
Do I need an incubator for quails at home?

Do I need an incubator for quails at home?Farm

The content of the article: Requirements for the incubation of quails at home The principles of building a self-made incubatorIncubation of quails - video . The incubator for quails is a th...

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Symptoms of goat diseases and their treatment at home

Symptoms of goat diseases and their treatment at homeFarm

The content of the article: Types of diseases of goat herd Diseases of dairy goats Diseases of the udderVideo about stomach diseases of goats . Domestic goats are the most unpretentious ani...

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Diarrhea in broiler chickens: treatment and prevention

Diarrhea in broiler chickens: treatment and preventionFarm

The content of the article: White diarrhea in broilers: treatment and possible causes Broilers have brownish diarrhea Broilers complain: than to treat?Broilers themselves do not die - video ....

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Than to treat in house conditions of broilers if they sneeze and wheeze

Than to treat in house conditions of broilers if they sneeze and wheezeFarm

The content of the article: Conditions that affect bird health Doctors talk about wheezing as a sign of disease A symptom of a malaise is sneezing of broilers Can the chicken of broilers be cont...

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Let's find out what to feed the laying hens for

Let's find out what to feed the laying hens forFarm

The content of the article: How do I feed hens at home? Composition of fodder for laying hens at home What kind of grass can you give hens to hens? Composition of mixed fodders for laying hens N...

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Features of breeding mule ducks at home

Features of breeding mule ducks at homeFarm

The content of the article: Origin of domestic mule ducks Features of breeding mule ducks Growing ducks of mulberries at homeCultivation of mule ducks - video . The mulberry ducks deserved ...

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How to make a spring bee spring: a video and a description of the ways

How to make a spring bee spring: a video and a description of the waysFarm

The content of the article: Transfer of bees to a new beehive: young or flying? Breeding on the "strange" fetus Breeding of bees with barren uterus The brood with the "native" fertilized uterusC...

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Diseases of bees: signs, drugs for treatment and prevention measures

Diseases of bees: signs, drugs for treatment and prevention measuresFarm

The content of the article: Varroatosis of bees Nosematosis of bees Acarapidosis of bees Ascosferosis of bees Foulbroods and other infectious diseases of bees Preparations for bees Features of n...

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How to keep quails at home?

How to keep quails at home?Farm

Contents of the article: When do quails begin to trot? How many eggs can a quail bring? Errors in feeding and care - causes of reduced egg production How to support ...

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Sheep shearing machine: features of choice and use

Sheep shearing machine: features of choice and useFarm

Content of the article: Features and terms of sheep shearing criteria for the design of a pattern of openings for all-over.depending on the breed and destination. Therefore, ...

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