Do I need a dishwasher - review, reviews

The market of household appliances is actively replenished with appliances for home and everyday life. We are used to a kettle, vacuum cleaner or washing machine, and we are looking narrowly at some new technical ideas. The kitchen is “attacked” by microwaves, multicookers, pressure cookers, blenders, yogurt makers and other appliances. Their abundance and variety of dishes used requires care. A logical question is brewing: do we need a dishwasher?

We propose to consider the pros and cons of dishwashers, to make a decision: whether to buy PMM or not.

Material content:

  • 1 Why do you need
  • 2 dishwasher Review of characteristics: pros and cons
  • 3 Cost-effective dishwasher
  • 4
  • 5 user reviews Summing up: buying or not worth


dishwasher Important! According to statistics, PMM is increasingly entering the house to simplify housekeeping and optimize life. But still quietly without it costing millions of families. Why are dishwashers not common? Probably, automatic washing of dishes is associated by the Russian consumer with huge amounts of dishes, typical restaurants, hotels, catering, etc.

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Is the dishwasher profitable? It significantly saves time, effort and resources, but we do not insist on immediate purchase. We need to weigh the pros and cons to make a decision.

Do you think that for a family of 2 people there is no need to buy a dishwasher?

Let's simulate the situation: dinner for 2 persons, usual dishes in the plates - mashed potatoes, cutlet, fresh vegetable salad, a cup of strong tea. It would seem that it is not enough ware, and it is possible to spend 15 minutes for washing. Why, then, need PMM, if you have to wait a few hours until the plates shine again? We’ll make corrections: all of this food was cooked in something - in a saucepan and in a frying pan. Add them. And this is just a dinner for two. What to do when guests come?

Fact! Dishwasher is not needed by those who really like to do the dishes with their own hands. Hand on heart, can you admit this to yourself?

But not every dishwasher will accommodate overall dishes: a pan or a frying pan. Part of the used utensils have to wash their own hands. Here it’s not a matter of technique, but of a wrong choice. What to look for when buying, consider below.

Overview of the characteristics: the pros and cons of the

Dishwasher is designed to facilitate kitchen affairs, but its acquisition is a conscious choice. Speaking frankly, the question of the presence or absence of such equipment in the house often concerns only the price. Before you lay out a tidy sum, it is worth assessing the advantages and disadvantages of PMM.

  • Spaciousness and dimensions. Characteristics are closely interrelated: the more capacious the machine, the more it is. The larger the body, the more dishes can be washed in one cycle. Capacity is measured in cookware sets .So, compact models wash 4-6 sets, and large ones - 17 and more. In RV among the buyers are popular medium-sized cars, accommodating from 9 to 14 sets.
    It all depends on how big your family is. If you live in a threesome, buying a small model can be a mistake - as we wrote above, the compact PMM does not wash pans, pots and other bulky products.

  • Dishwasher sizes are standard or close to them. The width of the narrow model is 45 cm, full-size - 60 cm. You think that the kitchen is 6 square meters.m. dishwasher - a luxury and extra bulky thing? If you choose the right size of equipment and to build it under the countertop , sink or in the headset, the area of ​​the room will not be affected.

  • Washing time. Standard cycles last from 2 to 3 hours. This discourages potential buyers - time is not short. But what's the difference when the plates move from the sink to the shelf - after 20 minutes or after 120?Moreover, it is possible to use the night mode and in the morning, instead of washing the mountains of plates, already arrange them in places.

  • Wash quality. Manufacturers call this characteristic "washing class".Modern cars are produced with the highest class - A. Models of class A will wash dishes better than you - you will simply burn yourself with water with a temperature of 60-70 degrees, or even higher. Plus washing in hot water - complete disinfection of utensils from pathogens.
    is also influenced by the choice of detergent for the ASM and the correct placement of dishes in the bunker.

Caution! Some models have the necessary functions “Soak” and “Pre-rinse”, thanks to which you can accumulate dishes inside the bunker during the day.

  • Drying. In any model there is drying - the only difference is in the principle of operation. There is condensation and compulsory - turbosushka. With it, dishes do not need care - no need to wipe, which is especially convenient when washing glassware, crystal, etc.
  • Additional Options. Many models are able to to sterilize cans, disinfect children's toys, etc.

Profitability of the dishwasher

There is an opinion that PMM saves water consumption. This is a rational idea, especially if the machine consumes cold water. Washing under running water does not allow you to visually assess how much it is consumed. The machine saves water in liters thanks to the work of sprayers( sprinklers, nozzles).Also, the savings are due to heated water - hot water copes better with washing, and it is required several times less than cold or warm water.

Important! Typically, cars use 12-13 liters of water per wash cycle, and premium models save water up to 7-8 liters. Manual washing takes about 60 liters of water daily.

Dishwasher dimensions are not related to saving resources - this is another myth. Consumption is due to the structural features of the PMM, and not dimensions. In full-size and narrow dishwashers, there is often an half-load mode , in which washing will be more economical than with a full-load compact model.

Unfortunately, water savings do not cover the cost of electricity bills. Most models consume about 0.8 kW / h, which translates into 70 kW monthly( with minimal use of technology).

To pay for energy resources, add detergents to , conditioner , and descaling salt to remove scale.

Important! Which is better to buy money - cheap or expensive, imported or domestic - you decide, but you won’t save even if is replaced with special salt with ordinary salt and cleaning products with citric acid or vinegar.

Servicing cars is always more expensive than hand washing, but for the sake of free time and well-groomed hands, you need to sacrifice something.

Feedback from users of

To understand whether you need a “helper” in the kitchen or not, read the reviews of experienced MMP users.

Albina, Kursk

Dishwasher - an invaluable acquisition to save time. I learned how to load the dishes into the bunker correctly, and the procedure began to take a maximum of 3 minutes. Efficiency - in question, it is unlikely that you will save money with a typewriter, but your hands and manicure will always be perfect. This quality of washing hands does not provide. Scares 2 hours to wash? I do not see the problem: the main thing is a brilliant result.

Alexandra, Sochi

I haven’t seen people who regretted having a dishwasher at home. After the purchase, I felt like a woman, not a slave. I have a big family, and it was hell to wash plates for a husband and three children. Yes, something is not included in the bunker. And wooden objects can not be washed, Teflon pans - too. There is no problem with everything else. Tip: do not save, and do not take a narrow car - the difference in price is small, and the capacity is not very.

Tatyana, Omsk

What? Abandon dishwasher? This is the best and most useful technique in my house. For myself, highlighted such advantages:

  • Dishes are laundered better than with hands.
  • Short program time - 40 minutes.
  • I save water and my time.
  • The skin of the hands in a couple of months began to look better - there is no contact with any “dish chemistry”.
  • The pots and pans are washed - they had to be cleaned and scrubbed before, but now there are no worries.

For those who are skeptical, to be honest, there are cons, but they are insignificant.

Summing up: buy or not worth

. Making conclusions, let us designate the main advantages of modern MMP:

  1. Save time.
  2. High-quality and careful washing.
  3. Disinfection.
  4. The absence of the negative impact of aggressive "chemistry" on the skin of the hands.
  5. No need to wipe the dishes.


  1. Cost. A good model from a reputable manufacturer is appreciated highly. With the acquisition of high-quality German or American PMM you get reliable equipment for many years.
  2. Location issues. In small apartments there are difficulties with the location of the machine. You can pick up a compact model or embed PMM in a kitchen set - there is an exit.

We hope you agree that a dishwasher is an important and necessary technique. When you decide to buy, be sure to read the article about how to choose an dishwasher.

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