Distance from the gas boiler to the gas stove: installation standards in the kitchen - Setafi

Distance from the gas boiler to the gas stove: installation standards in the kitchen - SetafiHomeAir Conditioning Equipment

The distance from the gas boiler to the gas stove is not strictly regulated at the legislative level, since the corresponding SNiP was canceled more than 20 years ago. However, 50 cm is usually tak...

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How a compass works: what it looks like and what it's for - Setafi

How a compass works: what it looks like and what it's for - SetafiHomeUncategorized

Understanding how a compass works is quite simple. The classic magnetic body has an arrow that lines up strictly along the lines of force of the planet's magnetic field. There are other devices, fo...

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Comparison of iPhone 8 and 10: which model is better to buy and why - Setafi

Comparison of iPhone 8 and 10: which model is better to buy and why - SetafiHomeElectronics

Comparison of iPhone 8 and 10 can be carried out in many ways. But even a cursory review shows that both models are roughly similar to each other. They are equipped with the same processor, the cam...

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Honor View 10 Specifications, Overview and Benefits - Setafi

Honor View 10 Specifications, Overview and Benefits - SetafiHomeElectronics

Honor View 10, the characteristics of which are described below, is a smartphone with a very large stock of internal memory (128 GB) and a high-quality dual camera. The key difference between the m...

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Do-it-yourself air washing: how to make from a bottle and a compressor - Setafi

Do-it-yourself air washing: how to make from a bottle and a compressor - SetafiHomeUncategorized

creativecommons.orgIt is very important to maintain the required level of humidity in the room, because due to insufficient humidity, a deterioration in general well-being is often observed. In dry...

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Vacuum sealer for home: which one is better to use? – Setafi

Vacuum sealer for home: which one is better to use? – SetafiHomeUncategorized

Vacuum sealers allow you to pack products in special bags. They can then be stored in the refrigerator or freezer for days, weeks or even months. If we talk about which vacuum sealer is better for ...

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Cast iron battery and how much it weighs: what is the weight of 6, 7, 8 sections - Setafi

Cast iron battery and how much it weighs: what is the weight of 6, 7, 8 sections - SetafiHomeUncategorized

If you roughly calculate how much a cast-iron battery weighs, it turns out that a standard radiator has a mass of about 40-50 kg. The indicator depends on the specific model, as well as on the numb...

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Honor 9 Lite: specifications and full review - Setafi

Honor 9 Lite: specifications and full review - SetafiHomeElectronics

Honor 9 Lite is a fairly well-known smartphone that has become popular due to its high build quality and low price. It features a high-quality camera that allows you to get great photos, including ...

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Which is better to buy an electric planer for the home? Choice by performance - Setafi

Which is better to buy an electric planer for the home? Choice by performance - SetafiHomeTools

There are several ways to choose an electric planer. For home use, medium-power models with a number of revolutions within 10,000 per minute are suitable. Such devices weigh a little, so they are e...

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Paint for wood: types and master class in practice - Setafi

Paint for wood: types and master class in practice - SetafiRepairHome

Having a home with amazing items is a dream for decor lovers. While it's often impossible to replace all parts, you can refinish old furniture with wood stain. In this article, explore how to paint...

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