Let's see how to make LED lighting aquarium yourself. First, let's see why a similar source has been chosen, and then we will show that it is not always reasonable to pay to the store for a lamp ...
Read MoreIn principle, there are strict standards for installation, and they are often not respected. It comes to the point that people have to find ways to change the outlet with their own hands. Po...
Read MoreLED bulbs at first glance may seem expensive. It is not necessary to buy top models of Philips for 2000 rubles a piece. Chinese LED bulbs of similar luminosity are cheaper( 200 rubles).It would s...
Read MoreCraftsmen, collecting the device, often think about how to connect capacitors in parallel or in series. Far from any nominal is produced by the industry, the task of providing the design with a b...
Read MoreSurprised: let's discuss how to connect a motion sensor to a light bulb, give tips on finalizing the circuit. Noticed that tiring, when you have to pull the "earth" on this branch, you can save b...
Read MoreNo home use for exotic tools. If external and internal pullers, induction heaters, special devices for driving are produced for cars, everything is simple and straightforward in everyday life. Bu...
Read MoreIn 1801, the English physicist Sir Humphry Davy showed that a platinum filament was capable of emitting light. True, the sample evaporated too quickly, it was not possible to extract benefit from...
Read MoreModern screwdriver indicators will relieve the headache of a person trying to understand how to determine the phase, zero, earth. Seen difficulty, tell below. For testing, a signal generated by a...
Read MoreFamiliar sensation - the antenna is beating with current. Such negative effects arise from the lack of a potential equalization system. The atmosphere is characterized by its own potential. But w...
Read MoreFluorescent lamps are distinguished by applying a special component to the flask. We saw it in the composition of cathode-ray tube televisions - it is a phosphor. When a substance is irradiated b...
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