Water Supply

PPR fittings: selection rules and advantages of use for polypropylene pipes, tees, couplings, fittings

PPR fittings: selection rules and advantages of use for polypropylene pipes, tees, couplings, fittingsWater SupplyPlumbing Installation

To replace an old steel water pipe with a new one made of polypropylene, three things will be required - polypropylene pipes, soldering iron with cutter and PPR fittings. You can master the assembl...

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Couplings for metal pipes: types, connection features, installation rules, how to choose

Couplings for metal pipes: types, connection features, installation rules, how to chooseWater SupplyPlumbing Installation

Couplings for metal pipes have been used in the joints of pipe blanks for a long time. They became an alternative to welded joints and made pipelines detachable. When using them, there was no need ...

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Polypropylene pipe 25 mm: reinforced, for heating, characteristics, material and scope, types, installation

Polypropylene pipe 25 mm: reinforced, for heating, characteristics, material and scope, types, installationWater SupplyPlumbing Installation

Of the variety of polymer pipes for water, products made of polypropylene are especially in demand. The material is easy to process, easy to cut and solder. From the nomenclature of sizes 16-60 mm,...

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Fastening polypropylene pipes to the wall: how to fix it correctly, types of fasteners, distance, methods

Fastening polypropylene pipes to the wall: how to fix it correctly, types of fasteners, distance, methodsWater SupplyPlumbing Installation

Polypropylene pipes superior to steel in a number of criteria. The blanks are easy to cut to the desired size, soldered into the most complex plumbing or heating circuit.The only drawback is that t...

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Polypropylene pipe PN10: description, how to install, scope, reviews, photos, marking, pros and cons

Polypropylene pipe PN10: description, how to install, scope, reviews, photos, marking, pros and consWater Supply

The emergence of a new technology for forming products from cast polypropylene has led to the fact that in modern realities, a polypropylene pipe PN10, as well as PN20, PN25, practically replaced s...

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Pipes for water supply: for hot and cold, which types are better, diameter, materials, pressure, choice

Pipes for water supply: for hot and cold, which types are better, diameter, materials, pressure, choiceWater Supply

When planning a scheme for arranging water communications in a house, most problems do not arise with placement of consumers or calculation of water consumption, and with the choice of characterist...

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Replacing pipes in an apartment: sewer, water supply, wiring, do-it-yourself installation, which ones to choose, cost

Replacing pipes in an apartment: sewer, water supply, wiring, do-it-yourself installation, which ones to choose, costWater Supply

Repair of the water supply system is a real test for all residents. It is almost impossible to replace pipes in an apartment in one day on your own. It will take at least two or three days to cut o...

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Connecting a pumping station to a well: work technology

Connecting a pumping station to a well: work technologyWater SupplyPump Equipment

Well drilling completed, what's next? It is necessary to organize a water supply system that allows you to wash dishes, take a shower, water plants and connect household appliances. Connecting the ...

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Tap water is electric: reasons, what to do, problem diagnosis, how to fix the situation

Tap water is electric: reasons, what to do, problem diagnosis, how to fix the situationWater SupplyOther

There are many reasons why tap water is hot. This situation is abnormal and requires the intervention of a specialist. And it's not even about the level of discomfort experienced by each member of ...

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Pipes for water supply: for hot and cold, which types are better, diameter, materials, pressure, choice

Pipes for water supply: for hot and cold, which types are better, diameter, materials, pressure, choiceWater Supply

When planning a scheme for arranging water communications in a house, most problems do not arise with placement of consumers or calculation of water consumption, and with the choice of characterist...

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