, but not always the best solution. It is that the dishwasher buy later, and a special cabinet for its installation is not provided.

We will try to figure out how to build in the dishwasher in the kitchen ready and that it is necessary to prepare for the installation.

The content of the article:

  • Conditions for Setting the dishwasher
  • Possible options for embedding
    • Solution # 1 - embedding in the closet
    • Solution # 2 - installation in detached unit
    • Solution # 3 - installation in the niche
    • Solution # 4 - if the incorporation is not appropriate
  • How to install built-in model
    • Step 1 - complete check of PMM
    • Step 2 - Installation on site
    • Step 3 - connection to sewer
    • Step 4 - connection to water supply
    • Step 5 - connection to power supply
  • Conclusions and useful videos on the topic

Conditions for Setting the dishwasher

Before you buy and install a dishwasher, you need to find a suitable place for it.

The easiest way to detached units - for them will be enough and a piece of free space on the floor or table. But what to do when you have planned to buy a built-in models that can be hidden behind a decorative panel?

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The advantage of the embedded dishwasher

The main advantage of embedded kitchen appliances - its "invisibility." Powerful, feature-rich units are hidden behind furniture fronts, without overloading the interior of its technicality

It is necessary to equip the building with a tape measure and check which cases are suitable for installation of PMM. Find out the size of dishwashers is simple - the information posted on the official websites of shops selling household appliances.

In the manufacture of machinery manufacturers are oriented to human growth, the size of furniture, respectively, and have adapted their model under uniform standards.

For example, most of the well-known brands have dishwashers width 60 cm (More precisely, 598 mm) or 45 cm (448 mm). 45-cm models are called narrow, and opportunities for integration into the finished kitchen have more.

Narrow dishwasher

Functionally, and the number of programs narrow dishwashers do not concede wide machines, so sometimes it makes sense to analyze the proposals of this type of technology

In the narrow models, as a rule, height from 815 mmto 875 mmThat is equal to the standard height of kitchen countertops and cabinets.

If set custom made, countertops level may be underestimated for technical reasons, e.g., prevents the pipe and so forth. Therefore, when measuring the accuracy needed - just one extra centimeter can be decisive.

Depth machines -550 mm. When installing the remains of several centimeters for a comfortable connection of hoses and wires so that they are not pinched.

There is a category of compact cars, which differ from the full-height. For ease of use they are usually inserted into the top of the module.

Built compact model

The average dimensions of a compact car: 550h500h438 (WxDxH). In contrast to the free-standing model for the embedded module is optional furniture that is suitable in size

If you have found a suitable size wardrobe, do not forget to take into account the location of the communication:

  • a cold water pipe;
  • sewer pipes;
  • free electric power line to the socket.

An additional power cable can be laid if necessary, and move pipe in a finished kitchen can hardly be so Fitting machine location usually chosen near the sink - this is where concentrated main water supply and drain nodes effluents.

If at least one of the conditions is not met, for example, there is no suitable module or not to get close to communications, you will have to postpone the purchase of embedded dishwashers or think about reconstruction kitchen.

Possible options for embedding

Wardrobe for embedding PMM may look different. We offer a look at some popular options that are convenient for installation.

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Dishwasher traditionally located under the sink

Wardrobe, located near the sink, suitable in all respects. If there is too much space, it can be used for the storage of detergents

The machine is mounted in a separate module

If space allows, and the location of cabinets in the headset should be left unchanged, it is possible to order a separate module and install it on an empty space

Compact dishwasher is integrated in the middle tier

Load dishes in the compact model is much easier if it is at waist level - so no need to bend over or squat

Dishwasher middle of the kitchen - in the "island"

When washing is to separate the equipped central kitchen area - the "island", then the dishwasher can be installed side by side, as the communication provided

Dishwasher traditionally located under the sink

Dishwasher traditionally located under the sink

The machine is mounted in a separate module

The machine is mounted in a separate module

Compact dishwasher is integrated in the middle tier

Compact dishwasher is integrated in the middle tier

Dishwasher middle of the kitchen - in the "island"

Dishwasher middle of the kitchen - in the "island"

Each type of installation is associated with difficulties. To minimize them, it is important to comply with the above conditions and requirements specified by the manufacturer in the instructions. Here are some recommendations for the installation of dishwashers in different places.

Solution # 1 - embedding in the closet

If there is a cabinet with a sink-cabinet width exceeding 45 cm, it can be used to install the dishwasher.

The advantage close to the communications installation - possibility of integrating the hoses in cars already installed system under the sink.

Wiring Scheme

Connection variant dishwashers: an elongated pipe supplying cold water from the check valve outlet of the drain hose into the washing siphon separate electrical outlet

From the tables will have to remove the shelves and the rear wall, if necessary - the bottom panel. Recessed housing should be brought in upright position, for this purpose the adjustable feet.

Then you need to turn to connect the machine to the sewer, water supply and power supply. If necessary, install an additional water seal with the spout.

Decorative front panel which is mounted on the machine door, usually harvested from the cabinet doors removed or optional. Partially built-in models do not need to decorate, so their installation a little easier.

Solution # 2 - installation in detached unit

If free cabinets for new equipment is not found, but there is enough space in the kitchen, you can order a separate module, but you need to install it close to communications.

Installation in a separate module

Stand for additionally acquired art - compact washing machines and dishwashers. The module is mounted as close to the sink, making it easier to connect

It is important to align and secure the unit so that it does not vibrate at work and do not move the cabinet. Hoses and pipes are laid along the walls, but access to them easier.

To get to the communications, you can not disassemble the machine and simply move the cabinet from the wall.

When the dishwasher is installed under a common kitchen countertop maintenance is necessary to dismantle it, as otherwise the hose connection to the places of reach.

Solution # 3 - installation in the niche

If in the kitchen provided a niche for the installation microwave oven or other small size equipment, it can also be used for the installation of dishwashers.

Dimensions of compact model with the drawings can be found in the installation instructions.

Dishwasher in the niche

If the niche is far from communications, have reserved long flexible hose for cold water supply and drain the used

Recessed compact models should not be confused with detached. The latter are not necessarily placed in a niche - to install them fit any horizontal surface.

To the dishwasher is not conspicuous, and was hidden, like the rest of appliances, the front part of the cover with a decorative plate style facade.

machine installation scheme

Developers typically think up various installation techniques, however in the installation instructions arranged drawings and the measurement circuit, helpful hints, technical recommendations

Place for a compact model to find easier, but do not forget that a large family of mini-machine to serve not.

Solution # 4 - if the incorporation is not appropriate

What if the kitchen does not have space for built-in model? It remains to consider freestanding versions, the construction of which does not require special installation.

They can be simply set on the floor, countertop or in a niche, align, and then make the connection.

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Compact dishwasher on the table

The small-sized device will save time usually spent on a sink, but not more than 6 processes the sets

Freestanding dishwasher in the open module

The open niche in the kitchen set is suitable for the installation of any equipment that does not require a decorative finish

Dishwasher, which is located under the sink

Full machine under the sink will not be included, but space for a compact model is sufficient, thus considerably simplified phase connection

A small portion of the area for narrow typewriter

In the working area of ​​the kitchen, on any empty area can be set Full detached model, but takes up less space narrow

Compact dishwasher on the table

Compact dishwasher on the table

Freestanding dishwasher in the open module

Freestanding dishwasher in the open module

Dishwasher, which is located under the sink

Dishwasher, which is located under the sink

A small portion of the area for narrow typewriter

A small portion of the area for narrow typewriter

There is another way to fulfill his own dream of the built-in dishwasher installation - complete reconstruction of the kitchen units, with the ability to repair or relocation of utilities.

It is more expensive, requires not only investments, but also time.

How to install built-in model

Algorithm install dishwashers prescribed in the instructions provided by the manufacturer. Usually it consists of several stages, the first of which - the preparatory.

Pre-need to buy some of the details for connecting to the pipes, take care of the device socket, prepare tool - screwdrivers, screwdriver, hammer, as well as flax or fumlentu for plumbing connections, the sealant, a double scotch.

Step 1 - complete check of PMM

In addition to the dishwasher in the kit are usually present templates for installation of decorative overlays, fastening tools, protective rubber apron, gaskets and hoses.

To make sure everything is in place, you need to find a list of component elements and check each of them. If something is not enough, you have to buy.

Unpacking a new dishwasher

Decompressing step is often carried out in the presence of company employees implementing the technique. If you have problems with the assembly, they can be quickly solved by additional delivery

Be sure to check if the installation instructions in Russian. Famous brands duplicate description of the installation process on the official websites in special sections.

Step 2 - Installation on site

Before you install the built-in model, you must ensure that the cabinet is suitable in size and have holes for hoses in its walls.


  • put the car in front of a niche for embedding;
  • stretch and drain water inlet hoses through the holes to connect the points, the cord - in the direction of the outlet;
  • neatly push the body of the car in the designated place for it and make sure that the hose length is satisfied;
  • push the car and prepare it for embedding - To make the manipulation described in the instructions: sticking to the inside of the water vapor retarder countertops a film attached to the edges of the sealing tape, set the mounting plate, damping elements and etc.;
  • adjust the feet so that the casing standing vertically, to check the distance to the walls of the niche tape;
  • attached to the bottom of the sound insulationIf it is complete.

Then you can proceed to the installation of decorative overlays. That they did not differ from the kitchen of the facade, can be taken to remove the door panel from the cabinet and drawer and fix them one by one on the car door, pre-processed and correctly sized.

A few tips on installing makeshift pads.

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Dismantling of the doors and drawers

Let the kitchen cabinet looks the same as it was before the installation. No need to order new parts or remove hardware - so the door looks more natural

Reinstalling fittings for ease of use

To trim perfectly smooth "lay" on the front panel of the machine or self-tapping screws for fixing handles to be drowned, deepening hole drill

Application of double-sided tape to fix the lining

Wooden whether plastic overlays will not move while tightening the screws, if their pre "planted" on the double sided tape

Using paper stencils and templates

marking stage takes a long time, and to reduce it, you just need to use the mounting template supplied by the manufacturer

Dismantling of the doors and drawers

Dismantling of the doors and drawers

Reinstalling fittings for ease of use

Reinstalling fittings for ease of use

Application of double-sided tape to fix the lining

Application of double-sided tape to fix the lining

Using paper stencils and templates

Using paper stencils and templates

Usually for fixing trim strips machine is equipped with long screws - they need to fix it in place short, which initially tightened.

When the dishwasher is fully installed, it is to connect to the communications and testing.

Step 3 - connection to sewer

This is the easiest and quickest stage. Connecting operate in one of two ways:

  • drain hose inserted directly into the cuff outlet sewer pipe;
  • attach the drain hose to the washing system.

The first option is possible, if the soil pipe there are additional free opening which is located under the sink or near to it.

Connecting the dishwasher to the sewer

The option of integrating the system with hydraulic lock. Regardless of the method, dishwasher drain hose prevent leakage device equipped with "Aquastop" and stopcock

Tapping a pipe normally used ¾ inch tee. If the hose is installed in a siphon, it is better to buy a special model with a tap.

Step 4 - connection to water supply

Even if the model suggests a connection to hot and cold water in Russia should be equipped with feeding only cold water. This is due to the inability to adjust the hot water temperature and the absence of special filters.

At the cold water setting filter obligatory, Otherwise the equipment quickly fail.

Cold water connection

Cutting takes place in a standard way: setting a tee and necessarily - stopcock. cutting off the water supply will come in handy during the repair or replacement of parts

Place the threaded connections is better to leave detachable, but condense fum-tape or linen thread. The sealant used in an extreme case, it is usually dispensed with.

Step 5 - connection to power supply

Standard dishwashers length of the power cord - and a half meters. Therefore, the distance to a separate outlet should be less than 1.5 m.

Use a filter or extension cord is not recommended - for the operation of powerful kitchen appliances, according to the rules, should be prudently kept separate supply lines.

Setting outlet

Get electrical cable inside walls dishes with fully established suite is not possible, so it is conveyed in a box or in a plinth

For devices require a separate copper wire lines VVGng 2-2.5 mm, the protection device 16A and a grounded outlet.

During the installation, repair or maintenance of electric supply must be stopped. For this purpose a separate feed line is disabled on the switchboard serving the kitchen. And if this is not available, it is de-energized the entire apartment / house.

After installing the dishwasher must be Function test - connect the power supply and start the machine in test mode.

Installing equipment in the Kitchen Cooking from the usual installation is not fundamentally different, but can be difficult to connect communications.

Conclusions and useful videos on the topic

Tips for installation and replacement of decorative panels:

Recommendations for connecting to the sewerage and water supply:

self-connection rules dishwashers are shown in the following video:

Options and documentary support suggests an independent unit owners dishwashers. However, not all the owners of the new machine have the skills or knowledge to mount their own hands. If you doubt your own skills, better consult your dishwasher for embedding in the kitchen and connect it to a service center or to the audited private trader.

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