Overview of types and types of dishwashers

With the introduction of the first patented dishwasher, much has changed. Modern technologies combined with the experience of world leaders led to the emergence of different types and types of dishwashers. Now the buyer has to choose between one, the other and the third models, so as not to make a mistake and buy a machine that will fully meet his needs. All questions about the differences, pros and cons of each type of PMM will be considered in the review.

Content of the material:

  • 1Features and differences of different types of dishwashers
  • 2Which PMMs are more reliable, more economical, more productive
    • 2.1How to save money
    • 2.2Washing Quality
  • 3The cost of dishwashers of different types
  • 4How the first PMM appeared

Features and differences of different types of dishwashers

Several decades ago, it was not difficult to answer the question about what types of dishwashers there were, because the choice was modest. And today, with the development of engineering and technical thought against the backdrop of worldwide progress, cars are being manufactured in various forms and forms, which has caused a complex gradation.

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We will describe the simplest classification, which includes all types of modern PMM. This hierarchy is presented in detail on the diagram:

Schematic list of all possible types of dishwashers of different types

All dishwashers are divided into two main varieties: domestic and industrial.

Industrial machines in turn are divided into:

  • Frontal. Their design is similar to household appliances - in front there is a loading hatch, and inside - dish baskets. The control panel also resembles a household. The difference is one: as an assembly, reliability and duration of work. All front industrial dishwashers are made of high quality metal (external and internal parts). Also, such models wash large batches of dishes and serve several times longer than "domestic helpers."

Small industrial dishwasher for small catering establishments

  • Dishwashers of dome type. Original industrial options without a door. The container with dishes is covered with a washing tank, which resembles a dome - hence the name. To this technique, additional sectors are often added: a sink and a table for sorting dirty dishes and appliances.

Dome professional dishwasher for catering organizations with a small flow

  • Tunnel type - the most cumbersome and powerful "giants" of the dishwasher industry. They are suitable for canteens and other large catering establishments. They are often called "conveyor belts because they remind exactly this useful invention. The conveyor moves dirty dishes, getting into the tank for washing, where it already comes out perfectly clean.

Large industrial-type dishwasher for large dining rooms or restaurants

Important! Tunnel dishwashers require a large area - at least 18 square meters.

Today, many firms in Russia and abroad produce similar equipment for industry and business. The cost of this technique is high, in a domestic environment, such machines will be of no use.

Household dishwashers, which are usually faced by the consumer, are divided into the following classes:

  • full-size;
  • narrow;
  • small (or compact).

Full-size technology has its name due to external parameters. Usually the dimensions are as follows: height - 82-87 cm, width - 60 cm, depth - 55-60 cm. Such a machine can wash 10-17 sets of dishes at a time, so these are the most capacious and productive options. There are models that are partially or fully integrated into the kitchen set, as well as stand-alone structures.

Among the full-size cars can also be foundcombined. They are combined with other household appliances - hob, gas stove, oven. This is a relative novelty in the market, so the price is high for the average user, from this and the demand for combined options is modest.

Full-size household dishwasher with a full load of dishes

Narrow dishwashers from the previous distinguishes the width, which ranges from 4 to 49 cm. By type of installation, the division is exactly the same. Suitable for a kitchen with a limited space and a ready-made kitchen.

Narrow domestic dishwasher with two levels of trays for dishes on rollers

Small or compact models coming in sale in recent years can also vary in type of installation. Uniform standards are not available in sizes, dimensions can vary: 50-69 cm in width, 50-55 cm in depth, 44-60 cm in height. An excellent option for a small kitchen.

Compact table-top dishwasher in bright red for a modern kitchen

Which PMMs are more reliable, more economical, more productive

To determine the reliability of the dishwasher, it is worthwhile to focus on several features:

  1. What is made of a bunker, rocker arms and container containers. The less plastic and more metal, the better. To save in compact and narrow models, plastic parts are often found, so the conclusion is obvious.A bunker of a reliable dishwasher of industrial type without inserted trays for dishes
  2. Electronics - the more difficult, the more vulnerable. Constructive complexity of PMM is convenient, but unreliable. If the electronics breaks down, the repair "will fly into a penny sometimes up to half the cost of the unit.The task panel of the multifunctional household dishwasher from Siemens
  3. Manufacturer country. It is generally accepted that the most reliable technology in the world is German (such brands as Miele, Bosch, Siemens, AEG). Good indicators of trust and service life of Italian technology. Unfortunately, cheap Chinese machines of trust still do not deserve, in view of their frequent breakdowns, although there are also quite worthy brands - how lucky.

Logotype of the company for the production of Bosch dishwashers with a quality guarantee of 10 years

How to save money

The economy is even more difficult to estimate - here you need to take into account the characteristics of a particular model. In general, full-size PMMs consume 11-12 liters of water per wash cycle.

Important! Among full-size cars there are models of a premium class, which spend no more than 10 liters per wash. So, Neff 51M65X4 requires only a liter of water. But the cost of such a model is not affordable for everyone.

Compact machines consume 5-6 liters, which is the most ideal indicator for fans of savings.

Important! The economy of a small model is calculated based on the frequency of launches per day. If you use the technique three times a day, with a consumption of 6 liters, a small model will consume 18 liters of water, which is almost twice as much as a full-size PMM.

Example of a dishwasher sticker with a breakdown of all available specifications

Exactly the same logic in terms of electricity consumption. Conventional machines consume about, 3 9 kW / h, small - 1 kW / h. With the double launch of a compact economy-class model, the energy consumption will be greater than that of a machine with full dimensions.

Washing Quality

The quality of washing in modern machines is quite high, regardless of the design. So, a machine with a preliminary wash or "Soaking" has more chances to wash off old pollution. Even better results for those models in which the use of capsules and tablets "3 in 1" is permissible, and also with a wide variety of temperature regimes.

Compartment for loading washing and rinsing agents into a dishwasher with a number of compartments

Important! In order to anticipate the quality of washing in advance, pay attention to the washing class. It must be at least A.

The cost of dishwashers of different types

The final price of a dishwasher is not that it depends on the type of construction. Often the cost rests on the brand and the country of origin. For the European, and in particular the German, assembly will have to overpay by at least a quarter. The price is also affected by the cost of an individual company's advertising campaign - the more funds are spent on promotion, the brighter it is reflected in the cost of technology, although in this issue, some firms have chosen a different policy.

So, Bosch has focused on budgetary equipment, so even the cost of advertising and maintaining the status of a world leader does not leave a mark on the cost.

Budget independent dishwasher firm Bosch with an approximate price

According to the rules of marketing and economy, the final cost of the product is influenced by such factors:

  • Country of origin, brand;
  • country of assembly;
  • the degree of novelty, the number of "chips" and improvements;
  • technical complexity of the structure.

The high price for combined equipment is due to the availability of a gas stove or oven in the complex, but also the combined models are not the most expensive - they can be purchased at a price of 100 000-120 000 rubles, whereas the usual PMM from the German company De Dietrich costs all 200 000 rubles.

Stylish dishwasher in a simple modern design with a hidden task bar

Important! Also the cost can depend on the type of control, class of washing, drying or power consumption. Carefully read the information sticker when buying. If before the class of electricity consumption was not higher than A, then today one can meet A +, A ++ and even A +++.

Comparison table of power consumption level of dishwashers up to 2010

How the first PMM appeared

The world's first dishwasher was created by a resident of the United States. Her "ancestor" - Joel Goughton. It would be fair to call him just an author of the idea, because he failed to translate his work into reality. The first machine was difficult to use, it required physical efforts, and the quality of washing left much to be desired. Later, Goughton decided to automate the process, but it remained on paper and did not find any mapping in real developments.

The invention of Josephine Cochrane is more like what we are accustomed to calling a dishwasher. In its technical novelty, the basis of the design was piston pumps operating on a manual drive. Also in the typewriter was a heater that heated the water, and a basket into which the dishes were stacked.

It is interesting! Development Cochrane turned the idea of ​​washing dishes, but found no recognition because of the high cost and still poor quality of washing.

An ancient photo of the owner of the very first dishwasher in the history of mankind

The history of the MMP has continued in Europe. The first automatic dishwasher was created in 1929 by the engineers of the German company Miele. The device did not require user input, and hot water was sent to the hopper by an electric pump. In 30 years, the same company produced the first dishwasher in the design known to our contemporaries, which worked in automatic mode. 1960 can be safely called the year of the invention of modern PMM.

Details on the history of the creation and evolution of dishwashersread in our article.

An old dishwasher of small dimensions, a prototype of modern dishwashers

Summarize. Despite the fact that the choice of types PMM is huge, you can always easily choose the right option for home or business. The main thing is to determine the criteria that the machine should answer, and immediately indicate the budget for the planned purchase.

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