
Lovage and celery are the same or not

Lovage and celery are the same or notGarden

Celery or lovage? Coming into the market is easy to make a mistake with their choice. Not everyone knows that celery and lovage are not the same, but different plants and their similarity is only...

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2018 - Moon's influence on plants and the lunar phase calendar by months

2018 - Moon's influence on plants and the lunar phase calendar by monthsGarden

From the state of the moon, in what phase and zodiac sign it is, depends on the growth and development of plants. The influence of the moon on plants is great. It should be noted that when the mo...

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Planting carrots and other vegetables in winter

Planting carrots and other vegetables in winterGarden

After several years of living in the Kuban region, I came to the conclusion that at the beginning of my vegetable gardening I had chosen the wrong time for under-winter sowing. Planting carrots i...

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The benefits and harms of red beet for the human body

The benefits and harms of red beet for the human bodyGarden

Beetroot is an annual, biennial, and perennial plant. Belongs to the family "Amarantoe".Beet has 13 species and only 2 of them are cultivated plants. Bred it in vegetable gardens for the extracti...

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The best fertilizer and fertilizer for cucumbers

The best fertilizer and fertilizer for cucumbersGarden

Vegetable is really very popular, combining the freshness of flavor, crunch, juiciness and low calorie content. Its nutritional value is low, but it just allows you to eat as much as your soul de...

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5 options how to make a support for the peas do it yourself

5 options how to make a support for the peas do it yourselfGarden

The mistake of many gardeners is growing peas without tying them to a support. This significantly reduces the yield and complicates the care of plants. Trellis for a pea bed is not difficult to d...

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The benefits and harms of eggplant for human health

The benefits and harms of eggplant for human healthGarden

Humanity has been cultivating vegetables for centuries. They enrich the diet with vitamins, make the daily menu varied. The abundance of vegetables allows you to choose for food those that are to...

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What does hare cabbage look like and its healing properties

What does hare cabbage look like and its healing propertiesGarden

Rabbit cabbage is a plant from the Kislick family. Foliage resembles with its heart shape on elongated stems. Their shade may be green or brown-red, with interesting patterns. Flowering plant b...

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Is cucumber a berry, vegetable or fruit?

Is cucumber a berry, vegetable or fruit?Garden

Cucumber has become a familiar guest on our table : which vitamin salad will do without thinly sliced ​​green circles in it, and can you imagine winter preparations without it? This dweller of ...

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Garden and garden in the fall - tips on what you can and should do before winter

Garden and garden in the fall - tips on what you can and should do before winterGarden

Our garden and garden in the fall require no less effort from us than in the spring. Tips, I think, will not be superfluous. No one article has already been written by me that we can even have ti...

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