
Embedment for a chandelier in a stretch ceiling: detailed instructions for installing platforms for chandeliers

Embedment for a chandelier in a stretch ceiling: detailed instructions for installing platforms for chandeliersInstallation WorkVentilation

When stretching the ceiling, problems often arise with the installation of lighting devices, especially if it is a bulky chandelier. The optimal solution is a chandelier embedded in a stretch ceili...

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Do I need a humidifier in my apartment? Points for and against

Do I need a humidifier in my apartment? Points for and againstVentilationAir Conditioning Systems

There is no dust in the air saturated with moisture. It is bound by microscopic water droplets and deposited on the surface of the earth. The water mist acts as a moisturizing mask on the face and ...

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Does a humidifier help with allergies: tips for using the unit for allergy sufferers and asthmatics

Does a humidifier help with allergies: tips for using the unit for allergy sufferers and asthmaticsVentilationAir Conditioning Systems

Unfortunately, the prevalence of allergic diseases is increasing all over the world. Already more than a third of the world's population is susceptible to this insidious disease. The occurrence of ...

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Ultrasonic humidifier: pros and cons, tips for choosing and using

Ultrasonic humidifier: pros and cons, tips for choosing and usingVentilationAir Conditioning Systems

For a comfortable stay in his own home, a person needs favorable conditions, among which is the standard air humidity. If it is too dry or too wet, the body reacts quickly. Skin and breathing probl...

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The harm and benefits of a moisturizer for the human body: is it worth buying a moisturizer and why

The harm and benefits of a moisturizer for the human body: is it worth buying a moisturizer and whyVentilationAir Conditioning Systems

If you try to hold your breath, you will quickly want to take a breath. But, to paraphrase an old ad, not all air is equally useful. But a comfortable indoor atmosphere directly affects health.Is i...

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Do I need to prime the walls before puttingty: choice of material + order of work

Do I need to prime the walls before puttingty: choice of material + order of workInstallation WorkVentilation

Plastering the walls is more a necessity than a whim of meticulous owners, because it is almost impossible to buy an apartment with even walls today. Many owners, after buying finishing materials, ...

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What is better non-woven wallpaper or vinyl: the advantages and disadvantages of materials + features of the choice of wallpaper

What is better non-woven wallpaper or vinyl: the advantages and disadvantages of materials + features of the choice of wallpaperInstallation WorkVentilation

Wallpaper is often pasted over walls and ceilings in residential apartments, houses and offices. Agree, repairs are done for a single year and not only beauty is important, but also the practicalit...

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Do-it-yourself gazebos made of wood: a selection of popular ideas + drawings and detailed assembly instructions

Do-it-yourself gazebos made of wood: a selection of popular ideas + drawings and detailed assembly instructionsInstallation WorkVentilation

A gazebo is something that a home craftsman can build with a minimum of skills in carpentry. And building a gazebo with your own hands from wood will become more accessible if at the planning stage...

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How to open an interior door without a key: an overview of the best ways

How to open an interior door without a key: an overview of the best waysInstallation WorkVentilation

Suddenly you found yourself in front of the slammed door to the next room and realize that you cannot open it? And it doesn't matter what caused this - a draft, the tricks of a beloved pet, or your...

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Do-it-yourself fence from a professional sheet: drawings, techniques and secrets of assembling a structure

Do-it-yourself fence from a professional sheet: drawings, techniques and secrets of assembling a structureInstallation WorkVentilation

If you want to protect your site from prying eyes, then a professional sheet fence is an effective and inexpensive way to do this. Such a fence looks modern and attractive, and with proper installa...

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