How long does a semi-dry and dry floor screed dry: is it possible to dry with a warm floor - Setafi

How long does a semi-dry and dry floor screed dry: is it possible to dry with a warm floor - SetafiRepairHome

To the question of how long a semi-dry screed dries, only an approximate answer can be given. As a rule, the process takes 2-3 weeks, but sometimes there are delays of up to 1 month. About what aff...

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Best Refrigerator Odor Remover: Tips for Choosing - Setafi

Best Refrigerator Odor Remover: Tips for Choosing - SetafiHomeAppliancesFridge

Odors appear in the refrigerator due to old products and leaky containers. Various means are used to eliminate them - in the simplest case, this is a weak solution of vinegar or ammonia. Along with...

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Unpleasant smell from the air conditioner in the apartment: what to do? – Setafi

Unpleasant smell from the air conditioner in the apartment: what to do? – SetafiHomeAppliancesAir Conditioner

creativecommons.orgThe main task of the air conditioner is to create a pleasant climate and the perfect smell. But what to do when instead of pleasant air you get an unpleasant smell from the air c...

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Lubricant for perforator. What and how to lubricate the perforator correctly? – Setafi

Lubricant for perforator. What and how to lubricate the perforator correctly? – SetafiHomeUncategorized

Lubrication for the perforator is carried out regularly. For example, if the tool is used every day, treatment is scheduled every 3 months. Moreover, individual parts, for example, a cartridge dril...

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Monowheel: what it is, how it works and how to learn to ride it - Setafi

Monowheel: what it is, how it works and how to learn to ride it - SetafiHomeUncategorized

Understanding how to control a unicycle is quite simple. To do this, you need to stand on it and lean forward a little - then the engine will start moving. If you take the starting position, the me...

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Rainbow vacuum cleaner: instruction in Russian. Advantages and disadvantages of the Rainbow Se vacuum cleaner - Setafi

Rainbow vacuum cleaner: instruction in Russian. Advantages and disadvantages of the Rainbow Se vacuum cleaner - SetafiHomeAppliancesVacuum Cleaner

Rainbow vacuum cleaners are cleaning systems that operate in the classic dry and wet cleaning mode. In addition, they freshen the air, deodorize and aromatize it. The article describes detailed ins...

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How to use an electric jigsaw for wood? Purpose of the tool - Setafi

How to use an electric jigsaw for wood? Purpose of the tool - SetafiHomeTools

The main way that you can do with an electric jigsaw is associated with a figured cut. The tool is also used for a classic straight cut. But more often they make round cuts, a complex contour of va...

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Chainsaw or electric saw, which is better for giving

Chainsaw or electric saw, which is better for givingHomeSawTools

Owners of summer cottages are often faced with the need to choose the right tool for various types of work. With so many to choose from, it's easy to get confused. First you need to find out whethe...

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Washing machine Electrolux malfunction DIY repair - Setafi

Washing machine Electrolux malfunction DIY repair - SetafiHomeAppliancesWashing Machine

Do-it-yourself repair of malfunctions of the Electrolux washing machine is possible if the breakdown is not too serious, and also with the appropriate experience. As a rule, the drain system become...

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How to install a mobile air conditioner in the apartment yourself? – Setafi

How to install a mobile air conditioner in the apartment yourself? – SetafiHomeAppliancesAir Conditioner

moyo.uaA monoblock is a type of climate control equipment that has recently been introduced to the market, but already has its fans and ill-wishers. And all why? Some have remained adherents of sta...

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