
Main types, purpose and brief description of forks

Main types, purpose and brief description of forksDishesCutlery

It's impossible to imagine lunch without forks today. These cutlery came into human life in the 15th century and since then have become indispensable helpers in the kitchen. There are different for...

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The best quality kitchen knives: manufacturers rating

The best quality kitchen knives: manufacturers ratingDishesCutlery

The main requirements for kitchen knives are strength, corrosion resistance, cut quality, and the ability to sharpen. As a rule, cheap knives have some characteristic, but they do not. However, on ...

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Cutlery Rules: Popular Styles

Cutlery Rules: Popular StylesDishesCutlery

Every person at least once in his life may be faced with a situation when you need not just to eat, but to do it beautifully and correctly. It is for such cases that basic knowledge of etiquette is...

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Sharpening of knives: angle of inclination, rules, types of sharpening tools

Sharpening of knives: angle of inclination, rules, types of sharpening toolsDishesCutlery

A dull knife just brings a lot of problems. It is impossible to beautifully cut vegetables and fruits, butcher meat or fish, chop food for a dish. However, not many people understand how to determi...

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Features of cleaning silver spoons: methods without chemicals

Features of cleaning silver spoons: methods without chemicalsDishesCutlery

Table silver tends to turn black over time. This fact is primarily associated with violation of storage and operating conditions. However, blackened silver spoons are not a cause for frustration. I...

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How to use cutlery correctly: etiquette rules

How to use cutlery correctly: etiquette rulesDishesCutlery

In order not to "lose face" at a dinner party, in a restaurant or just in the company of educated people, it is important to know the basic rules of etiquette. Often the questions are raised by cut...

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What is cutlery: their list and description

What is cutlery: their list and descriptionDishesCutlery

Some objects have become so firmly established in everyday life that a person can no longer do without them. For example, cutlery. We use only a small part of them every day. Meanwhile, these are n...

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How to make a Yakut knife from a file yourself

How to make a Yakut knife from a file yourselfDishesCutlery

The most attractive feature of the traditional Yakut knife is its simplicity. And it is also very easy to recognize it even in the photo: by its characteristic shape with a practical dolly, which h...

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How many grams of groceries fit in a tablespoon

How many grams of groceries fit in a tablespoonDishesCutlery

When deciding on culinary experiments, we are all faced with the need to weigh products. And at this moment, the most important thing may not be at hand - a kitchen scale. This stops some. But only...

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Interesting crafts from plastic disposable forks

Interesting crafts from plastic disposable forksDishesCutlery

Disposable tableware is a versatile material from which you can make a variety of crafts. It is exciting and not difficult, because even a child can cope with the task at hand. For example, beautif...

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