Install Bosch Dishwasher: Assembly and connection rules

The desire to put in the kitchen dishwasher electric understandable: it saves time, spending a minimum water quality washes dishes with fatty stains and stubborn bits of food.

Self installing Bosch dishwasher is not fundamentally different from the similar connection of technical devices, in addition to the installation guide provided with detailed diagrams.

The content of the article:

  • Determining the place for PMM
  • General guidelines and rules
  • Installation Instructions Bosch machines
    • Step # 1 - connection to sewer
    • Step # 2 - connecting plumbing
    • Step # 3 - providing power
  • Conclusions and useful videos on the topic

Determining the place for PMM

Before purchasing assistant in the kitchen should evaluate the possibility of the room and find a place to accommodate the new household appliance. There are desktop and floor models, built, and detached podvstraivaemye types of machines, respectively, it is possible to choose the most suitable option.

Fully refuse to buy only needed in the event that small-sized kitchen, and every centimeter of usable area is already occupied.

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Typically, the dishwasher is placed in the lower tier of furniture, close to the sink. Place the connection location is dictated by the water supply and sewerage communications. The closer the machine to the pipes, the less problems with the installation and connection of Bosch dishwasher, regardless of its technical characteristics.

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Compact desktop machine - a minimum of space

It is believed that the desktop version takes up little space. But keep in mind that put the dishwasher on the useful portion of countertops, so it can appear deficit of the working surface for cooking

Unattended locations dishwasher

Freestanding appliance can afford only the owners of a spacious kitchen. The machine can be placed freely among the furniture modules, but also necessarily near water pipes and sewage systems

Embedded model 60 cm wide

Equipment located "inside" the set of furniture is most preferred for small kitchen space, besides it is well decorated of the front panel and stands out for its "Technicality"

Embedded narrow machine 45 cm

You can save as much as 15 cm, setting instead of the traditional model narrow. The reduced size of the equipment do not affect the functional features: units cope with sink 9-10 sets of dishes

Compact desktop machine - a minimum of space

Compact desktop machine - a minimum of space

Unattended locations dishwasher

Unattended locations dishwasher

Embedded model 60 cm wide

Embedded model 60 cm wide

Embedded narrow machine 45 cm

Embedded narrow machine 45 cm

Do not forget that any savings - a concession. Suppose narrow integrated dishwasher easily treated Serving sets - plates, cutlery appliances, dishes, but some models are not suitable for washing pans, baking trays, baking tins, pans. A hostess in large families are well aware of how much time and effort spent on cleaning just the large size dishes.

General guidelines and rules

To use the machine in the process is not satisfactory, does not require frequent repairs and maintenance, it is necessary to consider the order of its installation. For all types of dishwashers apply the following procedure for the connection:

  • Checking the integrity of equipment and equipment after transporting it to the house.
  • Installation on a predetermined position on the table, the floor or in the furniture unit.
  • Connection to the sewer via the drain hose, which is introduced into a sink or connected to the siphon with adapter.
  • Connections to the water supply using the water hose.
  • Installing a separate power socket or use pre-mounted.

If you are having difficulty connecting the hose or outlet device, the connection order can be changed, however, be required to perform each item from the list.

The danger of burns from the rear wall

Access to the side walls built dishwashers is not possible, but the desktop, and attached and freestanding models it is. Protect from burns - side surface strongly heated during the cleaning process. To do this, you need to install the side covers, implemented service centers

There are a number of rules, implementation of which will help to avoid the problem and emergency situations. Usually, they are listed in the manual, so the most important requirement - a careful study of documents.

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Serviceability of the case and the details

Before connecting make sure you carefully consider all the elements of the machine and check the body for scratches and dents. The device with the deformed walls must not be operated. Upon detection of a marriage necessarily require device replacement

Compliance with safety standards

Before any action on the installation, repair, replacement, be sure to disconnect the equipment from the power supply. If next to the selected location is not a power point, it is necessary to bring and place in an easily accessible area for tripping. Wiring for the power outlet is better to pull a separate line from the panel, it is necessary to ensure the branch's own gun

The proximity of the placement of other electrical appliances

usually it found the most powerful equipment in the kitchen, and water heaters, microwave oven, dishwasher, electric stove to work "in the neighborhood." Be sure to make sure that in the immediate vicinity of the dishwasher did not have the equipment that produce heat

Smooth base and stability

All categories of machines should be located in the level. For freestanding need to ensure perfectly smooth installation location, and adjust the feet as needed. Recessed pattern should be firmly fixed within the furniture modules with the use of brackets

Serviceability of the case and the details

Serviceability of the case and the details

Compliance with safety standards

Compliance with safety standards

The proximity of the placement of other electrical appliances

The proximity of the placement of other electrical appliances

Smooth base and stability

Smooth base and stability

It is not recommended to put the dishwasher near the radiator: heat emitted by the battery has a negative impact on its "state of health". If the machine to build next to the refrigerator, on the contrary, "hurt" him. Make sure that the cord is also not exposed to heating, or insulation to melt and can cause a short circuit or leakage current - both dangerous.

Install Support specialist from the service center

If you have not installed or repaired home appliances, when a large number of questions better combine their own efforts with the service center. Independent intervention only hurt

After installation be sure to check if the door is opened well, if it works properly boot module (s). If little space, the open door will create a shortage of space - do not forget about the further use and try to arrange the furniture so that it is easy to maintain machine.

Installation Instructions Bosch machines

Organizations that implement domestic equipment usually offer installation services. You should not ignore them, if you want to keep the warranty on a new dishwasher. If the call is a specialist for some reason impossible, read the instructions carefully. It has diagrams and recommendations how to set your particular model Bosch dishwasher in the home.

Wiring diagram compilation

Before installing the dishwasher should thoroughly consider the installation diagram and select optimal variant connection with the most concise possible routes connecting the communication branches (+)

Step # 1 - connection to sewer

For connection of the washing machine with sections of sewer pipe using the drain hose. It can be part of a set of deliverable and can be purchased separately. Drain hose is smooth and corrugated. The first is less clogged, the second bend better.

Visible communication for dishwashers Bosch

Typically, the drain communication hidden behind furniture. But if for some reason they are led out, you must move the heaters and objects with sharp edges, such as stools

We offer not stop at the simple insertion of the drain hose in the sewer discharge and perform a number of events, which in future will save machine and connected hose from the additional repairs and cleaning:

  • Be sure to use a siphon - so you will get rid of the discomfort caused by an unpleasant odor;
  • Bending in the form of loops at a distance of 45-55 cm from the floor to help prevent back flow;
  • provide a tight seal with the sewage drain pipe to eliminate the risk of leakage and the flooding.

It is inappropriate to pour sealant compounds - the replacement of the elements necessary to delete all the equipment. No less reliable clamps, which are evenly tightening the hose around the entire circumference. There are devices with plastic cap nuts - they are not as reliable, but constant monitoring may provide a long-term tightness.

Method drain device

A set of oblique tee corrugations and a bent polymeric insert that solves several problems: it provides plums, protects against odor, prevents reverse current

To connect the drain for the sink dishwashers produce siphons with the pipe intended for hose connections. They attract a compact size, optimum shape and easy assembly diagram of a system.

So, to connect to the sewer must be:

  • fix the drain hose to the pipe exiting the machine;
  • connect the hose to the water seal;
  • ensure hermetic entrance to the sewer pipe by means of an adapter.

If the machine has taken place in the vicinity of the sink, the connection will be much easier as you can organize a common drain node.

The advantages of the location next to the sewage unit

An additional plus dishwasher position next to the sink - Easy maintenance: even if there is a blockage, disassemble drain hoses inside the washing stone is much easier than to dismantle part of the furniture to get to a separate drain for machine

Step # 2 - connecting plumbing

, Be sure to check out the instructions to connect the water correctly. Manufacturers indicate the desired temperature of water supplied, and often it does not exceed + 25 ° C. This means that the machine itself heats the water to a desired temperature and can only be connected to a cold branch. This principle also applies to a number of models of washing machines.

Connecting dishwasher to hot and cold water

Some models are equipped with a double adapter - to the highways with hot and cold water. This is indicated in the data sheet products and grounded specification device

Repairmen dishwashers are strongly advised not to take risks, but still manage only "cold" connection, and here's why:

  • Unlike systems with heated water in private homes, which are governed by their own, Centralized may not provide the recommended temperature, and often exceed the stated manufacturer settings.
  • Turnpike hot water sometimes equipped with filters, and it differs poor quality.
  • During the summer, hot water is often off for a month to make the prevention and repair networks.
  • It is possible that the use of hot water will be more expensive than electricity for heating cold - modern modes of economy and development Bosch minimize energy companies.

If the dishwasher "snaps" next to the sink, the easiest to make the sidebar to the channel going to the mixer. To do this, use the tee to overlap one line. He has the size "mother" O - "Dad" and ½ inch drainage for dishwasher with a threaded ¾ inch, situated on the outside.

The side outlet stopcock is set. The product with stop valves a little expensive, but allows overlap the water arriving through the hose into the machine. This is useful when you want to quickly repair or replace parts in the dishwasher.

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Step 1 - loosening of hose for cold water

The node in charge of the cold water stored under the sink. If shorter hoses, they should be replaced with new ones. Tee set at the junction of the two taps - Connect simply unwinds

Step 2 - FUM-preroll the tape to the threads of the tee

To connect to a tee was sealed, FUM-use tape or a more traditional material - linen thread. Use sealant is not necessary, the connection must always be split, and the tee - replaceable

Step 3 - screwing the hose from the mixer

First, better to set a tee in the water supply line to the mixer, ie fasten opposing outputs "dad" and "mom" to the supply hose on one side and leading off the mixer with the other

Step 4 - screwing machine drain hose

By the side arm by spraying the coupling nut is screwed dishwasher drain hose. In some cases, the perfect accuracy of the diameter of the hose and the tee is not there - the problem is solved the same winding linen thread

Step 1 - loosening of hose for cold water

Step 1 - loosening of hose for cold water

Step 2 - FUM-preroll the tape to the threads of the tee

Step 2 - FUM-preroll the tape to the threads of the tee

Step 3 - screwing the hose from the mixer

Step 3 - screwing the hose from the mixer

Step 4 - screwing machine drain hose

Step 4 - screwing machine drain hose

It is necessary to arrange a tee so that it is freely available if you need to turn off water to the dishwasher. Before installing the adapter with a crane should check if it works, it was not necessary to make installation again. For this purpose, the exhaust pipe side is poured water, and the crane is rotated to different positions.

The solenoid valve on the discharge pipe

If the machine is equipped with a solenoid valve, performing emergency water supply overlap (function "Aqua-Stop"), for its location also need to allocate space in the access area

Often distributing cold water is not limited to tee device: under the sink already installed filters, the washing machine hose or output to a boiler. Then, it is more convenient to use a manifold having a plurality of output ports. Propylene or metallic article cut into the cold water supply conduit, and has attached thereto the hoses leading to the household appliances.

In practice, you can encounter various problems when you connect the dishwasher to the water supply, the main thing - to find the optimal solution.

For example, it is seen that when you install the machine at a considerable distance from the sink appropriate to extend the water supply than to extend hoses. That is why before the purchase of a new kitchen set initially need to solve all the issues related to the installation of equipment.

Step # 3 - providing power

To manually provide the connection to the mains Bosch dishwasher, you need to have the skills of electrical work, otherwise we recommend contacting a qualified technician.

We need the following materials:

  • VVG cable (VVGng yl) 3 * 2.5;
  • outlet with earth 16A;
  • circuit breaker.

The cable is laid in the prepared Stroebe and is connected via a wiring box. Be sure to leave a little slack in the wiring inside the box for a possible reconnection.

Place the installation socket

Pre-need to choose a location socket installation. Recommended - over / under the table at a distance of 0.7-0.9 m from the floor, to the left / right / above the equipment, but often set below. Under the dishwasher drain hose installation is forbidden

Then, mounted in switchboard separate Emergency circuit breakers: blue conductor - is zero (N), white - terminal 2, yellow-green wire is sent to the grounding conductor.

Connecting lived in the socket

The outlet wires are connected in the following order: the phase and zero are on the side terminals, and the ground - at the center, designed for the grounding

The passport dishwasher Bosch technical data are to be observed. For example, a voltage of 220-240 V, 50-60 Hz, power of 2200-2400 W, the recommended data security device - 16 A.

After connecting to the mains is carried out a test run of the dishwasher. During testing, we can verify the performance of the basic functions, to check the noise level. After work, inspect the hoses for leaks, and if it has, then re-make the connection and more carefully sealing the joints.

Conclusions and useful videos on the topic

Installation of machines is performed strictly according to instructions, and as it happens in real life, can see the video scripts below.

Installing BOSCH SPV58M50 models - all strictly according to instructions:

Secrets connectivity built machines Bosch SMV45IX00R:

Testing the model Bosch SPV40X80:

Using the manual and follow the safety rules, you can even set the most expensive dishwasher Bosch. However, any difficulties associated with connecting sewer, water or power supply, be sure to contact the service center. There you can order services for further maintenance and repair of household appliances.

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