
A brief history of the invention and distribution of the fork

A brief history of the invention and distribution of the forkDishesCutlery

The National Museum of Naples contains a fork that is more than 2.5 thousand years old. years old. But this instrument is too different from the usual cutlery, so I propose to get acquainted with t...

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How to return the shine to cupronickel cutlery

How to return the shine to cupronickel cutleryDishesCutlery

Cupronickel does an excellent job as an alternative to table silver. But it has one serious drawback - over time, cutlery from this alloy becomes covered with a patina, so their owners constantly h...

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Where and how is the fork located when serving, during and after meals

Where and how is the fork located when serving, during and after mealsDishesCutlery

When serving the table, the forks are traditionally placed prongs up and to the left of the plate. This is due to the fact that it is often used in conjunction with a knife, and it is more convenie...

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Cupronickel in cutlery: the composition of the alloy and its analogues

Cupronickel in cutlery: the composition of the alloy and its analoguesDishesCutlery

Cupronickel is a silver-like alloy of copper and nickel. So similar that, without some knowledge, it is difficult to distinguish the instruments made from it from the more expensive table silver. A...

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Varieties of trident forks and their purpose

Varieties of trident forks and their purposeDishesCutlery

A three prong fork may seem like just a creative rework of the regular version, especially if you have a cutlery for fish in front of you. But this shape of all trident forks is not accidental and ...

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What are two prong forks and what are they for?

What are two prong forks and what are they for?DishesCutlery

Understanding what a fork with two prongs is for, you should remember about dividing cutlery into main and auxiliary. The first includes items for personal use. And to the auxiliary ones - those wi...

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How to easily clean cutlery from plaque at home

How to easily clean cutlery from plaque at homeDishesCutlery

Even proper care of cutlery cannot completely eliminate the need for periodic cleaning. And all because limescale or fat particles are very fond of settling in the relief of the pattern on the hand...

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A fan of disposable forks: a detailed master class and video

A fan of disposable forks: a detailed master class and videoDishesCutlery

Turning plastic forks into a fan is a fascinating process that will brighten up your leisure time for both adult needlewomen and growing up ladies. At the same time, the result obtained will become...

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How to hold a fork in your left and right hand, etiquette

How to hold a fork in your left and right hand, etiquetteDishesCutlery

It would seem that there is nothing easier than the ability to properly hold the fork in your hand. This skill was instilled in us in childhood, and we teach it to our children. But sometimes it tu...

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ISC on a spoon - what is it? The meaning of marking and features of the alloy

ISC on a spoon - what is it? The meaning of marking and features of the alloyDishesCutlery

Spoons with the MSC mark are a valuable gift that every hostess will like. They are not ashamed to be served at the table, even if not poor people gathered at it. And all because it is almost impos...

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