Meat grinders with metal gears

Familiar with imported, domestic meat grinders, the safety mechanism is familiar: by overloading the torque, the clutch breaks, saving the engine from burning. Some Russian models are characterized by protective sleeves. Break, the kit contains a dozen: experiment on health, snapping apricot bones. Clutches are usually one to three. Used by Zelmer meat grinders, even new ones. The master is overheated, the bushings / couplings are not related to him. Objective: to protect the rotor against mechanical overload. Meat grinders with metal gears, devoid of safety features, a real rarity.

Designs grinders

We know that the West is crazy about saving materials, energy. Consumption Society of fragility. People will stop buying new things, the economy will stop. We can not allow quality products are expensive. As Baron Rothschild said - we apologize if you lied a name - not so rich people get cheap things. Secular products entirely metal, imported - represent a conglomerate with the inclusion of plastic. Applies to pens, gears, other parts, including little defining: polymer grinder gears( 80%), iron ringing with teeth gives strength.

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Philips Metal Gear Grinders

Few grinders are made according to this principle, although most work this way. An expensive Philips unit came across, demonstrating two features due to which it is not surprising, the price of HR2733 is 8500 rubles, twice as high as the average:

  1. Motor protection against overheating, works in automatic mode. The comparator is working, the device should be cut out of the network, wait until it cools down, then work further with the meat grinder. If the protection knocks out too often, you should see the service center.
  2. Protection against overload is implemented by a spring mechanism, rechargeable by pressing the button of the bottom of the meat grinder. Unplug the fuse, turn off the device, pull out the plug. Disassemble the auger, eliminate the cause of failure. Assemble back, press the protection button, plug the power plug into the outlet, work on.

The scourge of grinders, including imported, are two factors - overheating, overload. Remove from consideration of negative phenomena, the process of work becomes a fairy tale. Frees from constant fear of monetary losses, will allow you to focus on the cooking process. One interesting feature of the product: it is recommended to use a plastic sleeve for “sticky”, “fat” meat. The mechanism that protects against overload, designed to withstand sharp blows. The growth of torque will simply be smooth, the operation of the protection is not guaranteed. Saves, probably, a plastic sleeve. Make inquiries, anticipating the payment of 8500 rubles. Find out the possible alignment of events with a meat grinder equipped with metal gears.

We will not say anything more about the model. Allow you to make sausage, kebbe, shred vegetables. The usual set of features. Juicer attachments kit is deprived, you would find, take the trouble to take out the bones, cut off the peel before the process begins. By the way, the performance of the device is 4.5 kg / min. High rate. As one visitor of the forum put it, Uzbek cafes often use two meat grinders alternately, half a cow is processed in half a day. We believe that the Philips unit will cope alone, no wonder it is considered semi-professional. The instruction is deprived of instructions about the maximum duration of work. We believe that the frequency of rest / grinding should be acceptable.

As the device is temperature oriented, forced blowing of the fan will be useful. Finally, grind bones with a metal gear wheel grinder.2 kW power is enough, the safety mechanisms will not stand.

Meat grinder with metal gears Vitek

Meat grinder with metal gears Vitek VT-3603 has a small price, complete lack of protection against overloads( mechanical, thermal factors).The operating mode is indicated:

  • 5 minutes of grinding;
  • 15 - 20 minutes of rest.

Cyclic mode, close to short-term. Follow the instructions carefully so that the device does not burn out. For 3,500 rubles, it’s difficult to expect anything else; for 5,000 rubles, you can take a device from Zelmer, equipped with both types of protection, without breaking through oversight. It is clear that trusting someone else’s hands to a meat grinder with metal gears Vitek VT-3603 is simply dangerous. Read the warranty terms carefully. According to the text in small print it is written: in case of breakage by overload, overheating the motor cannot be replaced. Excess heavy burden shoulders the family of the owner of the meat grinder with metal gears. It will be time to grieve the lack of built-in protective mechanism. Izhevsk sleeves cost 8 rubles each. Have to pay the deliveryman.

Product assembly Chinese, neighboring plant stamps Philips. A meat grinder with a metal gear class will be lower.

Meat grinder with metal gears Oursson

The device resembles a Vitek product: equivalent power. Makes for the MG 2010 200 watts. We believe, therefore, there is no protection against mechanical overload, at least the instruction is silent. But automatic overheating shutdown is built in. It is written: the performance of the device is 1.5 kg / min. Not a bad indicator, the inscription of the guide is alarming:

There is a smell of burning - reduce the period of work, increase the rest time of the meat grinder.

So, the device works hard. Beats the button, press again, continue to grind. However, we recommend waiting for loyalty. Vitek contains a special engine cooler, even the fan is unable to give more than 5 minutes of work. What to say about the device, devoid of this feature. The device costs 4700 rubles, a good choice of an ordinary hostess. It should be remembered: when you first turn on the unpleasant smell can appear, should gradually disappear.

The meat grinder has many attachments: sausages, torsion of minced meat, graters, shredded vegetables. Juicer is missing. Zelmer provides customers with designers, each pick up the necessary options. In Polish grinders, the gears are not metal, but plastic. The clutch breaks during a mechanical overload, the spare goes in the kit, you need to continue to buy separately.

Meat grinder with metal gears Kenwood

Metal gears in meat grinders mean the existence of: there is protection against mechanical overload, or the power of the device is so instantaneous stopping by an obstacle does not damage the motor. The case of the MG-450 is unclear. With a power of 440 W, the device cannot be called weak; the instruction omits references to the work cycle, protection. Dealer writes: fuse is present. We conclude: an overheating sensor is installed that turns off the system. Whether it will automatically work, or there is a special button to return to the initial state, it is impossible to understand. The instruction was made poorly, protection issues are missed.

Get inquiries about what was said, I do not want to take a bag cat at the price of 6000 rubles. Externally, there is protection, no work cycle is indicated, a typical tactic with overheating shutdown. Return is made by the button or on cooling. Pay attention, trust the dealer on the subject of material gear. However, in justification, we note: on the forum, Kenwood models were mentioned in the context of steel.

As a result,

Which device is recommended? Ignoring negative reviews, we prefer Philips products. The only meat grinder equipped with metal gears, in respect of which there is information how it works! Without such, what to do, how to use, is completely unclear. The meat grinder grinds meat, when there are no elementary modes, it is impossible to understand how to work, why be afraid or have nothing to be afraid of. The openness of information was left to the Germans, although products are being made by China. Kenwood grieved. It is necessary to show respect for the national identity of buyers. The instructions page just breaks in the air, unpleasantly( drowsy translator?).

We believe that over time, they will invent common standards for the preparation of instructions, so that you do not have to think out the work of the engineers of the manufacturing company. Reluctantly, people take the cat in a bag equipped with steel gears.

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