Dishwasher Siemens SR64E002RU: characteristics of dishwashers

Proven customer Integrated dishwasher Siemens SR64E002RU is designed to accommodate small-sized kitchens.

When this functionality is not inferior to full-length devices, and thanks to the automatic parameter setting and five-level water distribution provides good results wash utensils.

The content of the article:

  • Description Siemens SR64E002RU model
    • Programs and dishwashers options
    • Device Management Features
    • The design of the dishwasher
  • Benefits Siemens SR64E002RU
  • A list of the major shortcomings
  • Features placing dishes in the machine
  • Terms of care for dishwasher
  • Compare prices and specifications
  • Competitive model dishwashers
    • Competitor # 1: Electrolux ESL 94320 LA
    • Competitor # 2: Indesit DISR 57H96 Z
    • Competitor # 3: Midea MID45S100
  • The best offers on the market

Description Siemens SR64E002RU model

Per load Siemens SR64E002RU can accommodate 9 place settings. Thus using 9 l water and 0.78 kWh / h of electricity. It's a little, when compared with other devices. Economical water consumption has been achieved by using the alternate supply water jets in the lower and upper yoke, and reuse of clean water.

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Siemens SR64E002RU has the largest list of programs. But also those that are good enough for high-quality cleansing utensils.

Programs and dishwashers options

The machine operates using four modes:

  • Eco 50 C ° ». Water consumption is the standard 9 l of electricity - 078 kW / h. Full cycle lasts 3 hr.
  • "Fast 45 C °». When power consumption of 0.7 kW / h of water is consumed 9 l. The program lasts for half an hour, for washing glassware.
  • "Pre-rinse". For one rinsing cycle need 3 liters of water and 0.05 kW. Lasts 15 minutes and is used if the action after the main program were signs of poor rinsing.
  • "Auto 45-65 C °». In this mode power consumption is equal to 0.7-1.3 kW / hr, 7-16 l of water consumption. Technology determines how heavily soiled dishes. It exposes the desired temperature and operating time - from 90 to 50 minutes.

When you use the program "Auto" can further include power washing mode, which will operate at the bottom of the car and help to better wash the pots and pans.

Program "Eco" or quick-washing mode is useful when the little dishes. In the case of a full load of boxes dishwasher use Program mode "Auto 45-65 C °», the machine independently defined parameters of washing.

Program dishwashers

With the help of the table is available with all the programs that are used in dishwashers Siemens machines. It is possible that, without any of them you can not do without (+)

Additional function, developed by Siemens and used in SR64E002RU model for improvement, - IntensivZone. Working in the 'zone of intensive washing "involves the simultaneous multi-type cleaning dishes, which have varying degrees of contamination.

At the bottom of the dishwasher are arranged more contaminated objects (pots, pans), and water is pumped at a high pressure and temperature. At the top it is not very dirty dishes and wash gently.

Device Management Features

In addition to a significant set of basic functions, said dishwasher has additional useful features. Options that facilitate the management of:

  • indicators in the presence of salt and rinse water system;
  • LED-lights for determining the cycle of washing and drying;
  • audio program of action is complete;
  • start timer to 3, 6, 9 hours.

If water is quite soft and no salt is used, or salt thereof incorporated into the detergent and load it into the container is not necessary, then the infrared sensor salts availability is turned off. You can do this by setting its setting to "0". You can also enter and rinse aid indicator.

regeneration function that provides electronic operation (water softening device) supports the rigidity index within the set value. This helps to reduce one-third of salt intake.

The use of detergent in the dishwasher

Recognition of the type of detergent is due to automation "3 in 1". Used liquid, powdery or tablet means - cleaning utensils quality remains at a proper level,

Change the operating mode is possible only after the previous stop - after the cancellation of the program will operate for approximately 1 minute until it is complete draining.

I need to say a few words about AquaSensor sensor. The device is activated during start of the program and determines the degree of turbidity. Water with sufficient transparency reused. If the water is cloudy, it is discharged into the sewer system. Feature helps save water significantly - from 3 to 6 liters per rinse cycle.
How to operate the machine Siemens SR64E002RU, show video:

The design of the dishwasher

Household appliance is powered by the motor inverter iQdrive. Quiet motor reliable and durable. The warranty period for such devices - 10 years.

rocker DuoPower

water spray and creates the necessary pressure rocker DuoPower. It supplies water to every corner of the wash chamber, serving even the most remote places

Model sizes - 81.5 cm high, 44.8 width and depth of 55 cm. The inner tank is made of stainless steel. Top box can be placed at different heights, it has a shelf for cups. It also is a compartment dosageAssist, intended for better dissolution of the detergent. At the bottom of the basket, there are guides for plates, a small basket of spoons, forks and other cutlery.

The internal structure of the dishwasher

In both boxes boot space is simulated. All shelves easily moved in and out on the spot

The dishwasher door has a special lock ServoSchloss, which closes it, if the opening angle is less than 10 degrees. In the open position the door locked only after installing the facade panel.

Control Panel

Machine controls are located on the top edge of the door and are available for use when you open it

Front legs adjust the height of the machine. Using these established level. To protect against vapor is provided from a metal plate, which is mounted on the countertop kitchen units.

It protects against leaks aquaStop - a closed system, which operates throughout the lifetime of the device.

Benefits Siemens SR64E002RU

Advantages of embedded machine Siemens SR64E002RU are the following characteristics:

  • Careful distribution of water in the chamber-cleaning. Three rocker, two of which are located underneath the top basket, provides high-quality washing dishes.
  • Automatic software installation. Technique independently analyzes the load size, assesses the degree of contamination, install the operating parameters.
  • Protection from temperature extremes. Exchanger prevents an abrupt change of temperature inside the chamber, away from the glass cracking.
  • Prevention of scale formation. The machine is adjustable stiffness to protect the glass from corrosion, deposition of plaque.
  • Rackmatic system. Adjusts the height of the placement of the upper basket. Changing its position can be more compactly dishes.

Operation of the machine even at night does not cause discomfort - the device is quite quiet. As dignity should be noted also can adjust the consumption of rinse aid, salt, and that the work can be added or be removed from the chamber any subject.

Dishwasher Siemens

dishwasher model is manufactured in Germany, and when properly installed it extends 10 years warranty

A list of the major shortcomings

Deficiencies in the machine of this model is not so much, but they are, and their importance everyone has the right to evaluate yourself. So, what can cause negative using the device:

  • Small capacity. But this quality is relative, as the number of places the dishes, which is a single-family seem totally inadequate to the other will be normal.
  • Insufficiently thought-out ergonomics. The salt container is located on the bottom of the machine, because to get to sleep means not very convenient.
  • Irrational alarm. Due to the weak signal the end of a complete cycle can be "miss" and turn off the machine in a timely manner.
  • No child protection function. A significant lack of dictating mandatory adult presence during the operation of home appliances.

Another disadvantage of Siemens SR64E002RU models - the high price. Devices with the same functionality can be found cheaper.

Features placing dishes in the machine

Basically, all the rules are similar to the placement of dishes for different dishwashers, but does not prevent them to repeat, to avoid problems in the operation of machinery. The basic rules of the dishwasher load, performance of which requires its manufacturer instructions, as follows:

  • Articles for cleaning, do not block the cover of the detergent.
  • Cutlery handles and placed with their points down. Long objects are placed on a special shelf for knives.
  • Dishes are placed upside down to prevent water from dripping, providing it with a stable position.
  • Very dirty dishes placed at the bottom, at the bottom of the basket.
  • Plates stack better in the cell through one, alternate large items with small ones. This ensures better access of water to the pan.

In addition to the standard set of boxes, shelves, holders manufacturer Siemens manufactures devices for convenient placement of dishes, which can be purchased separately.

Shelf for knives

Shelf for folding knives, if it interferes. The space underneath freely placed low cup tea set

Siemens SR64E002RU machine can not be used for washing:

  • glassware, stained ash, paint;
  • glassware, which does not have a mark that it can be washed in the dishwasher;
  • antique dishes, particularly with decorative painting;
  • wood, tin, copper cookware, and plastic dishes can not tolerate the hot water.

Furthermore, crystal, aluminum or silver plate may become dull from frequent washing and use of special equipment. To avoid the formation of plaque, tarnishing the surface of objects, use detergents labeled "do not have a strong impact on the surface of the dishes."

Terms of care for dishwasher

During operation, the equipment must not forget the periodic cleaning of the filter system - micro filters preliminary and fine cleaning. After each use, they are tested, remove the remnants of food. During preventive care should also be clear element of fat deposits and rinse under running water.

Cleaning the filter

To remove the filter, its crank clockwise. Put in place, making sure that the arrows are located opposite each other

It should also be necessary for the holes in the spray arm. They accumulate scale and plaque, up to a total blockage. They are washed under running water. Keep the machine clean helps to incorporate it without a pan at high temperatures, with detergents, which soften and help remove pollution stuffy.

Cleaning rocker

Rocker unscrewed performing turns in the direction indicated by the arrows (1). Lower removed movement upward, the top - a movement directed downwards (2). Wash can be with a soft brush

Often there is no water flowing down is above the filter, because the drain pump is clogged food residues. Then the machine is disconnected from the mains, remove the basket and filter and flinging water. Next, remove the pump cover, the space inside the inspected for foreign objects and remove them.

Cleaning the impeller

Clean the drain pump impeller should be very careful - in the case of being hit by broken glass or other sharp objects there is a risk of cuts. pump cover is necessary to take out the tab (1) and move inwards obliquely

Compare prices and specifications

We have compared the dishwashers, which have approximately the same value as the Siemens SR64E002RU. For analysis using a newer model from Siemens and Bosch device popular brand.

Compared with machine Bosch SPV 40E10, Siemens SR 64E002RU more economically uses water - 2L less. It is economical in terms of power consumption, since it can be connected to the hot water. Also worth noting is that Siemens is much quieter in operation - 48 dB, whereas a competitor - 52 dB.

But Bosch SPV 40E10 device more convenient to operate, as it has an electronic display, and safer - it provides for the protection of children. The price of the Bosch model is slightly smaller than the rest of the comparable models.

Comparison table characteristics

The table shows only the parameters that differ. Other characteristics and performance close in value (+)

Model 64M030 Series SR, compared to SR 64E002RU, has more features. Among them, the protection of children, electronic display and a special beam that indicates the ON state of the device on and off after stopping the program. Indicators of noise, water consumption and the amount of work programs are identical. Cost model SR 64M030 slightly higher. Whether to pay for useful "chips," a purely personal decision.

Competitive model dishwashers

The main reference point selection technology still is not the cost, but the size and installation method. After the model is chosen for a specific location on the kitchen and the family is not abstract. Let us examine embodiments dishwashing appliances capable to compete with the unit in an exploded view of the article with said criteria.

Competitor # 1: Electrolux ESL 94320 LA

Narrow completely embedded in kitchen furniture unit operates more economical in terms of energy than the "hero" of the article. During washing 9 sets it consumes per hour in just 0.7 kW. It uses more water - 10 liters, a little more noise, for measurements at 49 dB.

Managed by Electrolux ESL 94320 LA keypad electronics, there is a panel with LED indicators for monitoring of production data. Using a timer, can be transferred to start washing 3... 6 h. Unlike in the article cars in this model there is no half-load function. But there is a device that determines the degree of water purity, automatic shut-off and drying the extra format.

Minus: no locking system from interfering with children in the process of programming and operation of the device.

Competitor # 2: Indesit DISR 57H96 Z

The leaner this tank model 10 is placed china sets, on which the spent wash only 9 liters of water. In an hour she spends 0.74 kW of electricity, but we recognize that wash up dishes more on a standard set. Quieter noise by 46 dB.

Programs at Indesit DISR 57H96 Z is also higher than that of competitors. At the disposal of potential owners of 7 different cleaning options to the same machine sanitizes dishes safe for children way. Processing utensils provided with a half-filled hopper is consumed also when this half of means and resources.

electronic control type, there is a display for the tracking technique works. The timer allows you to delay activation for 1... 12 h. The disadvantage is considered no lock at the hands of the little fidgets.

Competitor # 3: Midea MID45S100

Model attracts price, the lowest of the following example in aggregates and economical consumption of resources. 9 washing tableware sets it will need 9 liters of water and only 0.69 kWh of energy per hour. It will sound at 49 dB.

Work programs have Midea MID45S100 5 pieces. The unit handles the dishes loaded with half a tank, it produces an extra drying if necessary. Managed keypad electronics to monitor the work of these panels equipped with LED indicators. Is equipped with a timer, allows you to move the launch of a period of 3... 9 hours.

Almost traditionally embedded dishwashers narrow type there is no protection from the younger generation.

The best offers on the market

dishwasher Model Siemens SR64E002RU, intended for location in the kitchen furniture - almost a win-win option for a small kitchen. Compact and yet spacious, with a flexible management, and, most importantly, to effectively perform its main function - do dishes. Such a machine is not only free them from household chores, but also to appreciate its functionality.

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