
The multifaceted history of the faceted glass: who invented it?

The multifaceted history of the faceted glass: who invented it?DishesGlasses

The exposition of the Faberge Museum, located in Baden-Baden, has a very unusual exhibit. This avant-garde stone-cut jewelry still life is notable for the fact that one of its "heroes" is an ordina...

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Are there any fundamental differences between a glass and a wine glass?DishesWine Glasses

Russian - one of the richest languages ​​in the world - has absorbed many foreign words. A glass and a wine glass are among them, borrowed. In everyday life, we often use them as synonymous words. ...

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Turkish tea glass: names and detailed descriptionDishesGlasses

Some foreign words sound and read almost like ours, but have a different meaning. For example, a mess (bardak), which in Turkish can mean a glass or a cup. This means different types of these dishe...

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What kind of whiskey glass is needed and what determines the choice of dishesDishesGlasses

In films where the heroes enjoy whiskey, you can see different versions of the same thing: a massive wide glass with a thick bottom and straight walls, into which either a little strong drink is po...

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How pints and ounces are indicated on measuring cupsDishesGlasses

A measuring cup is a useful invention to help you keep the exact proportions of ingredients. Originally designed to measure liquids, these containers have evolved over time into something more perf...

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What is a dessert spoon and what is eaten with it? Features of the deviceDishesCutlery

I don't know a single person who doesn't like sweets. Desserts are a special ritual that completes a leisurely meal. In cafes and restaurants, a special device is served with a sweet dish. It bears...

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Popular and not so popular plates for food and servingDishes

From a young age, I knew only five types of plates: half-portion, half-cup, side dish, serving and saucer. The bowl stood apart in this classification - it was also a berry, as it were, from the sa...

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How much salt, sugar and other foods are in a teaspoon?DishesCutlery

In recipes for cooking, most often the weight of the ingredients is written in grams. But how to measure these very grams if there are no special measuring spoons in the house? Ordinary tea utensil...

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What are the pans and what are they used for?Dishes

Choosing a frying pan for the kitchen, many are guided by their needs, comparing them with the widespread options for this dish. To put it simply: people choose from what they know. That is why tod...

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How many grams are in a bowl of soup: what is the capacity?Dishes

Soup is an integral part of the daily menu. Perhaps it is difficult to find a person who would refuse a fragrant dish. The treats captivate with a variety - there are soups for meat, fish, vegetabl...

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