
How to transfer a gas meter: procedure and rules for transferring a flow meter

How to transfer a gas meter: procedure and rules for transferring a flow meterGasificationGas Equipment

Have you started repairs in the kitchen and wondered how to move the gas meter so that it does not spoil the interior of the room? Or is the data transmitted by the flow meter difficult to read due...

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Gas meter warranty period: the service life of the equipment and the subtleties of its replacement

Gas meter warranty period: the service life of the equipment and the subtleties of its replacementGasificationGas Equipment

Depending on the purpose of the gas appliance - for individual or industrial use, as well as its model and brand, the warranty period of the gas meter may be different. Dismantling and replacement ...

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Ball gas valve for underground installation: selection criteria + operating rules

Ball gas valve for underground installation: selection criteria + operating rulesGasificationGas Equipment

Timely isolation of the gas pipeline section on which the accident occurred is necessary for the prompt elimination of the problem. In such situations, one cannot hesitate. Do you agree? Using a ga...

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Do-it-yourself gas grill: types of gas barbecues and methods for their assembly

Do-it-yourself gas grill: types of gas barbecues and methods for their assemblyGasificationGas Equipment

Connoisseurs of classic barbecue are sure that for fun gatherings in nature it is worth building a gas grill with your own hands, without overpaying for the finished product. Such a simple design w...

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Copper pipes for gas: requirements for a copper gas pipeline and features of its arrangement

Copper pipes for gas: requirements for a copper gas pipeline and features of its arrangementInstallation WorkGasification

For the installation of gas pipelines, pipes made of various materials are used: HDPE, steel and copper. Polymer products are used only for underground laying; steel wiring is mounted inside houses...

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How to insulate a gas pipe on the street from condensate: the choice of material and instruction on insulation

How to insulate a gas pipe on the street from condensate: the choice of material and instruction on insulationInstallation WorkGasification

The operating parameters in the gas system are maintained due to a number of conditions, among which the selection of a suitable equipment and pipe material, installation of regulators, competently...

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Gas analyzer calibration rules: norms, requirements and an overview of the work methodology

Gas analyzer calibration rules: norms, requirements and an overview of the work methodologySecurity QuestionsGasification

It is likely that you have come across government controls over gas appliances. Perhaps you are an entrepreneur and even the smallest aspects of costs matter to you? We believe that a very small nu...

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Is it possible to warm up with a gas stove: the danger of heating the room with the included gas

Is it possible to warm up with a gas stove: the danger of heating the room with the included gasSecurity QuestionsGasification

When the temperature in the apartment tends to uncomfortably low values, residents begin an active search for a solution to the problem. And often the first thing that comes to mind is to turn on t...

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Amine gas purification from hydrogen sulfide: installation diagram and principle of operation

Amine gas purification from hydrogen sulfide: installation diagram and principle of operationSecurity QuestionsGasification

Sulfur compounds in different proportions are contained in natural gas extracted from the fields for delivery to the consumer via pipelines. If you do not get rid of them, aggressive substances wil...

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What are smart gas meters: device, principle of operation and rules for installing new gas meters in apartments

What are smart gas meters: device, principle of operation and rules for installing new gas meters in apartmentsGasificationGas Equipment

Digital technologies open up new opportunities for obtaining accurate information on the consumption of electricity, water, gas, and other energy resources consumed by the population. And now, the ...

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