
The device of the Russian stove: with the names of the elements and the scheme, the principle of operation.

The device of the Russian stove: with the names of the elements and the scheme, the principle of operation.Stoves

The Russian stove has a fairly simple device, although it has many components that perform different functions. The principle of its work has been verified for centuries and remains unchanged to t...

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Types of stoves for a bath: by type of construction, material and fuel

Types of stoves for a bath: by type of construction, material and fuelStoves

Furnaces for a bath differ in parameters, appearance and type of work. The main goal of the device is to maintain the necessary microclimate in the bath. Today, in stores you can find many differe...

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Types of brick stoves for the home: Russian stove, Dutch, Swedish, bell stoves, advantages and disadvantages, operating rules

Types of brick stoves for the home: Russian stove, Dutch, Swedish, bell stoves, advantages and disadvantages, operating rulesStoves

Despite the common points that are inherent in all types of stoves, each has its own characteristics, advantages and disadvantages. In the same article, we will examine in detail each of these asp...

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Choosing a stove for a bath: which and how to choose, wood, electric or gas

Choosing a stove for a bath: which and how to choose, wood, electric or gasStoves

The choice of a furnace for a bath is a responsible matter. It is important not to miscalculate and find the very "middle ground". After all, if it is decided to take a heater with a large supply ...

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Stoves on working out with your hands: the operating principle, drawing, assembly

Stoves on working out with your hands: the operating principle, drawing, assemblyStoves

The specificity of heating residential premises are lower requirements of the climate in these areas. This may be a reduced amount of oxygen, an unacceptable for premises and an increased amount o...

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Stones furnace for the bath, which is best

Stones furnace for the bath, which is bestStoves

Before selecting the acquisition, of course, you must first learn and understand the basic parameters. Because it will depend on how long the stones will withstand the operation. Main characterist...

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Facing of bath furnace brick: why use, the advantages of a brick as done intelligently

Facing of bath furnace brick: why use, the advantages of a brick as done intelligentlyAppliancesStoves

Metal furnace has long conquered its place in the construction of baths. They differ in their qualitative characteristics and efficiency, however, use them in the "naked" form strongly discouraged ...

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