
Which cauldron is better - cast iron or aluminum, and why?DishesKazan

Kazan is an irreplaceable thing in the kitchen. You can cook anything in this dish. At the same time, the dishes turn out to be juicy and tasty, the products do not lose their useful qualities. But...

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How to choose a saucepan: which are the best on the market todayDishesPans

Every housewife knows how important a saucepan is in the kitchen. In the arsenal of a woman, there is not one, but several at once. But in stores there is such an extensive selection of this type o...

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Enamelled pots: the best manufacturers and selection criteriaDishesPans

Most sources claim that enameled dishes are a thing of the past long ago. In fact, with the advent of new technologies, it just went to a new level. It is still a popular type of kitchen utensil th...

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Stainless steel pans: which company is better, what to chooseDishesPans

Stainless steel cookware is available in almost every home. It is safe, environmentally friendly, looks presentable, and it is a pleasure to cook in it. But the housewives, faced with the choice of...

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Types of cauldrons: material of manufacture, shape, thickness, volumeDishesKazan

In most cases, it may seem that the cauldron is a rather primitive design, and the models do not differ at all from each other. Perhaps only the obvious nuances. For example, the volume and materia...

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How to cook in an Afghan cauldron: features of use, precautionsDishesKazan

Until recently, Uzbek cauldrons were popular, and it is worth saying that they just perfectly coped with their function - cooking delicious dishes. But then they were replaced by Afghan models, who...

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How to wash a cauldron: proper cleaning from dirtDishesKazan

The cast-iron cauldron has long ceased to be an object of national treasure. Today, many happy owners of personal land plots purchase such utensils for preparing delicious meals in the fresh air. I...

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Which pot will cool the liquid faster: an overview of the speciesDishesPans

When purchasing kitchen utensils, the hostess always notes the moment how much the new pan will keep warm. This is necessary in order to serve warm and tasty food instead of unsightly cold lumps of...

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How to clean a burnt pot: effective waysDishesPans

Often, the hostess has an unpleasant situation, and the pan becomes covered with a layer of carbon. This is true with jam, since it takes a very long time to cook, requiring regular stirring. Any k...

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How many grams are in a ladle: volume standardsDishesLadle

We all remember how cleverly in Soviet-style canteens, the woman at the counter manages to fill a glass of juice with one ladle. But does this skill mean that 200 grams of liquid is placed in a sta...

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