How to use the dishwasher

Before using the machine, we recommend checking that the installation is correct. We give below a set of knowledge that helps to configure the equipment. How to use the dishwasher, not knowing how the technique works, what is inside. Light today for questions. We hope the information was collected for nothing, today will help the daily lives of readers.

Installing a dishwasher

Machines, without exception, concerns the need to check the maximum level of suspension of the drain hose. It is done according to the installation instructions, the parameter is indicated by pictures, or explicitly by text. To exceed the value - the pump will soon refuse, or it will stop pouring water. Hang below - sewage will flood the dishwasher.

The second point worth seeing is the built-in models. Above the door is a special protective plate on the front of the tabletop. Will save furniture against steam. Do not put the dishwasher inside the compartment, drowning the front panel. Dangerous for furniture. It is allowed to apply a special primer, a steam insulator, bypassing the restriction.

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Make sure the socket is not connecting on the floor. The nearest leak will flood the power grid, people may suffer. We recommend a suspension height of half a meter( minimum), away from drops falling from the hob, sink. The wire is suitable for mounting ordinary, three-core( PVS3).Do not ground the outlet on:

  1. battery;
  2. pipe with gas.

It is undesirable to see the earth hanging in the air. Place the core on the neutral conductor as a last resort. Owners of a private cottage are encouraged to do grounding in the yard with their own hands. Will save against accident. Unlike a dishwasher, measuring equipment sometimes refuses to work without grounding.

Make sure that a shut-off valve is mounted near the riser. If the leakage protection is partial, and with compact dishwashers a frequent option, if the hose breaks, the flood will begin. Try using a UDI valve costing 500 rubles to be replaced( reusable part).

It is not bad to put a coarse filter in front of the faucet with a pipe for decanting muck. Ensure the complete supply system in the open state misses 10 liters of water per minute.

Make sure the dishwasher is set horizontally. A building level is applied. If you find any abnormalities, correct it with the help of adjusting the legs in the correct way. Compact models have regular gum under the body. Will help elastic washers, planted in the right place. The main thing to understand - a dishwasher, expensive equipment, use properly.

Preparing a dishwasher to work

How to use a dishwasher - science. Then there are entries on the forums, scolding the powder Finish. The case concerns violations of elementary rules caused by ignorance of the key principles of the device.

Let us tell you a little how powders and other cleaning products are used in the dishwasher. Three reagents( not counting the additive pool):

  1. Salt.
  2. Powder.
  3. Rinse.

Salt is needed for water softening. The dishwasher provides three ways to solve the problem:

  • Manual measurement with recording stiffness in the memory. The kit is complemented by a special strip, dipped in a glass of water drawn from the tap. How many divisions will darken, such is the rigidity. Cheap dishwashers go the easiest way. Request information from your local water service; record the result in a memory device.

  • Automatic stiffness measurement sensor inlet. At each fluid intake, several per cycle, the equipment estimates the value of the parameter. According to the testimony is the consumption of salt.
  • The equipment does not provide for the regulation of salt consumption, just follows an incomprehensible program. These models of dishwashers are the cheapest among the possible options.

How salt works. Filled in ion exchanger. The first use of the dishwasher is accompanied by unscrewing the cover, located at the bottom of the working compartment. Water is poured in there. Please note is done only before the first launch. Then salt is poured inside. A large number, a kilogram. Water will pour over the edge of the ion exchanger, this is normal. Immediately proceed to the sink. Otherwise, the brine will corrode the floor of the working compartment with time. In the future, the salt is replenished only before washing, without adding water.

Some dishwashers contain special sensors to signal: the time has come to replenish the ion exchanger, others offer to guess when it is time.

We saw some proud notes in some forums: special salt was replaced by common salt, the production period was preserved.

Equipment indifferently poured into the ion exchanger. Just to see the sodium, the content of which is measured. Therefore, the metal salt solution will be consumed in one time. Take note of those who have cars do not signal the end of stocks. Notice once, how much salt was enough, in the future, pour in, measuring the verified number of identical cycles.

Consumption is determined by the amount of water spent by the program. It is appropriate to count liters, not the number of cycles, but more difficult to do.

Using a dishwasher with halite is fraught with an effect that contrasts with what was expected. Salt is added to eliminate stains on dishes, anti-scale. Special components bind calcium and magnesium ions, so no deposits are formed. Owners fall asleep inside incomprehensible substance. Using a dishwasher requires a solid knowledge of the basics.

Powder consumed by intelligent machines according to the testimony of special sensors. The result is guaranteed. Machines work with any dishes, in any water. Much more difficult if the function is missing. The dose of powder is determined experimentally, based on the advice of the manufacturer of the detergent. The process is unreliable, it is difficult to estimate the contamination of dishes. Looking for the right eye, experience, so as not to scold detergents. Pour powder only dry tray, otherwise the result will be upset.

Important! Dishwashers using fuzzy logic are good. Special sensors monitor the dosage of detergents, the degree of contamination of water. Household appliances with such capabilities have an excellent result.

Rinse aid dispenser. The process is manual or automatic. Here it is much easier to find the desired value in several cycles. Symptoms of improper dosage of salt and rinse are similar - white stains. We'll have to sweat. Water hardness can not be set at times; it will be hard labor in areas rich in calcium and magnesium salts.

Detergents 3 in 1 Dishwashers

One has to hear things like:

  • How to use Ariston's dishwasher to put a tablet that gets dull dishes.

First, the use of pills requires long cycles. Do not turn on the short programs of the dishwasher in combination with the specified type of detergent! Secondly, each type of pill is calculated on a specific water hardness. According to simple rules, detergents are chosen. Some manufacturers separately specify: to lower the set rigidity by the programmer, using tablets. At all expense set to zero. Otherwise, the dishes will be white in divorce. This is done in the compact Bosch models.

As for smart machines, the devices are able to do themselves, cost 25,000 rubles and above. Rarely find a decent model for 17,000 rubles. The rules for using a dishwasher are not difficult, the fulfillment of the postulates requires reasonableness, methodicalness, which not everyone is immediately ready to show.

I wanted to add about programs. To wash wine glasses, other fragile dishes, the machine must maintain a delicate mode. Achieved by embedding a heat exchanger that raises the temperature of the first rinse. There are some other special settings. Avoid filling a standard dishwasher with wine glasses, even if the tablet says: the composition protects the glass. This implies aging dishes, not fragile products. Thin glass will crack, split by temperature difference, no matter what tablets are placed inside.

Explained how to use the dishwasher. Perhaps part of the advice, but it is useful! However, they are described by forums and bloopers, not related to user errors. Means Somat erase print glasses, GreenField soaps well before that. There may be inattention. Surface drawing is washed by a dishwasher. However, there is a chance that the remedy was too aggressive. Read the forums before choosing your favorite option.

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