Do I need a dishwasher? All the arguments "for and against"

Question - Do I need a dishwasher in the kitchen or without it you can do - there was no accident. It is difficult to determine if the one hand fatigue from the endless washing of pots out of the soup, fatty pans and plates, and on the other - the familiar arguments about the inconvenience and waste of using dishwasher.

To make the right decision, it is necessary to consider the benefits to be gained from the use of and to identify the problems associated with it.

The content of the article:

  • Pros and Cons of Buying
    • Arguments against the dishwasher
    • The benefits of using MMP
  • Who needs a dishwasher?
  • Who does not need to buy?
  • Conclusions and useful videos on the topic

Pros and Cons of Buying

When considering whether to purchase a smart machine dishwashing, potential owners as usually begin to study responses of real users and only then offer manufacturers of this kind of technology.

Arguments against the dishwasher

And here Opinions were divided into two opposing camps - "for" and "against". And the happy owners of machines are advised not to think long and just buy it.

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But opponents lead a number of arguments against the dishwasher, noting it is completely useless on the farm. Moreover, they believe that you have to spend extra time rewashing her.

Dishwasher built into the floor section

It is interesting, but most of the enemies - the husbands who do not want to spend time on the choice of optimal model and its subsequent registration in the kitchen on a regular basis

Having regard to the opponents of the dishwasher (PM), managed to identify the main reasons that lie in the following statements:

  • buy it lazy housewives who find it difficult to wash 2 plates and cups per day;
  • Machine 2-3 hours washing dishes, and water all that time flows and electricity is consumed;
  • consumables need to buy any (tablets, salt, etc.), and that the extra costs,
  • Cleaners for the PM - a solid chemistry that is not washed away;
  • machine itself is expensive and you need to allocate space for it;
  • half the dishes in it can not be washed, you still have to work your hands;
  • PM spoils dishes, glasses hit.

In this series, the majority of negative opinions - errors that are not related to the actual experience of using the unit.

Consider the real shortcomings highlighted owners dishwashers.

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Built-in dishwasher in the kitchen

Place - indeed, it may be a problem if the headset does not provide a place in the dishwasher. Especially on a close the kitchen in a big family, where the detached model does not hold, and the compact can not cope with the required volume of dishes

Half tablets per cycle

Consumables - salt, rinses, tablets and other funds have to regularly replenish. But the cost and the frequency depends on the grade and volume of the package - you can be guided by the recommendations of the manufacturer's specific model of PM and its budget

Ideal washed dishes in the basket machine

Cost - this is the main drawback, because of which almost every second family of 2-3 or more people not yet installed in the kitchen this au pair. Unfortunately, for many difficult to put an amount of 15-25 thousand rubles

Hand dishwashing mistress

Prejudices, namely a deep-rooted belief of the overwhelming majority of men that wash the dishes - it is a holy mission and sophisticated women in this is nothing. Mother, grandmother and the other ancestors did and had no problems - such argument leads husbands

Built-in dishwasher in the kitchen

Built-in dishwasher in the kitchen

Half tablets per cycle

Half tablets per cycle

Ideal washed dishes in the basket machine

Ideal washed dishes in the basket machine

Hand dishwashing mistress

Hand dishwashing mistress

The saddest of the shortcomings - the choice of a suitable location. Here it is optimal if it is provided at the stage of repair. Otherwise, it is possible to include fantasy, changing the placement of furniture / appliances.

After all dishwasher anywhere you will not put - it is also to water and sewerage connected. Yes, and free outlet is required.

The variant with a compact model may not be appropriate when the number of households more than 3-4 people. Here rational decision is to choose a bigger machine - 10 or more sets. Well, if the kitchen dimensions allow to allocate an appropriate location.

Dishwasher with oven and the cooking surface in a single module

An interesting option for the owners of tight spaces - "3 in 1" or "2 in 1". We are talking about the hob, oven and dishwasher, in one unit. Or the last two of the unit without the cooking surface

About excess consumption of water and electricity can not speak - this statement is broken in the dust on the actual performance counters. The cost of 9-15 liters of cold water used per cycle, will result in a negligible amount per month.

And the bill for electricity will increase insignificantly - because modern PM require power from the network on average 0.75-1.05 kWh. Moreover, this figure depends on the model and the selected mode. There are even more economical.

With regard to difficulties in operation, then all that is required from the owner - the right to place the cookware, taking into account their specific features.

A timely refill unit detergents and 1-2 times a month to wash sprinklers (rocker) and filters.

For small cutlery assign separate compartment / Basket

In the battle of dishes guilty by the user - it needs to be correctly set, guided by the recommendations of the manufacturer. For glasses, for example, may be provided for the holders and knives / forks / spoons - a special basket / department

The benefits of using MMP

The main argument of opponents of dishwashers, asserting the need to clean up on day 2 and plates cup / glass, is true only in a bachelor apartment, eating my mother / in cafe / dining room.

Only a lonely man who comes home to spend the night, will not spoil the dishes. A family of 3 or more people, especially with a child / children, say the active cycle of kitchen utensils in the kitchen.

Therefore, to talk about the real economy of time is not necessary - this fact is obvious. After all, the volume of dishes is not limited to the notorious dishes.

Especially when the family two small children, and for that still need supervision and care - children need to be fed more than 1 time per day and the sink is filled with dishes catastrophically fast.

In addition to the time, which frees the dishwasher for a more pleasant Affairs, highlighted other benefits.

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Empty and clean the sink countertop

Do not have to wash after each cycle of washing and the space around it - sprays with particles of fat, appearing at the hand washing, will not occur on the furniture and kitchen apron after pomyvochnaya cycle completion machine

Peaceful cooking dinner

Disappear scandals over neglect or set a queue on duty at the sink - this question will take the dishwasher. The only thing to do - to teach all family members to put the dishes directly in the cart

Healthy skin of hands and nails

Your skin will be noticeably healthier - which is rarely the hostess puts on gloves, cleaning the table after breakfast / lunch / dinner. Especially if it is done on the machine, and there is still going to work / checking the lessons a child / buy for dinner products

Clean shiny plate without plaque and stains

Perfect cleanliness - on plates appears plaque, which hand should be thoroughly scrubbed. A glass - glasses, cups and other items - will shine without rubbing the hour and a half

Empty and clean the sink countertop

Empty and clean the sink countertop

Peaceful cooking dinner

Peaceful cooking dinner

Healthy skin of hands and nails

Healthy skin of hands and nails

Clean shiny plate without plaque and stains

Clean shiny plate without plaque and stains

The best part is that the owners, who have already managed to register a dishwasher in the kitchen, did not regret buying it.

Moreover, it notes that You do not need to save money by choosing the least expensive - better to add 3-5 million and buy the best model, which will have all the necessary functions.

Therefore, the selection process should focus on carefully analyzing the need for certain functions. And the size should be selected properly, considering the actual volume of daily dishes.

Who needs a dishwasher?

The desire not to see the piles of dirty dishes and not to stand, leaning over the sink a couple of hours a day, is justified. Especially when you work at home, and not just because abound, and the presence of only 24 hours in a day seems a little.

Dirty dishes are not the best end of the evening

Cooking and dirty dishes in a complete family dinner - not about this evening dreaming of the day tired woman. Moreover, from the dull routine of washing kitchen utensils can save the purchase of a single machine - dishwasher

After analyzing a number of reviews of actual users of this kind of kitchen equipment, you can select categories of people and situations where the purchase of the PM is a must:

  • young family - so that no little things like dirty cups on the table, not to spoil relations newlyweds;
  • small child in the family - it needs to be given a lot of time, which will have to share with greasy pots and pans;
  • 4-5 or more family members are indisputable argument in favor of the dishwasher - no woman should devote many hours of his life, to stand at the sink with a washcloth in his hand;
  • sustainable aversion to the sight of dirty dishes and a reluctance to deal with it - not to force yourself, and do not suffer because of the disorder, it is easier to install the dishwasher;
  • constant scandals over the pile of dirty dishes/чашек/кастрюль.

In addition to these features and situations, there is another phenomenon which serves as an indicator for the purchase of a dishwasher appliances - a regular shutdown of hot water at all, or lack thereof. Wash the dishes in such conditions - it is unpleasant.

Dishwasher consume cold water

For the operation of the unit requires cold water, and rare models may use still and hot. The washing process includes a heater, which is equipped with a machine. Therefore tableware is treated with water at 50-70 degrees with dissolved detergent

Another machine will be a boon for those who like to organize a party or home holidays - gather at the table 10-15 relatives / friends a pleasure.

But at the end of the feast would have to clean up a lot of glasses / cups / glasses, plates, salad bowls, forks, spoons, knives, and other utensils.

Consider the most popular and useful features, marked with the owners dishwashers as advantages.

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A pile of dishes with dried-on food residues

"Rinsing" and "Soak" - at least one of these modes have. The latter is especially good for dried stains, when households can not get used to in a timely manner to put the dishes in the machine

Loading dishes into the machine after the holiday

"Party" or Express - quick cleaning less stained dishes, does not require pre-soaking and careful handling. Its duration of about 30 minutes, and minimum power consumption - about 0.5 kWh

Holders for fragile instrument made of glass

"Delicate cycle" or "Fragile dishes' - for utensils made of glass, porcelain and other whimsical materials. There is also need to pay attention to the presence of holders for her

Half load dishwasher

Half-load function, reviews of the owners, is very useful. Do not always want / manage efficiently collect baskets full of dishes. And save 2-4 days no desire

A pile of dishes with dried-on food residues

A pile of dishes with dried-on food residues

Loading dishes into the machine after the holiday

Loading dishes into the machine after the holiday

Holders for fragile instrument made of glass

Holders for fragile instrument made of glass

Half load dishwasher

Half load dishwasher

Who does not need to buy?

But dishwasher need not all. Sometimes it can be a burden or remain part of the interior, not performing their duties.

Firstly, the dishwasher is not necessary, if it is a private house, which is not connected to communications - bring water from the well, and the toilet on the street.

In such a situation, the decision to simplify the life of his beloved grandmother, who lives in the village, giving her the dishwasher, no good will not.

And only entail a number of additional costs - summing up in the water House, an organization sewer system, which can be quite expensive.

Women need to get rid of the manual dishwashing

If a large family, and not one grandmother, and funds for the facilities there, then it will be possible to facilitate the daily work of women. Otherwise - no

Secondly, washing machines will be expensive detail of the interior in the single men / women who prefer to eat in public places. They it unnecessarily, because washing it will be nothing.

Thirdly, can dispense with the PM and the family of two adults, the lion's share of his time conducting on the job.

Indeed, in such situations often saves a visit before returning home cooking - will only spread out dinner on plates and heat in the microwave. To cope with the volume of long utensils and hands - that there is no need for the dishwasher.

For couples fit desktop model dishwashers

When scanty kitchen utensils and their unwillingness to launder manually fit compact desktop model for 4-6 sets. Preferably with a half load function

Fourth, the machine will be an extra in the kitchen of people who receive a real pleasure and comfort in the process of washing the pots and rubbing the glasses to shine.

However, these unique women are very rare, and men even more so.

Conclusions and useful videos on the topic

Demonstration performance dishwashers real owner:

Video of dishwasher technology may be advisable to purchase it:

Pros and cons to using the dishwasher:

Having familiarized with the specifics of the use of the dishwasher and the advisability of buying, it is easy to solve, it is necessary in your kitchen or not. After all, only people several times during the day, standing at the sink in front of a pile of dishes, able to correctly answer this question. If the decision is positive, you should be very careful approach to the selection of the optimal model with a suitable set of features / modes.

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